NPC Saint, Moses -- The Tyrant

Moses negotiated with Yahweh, and he conceded, requesting the innocent back away from the tents of Korah and his men so that no one else suffered at the hand of God for questioning Moses' intentions. The next day, people began to murmur that Moses caused their deaths, so Yahweh started a plague. Aaron then retrieved the censer of incense to atone for their false accusations.


Human male Lev7/Prf10/Pal3: CR 20; Medium-size humanoid; HD 7d6+10d8+3d10+60; hp 158; Init +1; Speed 30 ft.; AC 17 (+19 vs. demon-possessed, exiles from Israel, and Philistine giants) (touch 17, fl at-footed 16); Atk +17/+12/+7 melee (1d6+2, quarterstaff ); SA Smite chaos (+4 attack, +3 damage) 1/day, spells; SQ Arcane spell resistance (SR 22—10 from prophet levels), consecrate ground, craft phylacteries of power, aura of courage, damage reduction 5/+1, defensive vision (+ 6 AC), detect evil, dispel possession, divine grace, divine health, improved divination, improved dream, improved sanctuary, know sin level, lay on hands (12 hp), permissible resurrection, remove disease 1/week, spell resistance (20 vs. divination spells), turn demon-possessed 7/day, turn undead 7/day as 1st-level cleric; SV Fort + 17, Ref +7, Will +20; AL LE; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 22, Cha 18

Flaw: Wrathful

Languages: Egyptian, Hebrew, Ugaritic

Skills and Feats: Concentrate +19*, Craft (leatherworking) +24, Craft (carpentry) +9, Diplomacy +24, Handle Animal +10, Heal +29, Hide +6, Intimidate +21*, Knowledge (dreams) +17 (+19 portents), Knowledge (religion) +18*, Knowledge (royalty) +8, Listen +11, Move Silently +6, Profession (herdsman) +15, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +10, Spot +7; Consecrated Spell, Divine Armor, Divine Grace, Dreamer, Iron Will, Leadership, Receive Blessings, Staff Spell, Tongue of Curses

*Includes bonuses from phylactery of power

Levite Spells: (9/7+1/6+1/5+1/4+1/4+1/3+1; saves are DC 17 +spell level).