Random Event Table, Corridor

Underlined events will only occur after the computer has been alerted to the PCs presence, while non-underlined events can happen at any point in the adventure, while some

1% From one of the small crystalline arrays in the glass dome, comes a female voice saying: "Your attention please...your attention please...an escaped mental patient is believed to be at large aboard the base. He should be considered armed and dangerous." It is an ancient recording from one of the events leading up to the outbreak of insanity and hysteria that gripped the base before the experiment's end.

Since the voice is in English, it is unlikely that the PCs will understand the message. Since both the woman and the subject in question are long dead, there is no threat.

2% The PCs comes across a message in latin scratched into the walls using a sacrificial dagger. The message reads: NON MIHI HUC, which means "WE SHOULD NOT HAVE COME HERE." he author is a skeleton on the floor before it, his skeletal hand still clutching the dagger.