Lawful Evil Archtypes

The Nine Faces of Lawful Evil:

The Dominator: The universe is made of the strong and the weak, hunter and prey, cause and victim. While some may wish to be a part of existence, there are others with a desire to become its focus and a handful of those few want nothing more than to become the central need for a collection of others. Forcing the will of another underneath their foot gives them pleasure and a sense of purpose, granting them a sense of power and dominion over all others. This level of domination is generally on a

more personal level: one-to-one rather than from atop a high perch, looking down on his oppressed subjects. The role of superior master punishing his subjugated victim instils pleasure within this type of evil-aligned creature and there are few limits to which the torment will stop. Someone must stand atop the rest and lead them, make

their decisions for them, and set down a foundation for all to follow – Law is an aid to order and flow, there is no question about that.

The Loyal Minion of Evil: Some evil creatures are not as ambitious as others and want nothing more than a fresh victim to torment and pick on. They offer their services or pledge allegiance to another evil creature (or sometimes from someone of a different alignment that does not mind the tactics an evil creature may resort to) in exchange for having a steady supply of victims for its own sick pleasures. All they need is enough to get by and new bodies to put to their experiments. Sometimes they are given objectives to obtain from their victims, other times they are simply given a body to do with as they please so long as it is painful – this choice is always left to the employer. Beings such as these are rarely found in a leadership position and they have no need to share their experiences with others, generally making them loners in deep places unfound to those who have not been escorted. Their only motivations are to have another subject delivered to their door, as a patron would order another drink from a waitress. When they have had their share, they look towards the next.

The Black Knight, the Cruel Outsider, the Politician, The Hanging Judge, the evil Deity, the Torturer, the Evil Overlord, the Bureaucrat.

The Evil Overlord: The megalomaniac, the world conqueror with his own unique world, view and code of ethics and honor. Ultimately this power crazed maniac wants to rule the world, or as much of it as possible. All people, including his fellow humans, are inferiors to be conquered and ruled. Ideally the character should be high in intelligence and charisma, and have a network or hierarchy of minions.