
Wilderness Random Encounter Table

01-20% Hermit or Survivalist: The player characters come across a single little cabin or shelter hidden in the woods. Knocking on the door, they find a hermit or woodsman, an outcast from civilization who has been living in the wilderness for years. This individual may not even know that the Apocalypse has happened, so little an effect has it had on his life. He knows the local area and the good hunting and fishing sites, but might be unsettled at the prospect of interacting with people for the first time in years.

21-30% Loggers: A group of 6D6 loggers have been forced to abandon their camp due to an attack or disaster. They have set off on their trucks and construction vehicles, armed mainly with chain-saws and axes. They are trying to stick to the country roads and uninhabited forests, already associating towns and population centers with danger.

31-40% Hikers: A pair or group of 2D4 hikers have decided to stay in the wilderness and survive as best they can. They are ordinary people and have been managing life in the wild okay, but it has been a struggle. They are glad to meet other people and, perhaps, get some real food to eat.

41-55% Hunters: 2D4 hunters are encountered, hiking the trails or riding along in a pickup truck, SUV or two. They have a large amount of venison that they might be willing to trade, and are equipped with long-range rifles and outdoor gear. The hunters are also probably familiar with the local terrain, and are decent shots with their rifles.