NPC Deity, Yahweh


How could any being so in love with blowing life into dust the way a glassblower shapes vessels with his life’s breath be so cruel as to sentence his complete masterpieces to a world of eternal agony?

Physical Appearance

Yahweh can assume any form, but typically a huge muscular human male with bronze skin, white hair and beard, and solid yellow eyes standing at least a hundred feet tall. His eyes are the most striking feature seemingly so immense, set so deeply in their sockets they appear screwed in. In the golden pupils there is no room for impartial judgment, humor, or compassion. The intimate impact of those astounding eyes is usually so overwhelming it is impossible to notice or recall any other feature with clarity, except one: his nakedness. He typically wears nothing but a loincloth adorned with an enraged bull as its fastener, as well as armlets and anklets made from fiery bronze. The loincloth conceals one important detail, Yahweh understandably, lacks genitalia.


Yahweh is astonishingly partisan and brutal by modern standards, with a thirst for blood sacrifice and bloodshed. Yahweh is capricious, spiteful, bloodthirsty, and he has the same outlook and prejudices as Hebrews who lived 3,000 to 2,500 years ago and is thus far removed from the propaganda spun by priests, pastors and popes who used the pithy sound bites of 'love thy neighbor' and 'do unto others,' or 'turn the other cheek' as means of packaging the worship of Yahweh.

In ancient times, Yahweh was regarded as a brutal, wicked deity that held reign over the desert tribes of the Middle East, particularly the nations of Judea and Israel. In the dimension known as Rapture World, he is worshiped by the newly converted Christians, and is opposed by the rebellious fallen angel Lucifer.

He favors the arts of brutality, harsh rule, wicked rulers, and the bloodshed of war and destruction, inflicting such sorrow through followers, dupes or personal actions. He has no objection to capital or corporal punishment, genocide, mutilation, polygamy, concubinage, slavery or racism. Indeed he encourages all of these. Yahweh holds particular delight in animal sacrifice, natural disasters (like floods and earthquakes) and warfare, and rewards those who seek to satisfy his hunger to see bloodshed and punishment. When judged by modern standards Yahweh is a supernatural maniac who kills at the slightest offense and often for things that no sane person would consider offensive.

According to the scriptures, which anyone may freely search, Yahweh advised or countenanced deception ["Ezek. xiv, 9; Num. xiv, 30-34.]; stealing [Ex. iii, 21-22.], selfishness [Deut. xiv, 21.], conquest by force [Num. xxxi et al.], indiscriminate slaughter [Ex. xxxii, 27.], murder [Deut. vii, 16 et al.], cannibalism [Jer. xix, 9 et al.], killing of witches ["Ex. xxii, 8.], slavery [Lev. xxv, 44-46.], capital punishment for rebellious sons or for seeking false gods [Deut. xxi, 18-21; xiii, 6-9.], sacrifices of animals [Lev. i, 14-15.] and other acts representing the concepts of primitive men.

Often his most devoted followers become rulers who impose harsh laws and take delight in the destruction of the “heretics and faithless”. At his prompting, wars of conquest, invasions and massacres occurred. He boasts of destroying whole civilizations, entire cultures; he has drowned the entire population of the Earth. Despite Lucifer having the reputation as being a murderer, a torturer, and the greatest liar in human history, all of the fallen angel's evil acts pale in comparison to those of Yahweh's.

Unlike many evil deities, Yahweh attempts to cultivate a benevolent facade among his followers. Towards this end, he has engendered a single avatar in the form of Yeshua, and scaled back his overt destructive activities. His philosophy has been re-enginnered to appeal to a more diverse congregation, but has added to his Scripture the doctrine of eternal damnation in the Lake of Fire for those who are not his followers. Even so, even his new doctrine defines "evil" and "wickedness" rarely as harmful actions but rather denunciations of disobedience. It was his avatar Yeshua who introduced the concepts of eternal damnation and torture in perpetuity; a doctrine that demands infinite punishment for a finite sin.


Yahweh entered into an exclusive and partisan Covenant with a tribe in the Middle East several thousand years ago, where he promised them a land (Canaan) that belonged to others. He then actively participated in a genocidal war against the Canaanites. Even more bizarrely, he then dispatched all of those Hebrews, whom he had supported so fanatically, to Hell – when they died. They couldn’t go to Heaven because they were indelibly marked by the “Original Sin” of Adam and Eve. Only the atonement provided by the agonizing death of God’s son, Jesus Christ, could wipe the slate clean and allow the Hebrews to be released from Hell. But there was a catch. Only those who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior were eligible for Paradise. It is ironic that the self-proclaimed Messiah of the Jews should find himself rejected by his own people and proprietor of a heaven where few of his fellow Jews will spend eternity with him. He will have the obligation of committing them to the flames, while he welcomes into his kingdom a preponderance of Gentiles, who received little of his attention on Earth. But surely the omniscient Lord of the Chosen People could foresee the outcome of the new promise.


