Monster, Puck

The Puck is a black-hearted monster that vaguely resembles the Satyr, except that its upper body is more demonic than human, and its complexion is a dingy gray. Their pranks are destructive and brutal.

They are muscled beasts of violence and hatred, ever ready to launch themselves into the fray. Frothing at the mouth and tossing their heads in agitation they attack with little provocation, slashing or hacking or beating their prey to the ground with their bare hands.

Pucks enjoy torturing others, as well as a multitude of other sadistic depravities. Pucks also hoard valuables, such as precious metals, gems, jewelry, magic items, weapons and armor. This is, in part, an emotional need to hold power over lesser creatures. Humanoids value wealth and possessions, therefore, it will take these objects of desire and keep them for itself, regardless of whether the demon actually needs or wants them. They also collect the skulls of their victims.

Alignment: Any, but almost always miscreant or diabolic evil.

Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated. I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 2D6. P.P. 3D6+6. P.E. 3D6. P.B. 2D6. Spd. 4D6+6

Size: Three to four feet tall (0.9 to 1.2 m) and weighs 3D6+100 pounds (about 30 kg).

Natural A.R.: 10

Hit Points: P.E. x3

S.D.C.: 1D4x10+10

Horror Factor: 10 for a lone individual, 13 for a pack of 4 or more.

Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m). fair normal vision, sense the location of water 50%,

Magic Spells: Limited to the following spells, provided the monster has sufficient P.P.E.: Chameleon (6), Climb (3), Cloak of Darkness (6), Detect Concealment (6), Escape (8), and Invisibility: Simple (6). Spell potency is equal to the monster's experience level.

Psionics: None

Combat: Five hand to hand attacks per melee or two using magic. Claws/punch 1D6 S.D.C., power punch 1D4 (counts as two attacks), kick 3D6 S.D.C., bite 1D6+2 S.D.C., or magic weapon.

Bonuses: +3 on initiative. +2 to strike, parry and dodge, +2 lo roll with impact, +6 to save vs horror factor, and +2 on all saving throws

R.C.C. Skills: Speaks ancient Greek and Latin 98%, plus two additional languages at the base skill +10% skill bonus, land navigation 70%, wilderness survival 75%, track animals 60%. track humans 55%, faerie lore 85%, demon & monster lore 70%, dance 75%. prowl 50%, palming 55%. concealment 48%. pick pockets 60%, pick locks 65%. streetwise 48%. climb 90%/8O%. swim 80%. and select four W.P.s (any) of choice. Skills do not increase.

Notes: Never wear clothes, but may use armor or weapons of any kind; particularly fond of blade/cutting weapons for torture.