Power, Illusion

The user can create magical constructs of psychic energy to manipulate the perceptions of mortals. Since most people depend on vision, hearing and other senses to gain information on their surroundings, this power presents the awesome ability to apparently alter the nature of reality.

The illusion can take any size or appearance the user desires and is limited only by their imagination. The Illusion can be a realistic simulation, a fanciful creation direct from his mind, or an abstract display of light.

Although not truly physical, they are convincing enough to deceive, terrify, and even possibly harm victims. Each illusion costs different amounts of P.P.E depending on how powerful, large or effective the illusion is. All illusionary powers can be resisted and seen through with a save versus the user's magic, but only when a victim has a reason to suspect the image is not real, such as a successful perception roll.

All illusions (2 P.P.E) can either be constructions of light, or actually a flimsy existence (10 P.P.E), having one S.D.C point per cubic foot of size. Sound and minor visual images cost only 2 P.P.E per minute. A combination of sound and image or an illusion of smell cost 5 P.P.E per minute. Full sensory illusions cost 20 P.P.E per minute.

The images will look, sound and/or smell real to the victim.

Range: Any effect anyway on the area the user is focusing on and can clearly see, and affects a 600 foot radius, plus one foot radius per additional P.P.E spent. These illusions can be mechanically detected and recorded by such means as photography or television. Illusions can provide a measure of protection against light-based attacks. An illusory tent, for example would provide protection against both infrared and ultraviolet light, thus keeping people and object cool and safe from sunburn. It does not provide protection against any other effects. For exampe, that illusory tent would be drafty, cold, and flimsy. Energy Expulsion Powers can be redirected to apparently originate from the illusion rather than from Caspian. More commonly, the power is used to disguise the true nature of anything the user or his companions might be doing.