Concept, Haunted House

Haunted houses are characterized by unexplainable noises. Strong rappings; footsteps; pounding; clanging; or soft, rustling noises are typical manifestations, and it is not uncommon to hear human voices. Groans and moans may emanate from the walls, or animal noises or even inanimate sounds, like the ringing of a telephone, may be clearly heard.

Sight is another way through which supernatural manifestations may occur. The typical "ghost" is a shadowy apparition, a slowly moving figure or light. Some entities may clearly manifest themselves as persons, animals, or hideous monsters. They may appear and disappear, move through walls, or suddenly change form. Some such "ghosts" appear repeatedly and even regularly. Objects may move around, or be thrown suddenly and violently across the room or onto the floor.

Touch is a sense often associated with ghostly manifestations in haunted houses. The temperature in a room may drop or rise suddenly and unexplainably. The place may have a clammy, sinister atmosphere that seems to cover everything. An evil spirit can sometimes actually cause a physical sensation, such as choking, pinching, or even a hard blow that can knock a person to the ground. Often the entities will leave bruises, bite marks, and cuts on their victims.

Smell is a sense often affected by manifestations. Such places reek with a sickening, musty smell.