Campaign Event, The Final Judgment

At the Final Judgment, Yahweh resurrects countless billions of lives throughout history for the sole purpose of torturing them for all eternity.

The event takes place in what is known as the Throne Center: an arena or stadium hundreds of square miles, shaped like a colossal horseshoe and enclosed by magnificent giant golden columns several miles high. At the opening of the horseshoe there are two empty thrones on a raised marble platform that has ornate, statuesque sculptures around the top edges and on the sloped sides. In front of the two large thrones, at a lower level, are twenty-four smaller thrones. Behind the thrones and platforms stands a massive pipe organ; as large as a battleship. Details change; the thrones grow in size to accommodate changes in Yeshua and Yahweh, for example the arena expands in size to accommodate all the souls that will be present for the judgement; every soul that has ever been born.

Billions of terrified souls and raptured saints instantly fall to their knees and try to hide their faces from Yahweh and Yeshua.

He is now thousands of feet tall, and sitting on a large, shining white throne. A river of reddish-orange fire runs in a straight line beneath the throne and stretches endlessly through the billions of souls on their knees. The void's only source of light comes from the fiery river and the white light surrounding Yahweh and the Great White Throne. The light around Yahweh's face shines brighter than the noon sun. This is God; far different from anyone had ever seen him. His form shines radiantly white. He wears an elaborately decorated robe, long and flowing around the throne and onto the transparent glass floor. A white crown sits upon white hair, and touching a neatly trimmed beard barely visible through the white luminous aura surrounding his face.  

Yeshua's head is leaned forward and bent over as in a mediating state.

The "sheep" are excited with anticipation, jumping with joy. and shouting songs of praise to Jesus as they stand in front of the millions of poor bewildered and tortured souls.

You fight the urge to kneel as an incredible sense of immense power and potency falls upon you. You dare to hope, but see that hope quickly dash as the Great Book of Life lies open before you, its pages thick with signatures, but all the names indited there are blurred to your vision, and you cannot read them.

You scream inside your mind. "How can this be?"

For some of the "goats" there is cautious optimism as thoughts turn to their accomplishments on earth which might gain them entry to Heaven.

For others, their eyes are filled with the imminent hysterical terror of a grade-school child who has finally come face to face with the teacher they have been taunting at a distance throughout the semester.

Those hopeful are forcibly reminded that the works of man are "as filthy rags" compared to God on his throne. Works are only rewarded when they are done for him, not themselves.

The angel over the Altar of Fire has an unexplainable sneer on his time-weathered face while drumming his fingers on the ladle's handle with anxious anticipation. His fingers make a disturbing tapping sound, which echoes the expanse. This angel is the one who brings ladles of fire to test the quality of people's deeds to receive a reward.

After finishing the account of one's deed (no matter how virtuous or selfless), Yeshua concludes with angrily banging his clenched fist against the armrest of the throne. Fire and sparks splatter everywhere from the mighty impact. Jesus then forcefully motions with the sharp sickle in his hand at the angel to test the previously stated works with fire. The angel's expression turns to a torturing grin as he slowly pours the hot acidity fire from the ladle over the works and the person. They burn and the fire eats at the person's soul.

Each time Yeshua asks, "Why did you do what you just told me you did?"

Each time the person is compelled to answer the same way, regardless: "For myself, not You".

Then Yeshua gestures at the Keeper over the Book of Works again. The Bookkeeper sneers at the person again as he opens the book.

Then Jesus with fire coming from his fearsome eyes looks at the Keeper of the Book of Life and angrily nods as he cuts the air with his sharp sickle in a hostile gesture. The Bookkeeper opens the Book of Life to where the person's name had been electrotype set and fused into print "before time began" and then  blotted out. Everyone else views this also because the Bookkeeper holds the verdict up for others and turns in a mocking way around and around with a smirk on his face so all can see.

"This is not fair!" the person cries.

"I NEVER KNEW YOU, AWAY FROM ME YOU EVILDOER!" Jesus roars like a lion loudly enough to shake the platform;

They beg the being in the billowing white robes, for mercy, knowing that there is no way to reason with him, once the rules have been violated. Crying out for the Holy Spirit to help is useless for there is nothing -just-dead silence.

"They told me you were a loving and understanding judge, not this!"

Notable Judgements:


For those in the New Heavens and the New Earth, eternity continues for a while longer. Ending only when Yahweh tires of the constant praise from his followers. In a fit of jealous insanity, Yahweh declares that all who worship his son, Yeshua, is acting in violation of his first commandment ("thou shalt have no other gods before me") and condemns all saved Christians to the Lake of Fire as well.

As for Yeshua himself, even the avatar is not spared and is either sent there (or more likely) reabsorbed. The angels and the New Heaven, and New Jerusalem are destroyed by Yahweh in a glorious orgy of divine destruction.