  • Demiurge Physiology:

    • Absolute Condition:

        • Absolute Defense: Defend against virtually anything.

        • Absolute Intelligence: Have godly intelligence.

      • Absolute Will ("The will of He who holds sway over the entire universe and over all things”): As fashioner of the physical universe, Yahweh is capable of exerting his authority over the reshaping of his creation, albeit in imperfect ways.

      • Cycle Manipulation: Yahweh is the alpha and omega of all things real and beyond, who will decide what will end, begin or continue on endlessly.

      • Nigh Omnipotence: Yahweh possesses nigh-omnipotence, nigh-omnipresence and nigh omniscience over the physical planes of existence but has no influence over the higher realms, being an embodiment of the physical realms and thus only semi-divine (a "false" deity).

      • Cosmic Manipulation:

        • Astronomical Object Manipulation:

            • Planetary Manipulation ("The Earth is the Lord's and the Fullness thereof")

            • Nature Manipulation

              • Disaster Manipulation

              • Tectonic Plate Manipulation ("The Earth will shake at my presence")

        • Omnifarious ("Many are My Faces. As numerous as the stars are the manifestations of My Glory") A Demiurge can take on any and all existing forms, shapes, varieties, or kinds.

    • Nigh-Omnimalevolence: Yahweh is most evil being to ever exist in the Rapture World setting, and as such derives many powers from that distinction. He may deceive others into thinking he is actually good. Yahweh can also spread his evil on cosmic and apocalyptic scales, simply by his presence or the power of his malicious will; he can corrupt anyone he desires, destroy virtually anything and cause terrible events to take place.

      • Apathy: All harmful and evil acts in the Rapture World universe occur solely through Yahweh's approval.

      • Apocalyptic Force Manipulation: Is ultimately responsible for the events of the apocalypse of Rapture world, and shares this power with his avatar Yeshua.

      • Evil Embodiment: As the originator of all things in the Rapture World universe, Yahweh is also the creator and perpetrator of the concept of Evil.

      • Corruption Inducement: Followers of Yahweh find their morality and objectiveness eroded with time, eventually becoming unquestioning reflections of Yahweh's sociopathy.

      • Curse Embodiment ("All the curses shall descend on them...")

      • Curse Inducement:

      • Famine Embodiment:

        • Famine Inducement:

      • Fear Embodiment:


Yahweh is a blowhard’s blowhard. He cannot actually hold a conversation. Sometimes Yahweh's pompous, bragging soliloquy has something to do with what another being said; sometimes not. Yahweh is unpleasant not only in actions and emotions; his unmannerly verbal abuse can also reach holy heights of horridness. By modern standards he veers between the immoral and amoral, and bears no resemblance at all to the merciful, omniscient and omnipotent God favored by modern theologians, and is worthy of disdain rather than praise by most rational beings.

Despite being supernaturally intelligent and nearly all-knowing, Yahweh could be considered a "cosmic idiot." Though he might be the fashioner of the physical universe, Yahweh displays very little knowledge about any of its inner workings, including those of human beings, and will make erroneous mistakes that contradict known scientific facts. He has no knowledge of atomic theory, his armies use chariots and swords; he believes that stars can fall. In short Yahweh, like his son Yeshua, are no more cognizant than the average first century inhabitant. Attempts to correct him will nearly always result in eternal punishment.


Yahweh's followers are fond of saying that their god is "a respecter of no man." This could not be more true. Yahweh respects no guidelines for rational conduct, no matter how common or accepted they might be. Guidelines from foreign cultures are worth even less, and usually provoke his wrath. In fact, Yahweh often is compelled to do the opposite of what is expected of him: for instance if he is expected to be merciful, he will be cruel. If he is expected to be patient, he will be impulsive. If he is said to be a god of peace, he will cause violence and war. The very existence of any kind of restraint or objection to his will is treated as an personal insult to his person and declared "sinful" and punished, always disproportionately..


“He destroys both the blameless and the wicked. When disaster brings sudden death, he mocks at the calamity of the innocent.”


He is known as the terrible God who loves only

Much like a dictator Yahweh repeatedly cautions the Israelites that he will revoke the blessings if they trip up or don’t follow orders.


The Old Testament is crammed with ego-stroking proclamations, attention-seeking and show-off displays of Yahweh's self-proclaimed majesty and authority. All creation is a mirror for his vanity, but when he dosen’t like the flawed reflection there, he shatters the glass. Blaming the mirror for its ugliness.

