Darklord, Colin Craven

Colin Craven, the child Darklord of Misselthwaite, is a figure of tragedy. Cursed with a frail body, he found solace in dark magic, which granted him power but bound him to his domain. He is both the master and prisoner of Misselthwaite manor, his soul intertwined with its very foundations. His greatest torment is the Secret Garden, a reminder of the purity and innocence he can never reclaim. 


Colin Craven is cursed with a shifting appearance that oscillates between a semblance of health and a monstrous, sickly form. This transformation is a physical manifestation of both his inner turmoil and the dark forces at play within his domain, reflecting the dual nature of his existence. 

In moments when Colin taps into the dark powers at his disposal or when the fear and suffering of others temporarily alleviate his own curse, he appears as a young boy with an eerie, ethereal beauty, almost as he might have without the curse's influence. His skin takes on a healthier pallor, free from the sickness that usually plagues him. His eyes, a deep, penetrating gray, hold within them a mix of wisdom and sorrow far beyond his years, and a dark charisma, commanding attention and respect. His posture straightens, and he moves with an ease and grace that belies his usual frailty. This transformation is not complete nor true health; it's merely a shadow of what could have been, a temporary reprieve bought at a great cost. This form is as much a part of his curse as his monstrous state, serving as a bitter reminder of what he can never fully reclaim: his humanity and innocence. 

More often, Colin embodies the physical manifestations of his curse and fears. His skin becomes pallid and hangs loosely on his bones, marked by veins and splotches that speak of his internal torment. His eyes, though still bright, are sunken, surrounded by dark circles that hint at his perpetual suffering. His body is twisted and frail, each movement accompanied by a grimace of pain or discomfort, making his reliance on a wheelchair or the support of his servants a necessity. 


Current Sketch

At the core of his character lies a cunning intelligence and a manipulative streak, honed over centuries of solitude and the unyielding grip of his curse. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, his persona is layered, a tapestry woven from threads of vulnerability, bitterness, and a deeply buried desire for redemption. When it suits himself Colin will present himself as a fragile, ailing child, a guise he has perfected over the years. However, beneath this facade lies a tumult of emotions and plans.