Monster, Kraken, Lesser

A nightmarish combination of a giant squid, a hammerhead shark, and some kind of dinosaur-like creature. These lesser Kraken are giant, tentacled sea monsters who can spell doom for any ship that passes over them. They are things of legend on this level, and every living in the Endless Sea lives in fear of the day they see this monster’s tentacles break the surface. They are supernatural creatures believed to be the spawn of the Kaiju that shares their name.

They are giant raptorial predators with a taste for flesh. Growing up to a hundred feet long and occasionally bigger—possibly much bigger—these carnivores seize their prey with two lightning-fast, hook-laden tentacle clubs, draw it into a squirming nest of eight arms and proceed to swallow it with a disproportionately large mouth. Because they also possess long pointed teeth and bony fins, one can only conclude they originated from large fish, possibly sharks. They seize unwary men with their tentacles and drag them towards their giant muzzles.

They are notorious cannibals. They have been called the most opportunistic killers in the sea. They have been observed employing cooperative hunting techniques, yet they will not hesitate to gorge upon one another should they sense the slightest possible opening. Although they primarily hunt fish, they will attack anything over which they sense an advantage, including humans. Divers recount breathtaking beatings, painful lacerations from their sharp hooks and even incidences where, working in teams, these animals have dragged ships into deeper water to subdue them

When a Kraken attacks, the assault is so fierce and destructive that few ships can survive, and the crew's only chance is to outrun it (not likely), hold it at bay with spells, or destroy the monster. Kraken don't like magick, and because they are the king of the sea, they are lazy and won't press an attack on a vessel that requires too much work and energy. There is easier prey to be had.

It is believed that Lesser Kraken, like their “parent” spend months in torpor (sluggish, sleep-like condition and wake up to embark on weeks of feeding frenzy during which time nothing is safe.

Alignment: Diabolic.

Attributes: I.Q.: 2D6, M.E: 1D6+12, M.A.: 2D6, P.S.: 1D6x10+50 (supernatural), P.P.: 1D6+10, P.E.: 3D6+22, P.B.: 1D6, Spd.. 1D6 (on land), lD6x 10+22 (underwater).

Hit Points: 146.

S.D.C: 150 for the main body; 70 per each of its 10 tentacles.

Natural A.R.: 10

Horror Factor: 16.

P.P.E: 100

Natural Abilities: Breathe underwater, detect surface movements out to one mile, track blood scent in water up to 10 miles, bio-regenerates 4D6 hit points/S.D.C per melee round, maximum depth four miles.

Attacks Per Melee: Four.

Damage: Krakens can lash out with their four horn-covered tentacles, inflicting great damage. A restrained strike does 2D6+60, a full strike does 1D6x10+60 damage, and a power-strike does 2D6x10+60, but takes two attacks. The Kraken can also grab things with it’s tentacles and crush them for 1D6x10 damage per melee unless the victim hacks himself free or slays the beast. Alternately, grabbed victims may be fed into the Kraken’s toothy maw and chewed for 1D6x10 damage before being swallowed. Swallowed victims will suffer 4D6 damage each melee due to exposure to stomach acids, but they can try to hack their way out of the monster.

Bonuses: Immune to Horror Factor, +3 to save vs magic or psionics.

Size: Huge! A Kraken’s head/body is 100 feet long and 50 feet wide. Its tentacles measure 300 feet long.

Weight: 10-12 tons.

Habitat: Deep salt water.