NPC, The Beast (Kane)

The Beast is a being of incomprehensible and shocking ugliness. It is like nothing any mortal has ever seen. There are no words to describe the utter horror of this monster, of its deformed and hideous body and soul, only that it resembles the stuff of nightmares.

It is a tortured mass of souls. Its body appears as a monstrous, living pillar or tower 200 feet tall, of writhing, screaming heads and faces. Two giant winged arms (20 feet long) with glistening talons and a dozen giant tentacles (50 feet/152 m long), spout from either end.

It has not one head, but hundreds, all partly emerging from the thing's torso and disappearing as they melt into each other and reform, all with different angry, confused or sad faces that keep molding and remolding, dripping oily humors, gnashing and slavering, all of them repeating in whispers, she's mine…join us… The face that looks as if it had once been Kane's face is on top and is deformed by sores that bubble, and a jaw that can not close. Wormlike appendages sprout from the top of its head.

Its body, too, is horribly defiled: its intestines are exposed, dripping, erupting with the souls it has eaten, as well as hundreds of ridges, spines, lumps, scars, open wounds, puss filled modules and similar disfigurements.

The beast is composed of the minds of dozens of victims who died together in terror. It seeks to draw others into its fear-wracked, hellish existence.

Attributes: I.Q: 19, M.E: 18, M.A 16 P.S. 30 (Supernatural), P.P. 17, Spd 17 by floating/flying.

M.D.C.: Manifestations will have 4D6x10+20 M.D.C.; the main form has 446.

Horror Factor: 18

P.P.E.: 30.

I. Deadly Ectoplasm (Special): The Beast can create Ectoplasm from itself to use as a weapon. They appear as tendrils that resemble an umbilical cord or gnarled tentacle and lash out to strike whomever has earned the monster's wrath. In combat, the ectoplasmic tendrils can cause different effects on a target, but only one effect can be used at a time.

Agony (as per the spell) to anyone it touches. Duration is equal to fifth level potency. Cost to the Entity: 10 P.P.E.

Burning Touch inflicting 3D6 damage per touch. Range: Touch. Cost to Entity: 5 P.P.E.

Electric Shock inflicting 4D6 damage. per touch. Range: Touch. Cost to Entity: 7 P.P.E.

Life Drain by entangling its victim and inflicting 1D6x10 M.D./Hit Points (as the case may be) per melee round. If the person dies from this damage, they crumble to dust and become one of the personalities/life essences trapped inside the Entity.

2. Collect Souls: Anyone who dies while in the area of influence (100 feet/30.S m) of the Beast faces the very real threat of having their soul collected and added to the ghost's power! This includes not only being killed by the Entity, but even being killed by someone else or by natural causes. It takes one action of concentration for the Entity to draw the soul into its collective. During this time, the target soul must make a save versus magic, with full bonuses; an 18 saves. If it succeeds, the soul is free to travel on to the afterlife. If the save fails, it is pulled into the entity and absorbed, providing it with additional Hit Points, and a permanent new face appears on its body.

A soul that is absorbed cannot be recovered except by destroying the Beast. Reducing the M.D.C. of the Beast to zero will discorporate the souls and send them off into the afterlife, free of their torment. For every soul collected, the Beast grows stronger, but less stable. The larger ones are like enormous storm clouds that ravage miles of land and kill hundreds. Completely unable to control itself, the Entity rages on and on, growing steadily more and more powerful.

3. Reshape Self: It might sprout tentacles that drip with ichor, be a limbless mass of diseased meat or be a towering giants of misshapen flesh covered with blood and matted fibers.

4. Possession:

Attacks per Melee: Nine!

Damage: Punch as per Supernatural P.S., bite does 2D4 M.D., or by psionic attack, or Deadly Ectoplasm (above). Seldom uses a handheld weapon unless it is a readily available melee weapon, thrown rock, and similar.

Bonuses (in addition to likely attribute bonuses): +2 to strike, +6 to parry, +6 to disarm, +2 to save versus magic and psionics, +6 to save vs Horror Factor, + 10 to save versus mind control, and impervious to possession.

Magic: None.

Psionics: Bio-Manipulation (10), Electro-Kinesis (varies), See the Invisible, Sense Magic, , Ectoplasm, Pyrokinesis (varies), Telekinesis (varies), Telekinetic Lift (6), Telekinetic Punch (6), and Telekinetic Push (4), all at the equivalent power level of a 6th level psychic.

I.S.P.: 150! P.P.E. Vampire: The Beast is a P.P.E. Vampire who steals one P.P.E. point from each opponent it battles and from the doubled P.P.E. at the moment of death from those it. When humanoids aren't around to kill, it will attack animals, livestock and monsters. This Entity needs 30 P.P.E. a day to feel nourished.


1. Weapons made of silver do their normal damage as Mega-Damage to beast.

Rune weapons and other magic weapons do half damage, but a Soul-Drinking Rune Weapon can remove one of the many personalities inside whenever the soul drinking power is used. Use the standard rules for soul-drinking. When a personality is removed, it also inflicts 1D4x10 M.D. that cannot be recovered for 48 hours. Psi-Sword inflicts full damage. Holy Weapons do double normal damage.

2. Spell Magic: Vulnerable to most forms of magic, although physical attacks, lightning/electricity, fire and cold do half damage. Note that the Beast cannot be controlled via Charm, Compulsion, Domination, or mind control, nor by the Control/Enslave Entity spell.

3. Psionics: Those who can Astral Project can attempt to attack the Entity on the Astral Plane with fists, where such attacks do normal damage as Mega-Damage, and by psionics and magic, but it can also strike back with its ectoplasm fists, tentacles and psionics. Most psionic attacks do full damage.

The Full History of Kane:

Kane was an insane Christian Minister who predicted the end of the world. Sometime in the 1800s, he would lead his followers to southern California to set up a Utopian society. Somewhere along the journey, Kane predicted the end of the world was near. When they reached the land where the future Cuesta Verde development would be constructed, they sealed themselves in a subterranean cavern in which they prepared for Judgement Day.

Even after Kane's predicted doomsday passed, he kept himself and his followers in the cavern, in which they eventually died. His followers' spirits were unable to rest because of their untimely death. Kane himself also became unable to rest as a spirit, and became a powerful, Satan-like spirit known as The Beast.

Kane (appearing not in his natural form, but in the form of a giant monestrous skeleton-like head and a spidery bony spectral being with ghostly white hair) kidnaped Carol Anne Freeling, the youngest member of the family who lived in a house bulit over the cavern that Kane and his followers died in, and took her to the Other Side (the dimension between the world of the living and the hereafter.)

Kane lied to Carol Anne and claimed to be her friend so she could help lead him and other lost souls in the light that lead to the hereafter. In the second movie, Kane showed his true form and tried to pull the Freeling family apart. In the third movie, he took on Carol Anne's form and stalked mortals in mirrors that served as portals to the Other Side.