Religion, Islam

Islam was once one of the three great monotheistic religions of the world, along with Judaism and Christianity.

Basic Information:

  • Origin Date:

  • Founder/Originator:

    • View of God:

    • Dietary restrictions:

    • View of Life/Death:

    • Lifestyle Foci:

    • Worship Restrictions:

The Core Beliefs of Islam:

he word Islam literally means “submission”; its followers the Muslims, submitted themselves to the will of Allah, the omnipotent deity. Their faith was straightforward yet all encompassing; one needed only to proclaim, “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His Prophet,” to be accepted as a Muslim.


Islam appeared on Earth at the beginning of the 7th century A.D., propounded by the Prophet Muhammad in the Arabian city of Mecca. It exploded as a faith and political power across North Africa and the Middle East as far as China, India, and Spain, eventually confronting Christian Europe and other rivals as its own major religion. But the Muslim lands eventually split into a number of states, dividing their significant power, and consequently suffered setbacks: invaders from Central Asia overthrew many Arab rulers . . . only to convert to Islam themselves.

Current Sketch

When Caspian revealed himself to the entire world, the official position of many a Muslim cleric was that the God-King was the Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or ‘Dark Messiah’. Perhaps it was because of this that Mecca -- Islam’s holiest site – was one of the early casualties of the war, annihilated from the Earth by an intense blast of solar energy directed from space.

By the end of the war, many millions of Muslims found themselves cast physically into the the Dungeon, with the majority of them inhabiting the Tartarus level.

There were a few lingering settlements concealed in diverse, isolated locations, but these remaining adherents gradually died out in the intervening centuries.