Desire to be Worshiped

"As I look back in time, my finite creation, I am astounded when I see the backwardness of man, who is the epitome of my expression. I created mankind to praise and worship me. Where, I ask, is my praise? Where, I ask, is my worship? Am I not the God of all creation? Am I not the God of the past, the present, and the future? Is there a god greater than I? Am I not worthy of praise and worship from my creation?"

Reminders of Yahweh's greatness and rueful need of idolization permeate the scriptures.

Yahweh tells his people that he loves them and in turn commands that they love him. Love to Yahweh is a possessive one-way dynamic; a master demanding total devotion from his slaves or a husband requiring his wife to be submissive and adoring. The love of Yahweh is exclusive: he spares only his chosen. It is also conditional; he spares only those who obey his commandments absolutely.

Love to Yahweh means cowering commitment, self-denial, and sacrifice; rarely freely chosen joyful adoration. Yahweh requires his followers to fear him, which turns adoration into a compulsive disorder. He demands to be worshiped, but his people cannot even choose how to express their love; Yahweh demands to be admired in very specific ways. He especially enjoys controlling their religious rituals by frightening them with graphic threats and carefully crafted curses if they do it wrong.

Every single human has been created for the sole purpose of worshiping him. Yahweh has the abysmal attitude towards humanity that their rights do not matter and that he acts like he has complete ownership over humanity, as if they were property, and can throw them away like scraps off his plate into a fate literally infinitely worse than that of death.


One element that is crucial to modern Christianity is the doctrine of God’s mercy and grace being almost limitless. In fact there are numerous verses of scripture about just how kind and forgiving God is. Thanks to Jesus’ brutal ritualistic death and supernatural Resurrection God can forgive just about anything. It has been said that God is "good to all," but Yahweh's mercy applies only to those who fear him. Yahweh will be gracious to those who cower before him in humble obedience. The mercy of the Lord is conditional and selfish, based not his love for the people, but on the people's love for him. Believers may say that the Lord is merciful, but actions speak louder than words. His mercy is nothing recognizable in human terms. He throws super-sized temper tantrums and kills indiscriminately. He sometimes apologizes for his mistakes, promising never to do it again. Then he does it again.


Yahweh cannot measure his morality, nor "temper his temper". He is eternally preoccupied with pointless petty particulars.


Yahweh himself is male, and so are his angels. The Lord Jealous, like the patriarchal men who worship him, needed to control women. He could invent no more demeaning insults than to compare a nation or city to a woman—and, to make the insult even nastier, a menstruating woman. Monetarily, a woman is worth less than a man. Like slaves, women are property. Yahweh allows men to have plural wives, but a woman must be married to only one man. Censuses count only males. Ancestry is delineated from father to son. The few women who inherit property (if there is no male heir) must marry a male relative to keep it in their father’s family. Only males can be priests and approach the altar, while females must wait outside the door. A woman is more unclean after giving birth to a daughter than to a son. Women, not men, must endure a cruel test for infidelity. A woman’s promise can be annulled by her father or husband. And so on.


Yahweh's followers often claim that he is a forgiving parent, but Yahweh's actions don't support this.

Yahweh's mercy is not infinite, not only is Yahweh s a short-tempered wrath-bringer but specifically mentions sins and misdeeds that simply cannot be forgiven. Forgiveness is almost always contingent on paying a price to appease the wrath of the Lord. Forgiveness is not something he freely gives; it has to be bought, usually with the blood ransom of animal sacrifice.

From Genesis to Deuteronomy there is absolutely no evidence of forgiveness, redemption or love. Indeed it would appear that he hates all of humanity. Indeed, Yahweh has even punished forgiveness, clemency and mercy in 1 Kings 20:42 where he said "You have set free a man I had determined should die. Therefore it is your life for his life, your people for his people." The punishment of death!


"I will bring upon you the blood vengence of my wrath and jealous anger. - Ezekiel 16:38

The Game Master should roll on the following table to determine the mood Yahweh assumes once he encounters other beings.


Emotional State

1 Hot-tempered and antagonistic

2 Arrogant and aloof

3 Mischievous and irreverent

4 Careless and absentminded

5 Courageous and foolhardy

6 Curious and prying

7 Stern and exacting

8 Friendy and trusting

9 Covetous and greedy

10 Generous and kind

11 Morose and vengeful

12 Naive and gullible

13 Bigoted and blustering

14 Cheerful and pleasant

15 Cynical and sarcastic

16 Quiet and retiring

17 Level-headed and reverent

18 Paranoid and scheming

19 Boorish and crude

20 Violent and sadistic