NPC Race, Orcs

ORCS: Physical Traits


All orcs have generally dark skin, in the realm of charcoal to black to brownish-black (close to a burnt umbar) or in dappled colors thereof. They have claws on all of their digits with a similar shape and consistency to claws found in primates of the Callitrichidae family. They also posses the squirrel-like feet of that family*, but lack a tail and have opposable thumbs, similar to an ape. They are mostly hairless, though posses hair on their heads of varying amounts, based on regional traits and customs, and hair covering the sensitive interior of their ears. The amount of ear hair also varies based on regional traits.

Orc noses are blunt and wide and very sensitive, with an olfactory range similar to a bloodhound. They have long, sharp canines, and bicuspids, spade-like incisors and a set of grinding molars behind. Lower canines and bicuspids tend to be very slightly longer than upper canines, a trait found in both males and females that causes their bottom teeth to peek out slightly from their lower lip.

Eyes are generally large and almond shaped and slightly slanted with a pupil similar to a feline. All orcs posses good to excellent night vision, though many subgroups are unable to see well in the daylight because of light sensitivity. A heavy brow, due to a thickening of the skull in the frontal bone, causes a shadowing of the eyes that often causes orcs to appear brutish or hostile.

Orc mandible and maxilla protrude slightly, causing a snout like appearance in some subgroups. Their lips are often thin, but extend to cover their fangs.

Similar to a feline, orc ears are pointed and triangular in shape, with fine protective hairs covering their ear canal. Musculature around the ear allows for easy rotation of the pinna (ear flap). The bones of the inner ear are very light and the eardrum is thin, which makes orc ears sensitive to a wide range of frequencies. Orcs are able to hear a much lower and higher range of sound than Men.

Orc faces are very expressive, except for the region of the brow, which has less movement due to thickness (though they are able to raise the brow slightly), but most telling is the position of their ears, which give some hint to mood. Pinned back for angry or upset, perked up for interested, etc... Orc skin is thick, and, to the touch, possesses a leathery or suede texture.

*With the exception of the Uruk hai, who posses feet similar to Men.

Regional Characteristics

Orcs of Angmar

Orcs of Angmar are thicker in musculature, with exceptionally developed forearms and calves and broad shoulders. Angmar orcs move around by knuckle-walking, though will sometimes walk bipedally in instances where something must be carried or for defensive purposes. They range in weight from 400 to 500 pounds, with females on the larger side. Female Angmar orcs stand tall at 6' while males usually stand around 5' 6". Their arms are longer than their legs, and they are built for mountain climbing, not tree climbing, though many tribes range long distances in the flat tundra of the northern waste.

Skin color remains in the dark brown to black range, of even tone, with some lightening at the ears and digits. Eyes are large and almond shaped, with a slightly slanted cast and warmer in color, reds and yellows and oranges. Angmar orc hair is black and straight, running in a 3 inch wide line from the front of the skull to the back of the skull.

Orcs of the Misty Mountains

This group also includes invading orcs of the Iron Mountains and White Mountains, and is the largest group of orcs in the North. Misty Mountain folk are often referred to as "goblins" and are much smaller than their northern Angmar cousins (though there occurs some overlap in characteristics in the North, where Angmar and Misty Mountain tribes have a high rate of interbreeding, producing larger goblin folk). Orcs of the Misty Mountains have a tendency towards mottled or speckled skin tones in the gray range. They are the hairiest of orc folk, with a full head of hair and, in many cases, hairy knuckles and toes. Eye color ranges from greens to yellows to bright reds to pitch black. Their eyes are slanted and wide and large in their faces. Some tribes tend towards larger, more hooklike noses and slitted nostrils, though this is a trait that is limited to particular, isolated regions.

Misty Mountain orcs are anywhere between 30 inches high to 48 inches high, 50 to 120 pounds, with males tending to be on the larger side. They have an angular bone structure, a stout torso and thinner, muscled arms. Though they also posses longish arms suited for climbing both trees and rocky landscapes, northern goblins tend to waddle on their hind legs in a mimicry of the Men that surround them and they often have intercourse with.

Uruk hai

The Uruk hai should not be confused with half orcs or goblin men. Uruk hai, despite some mannish traits, are full blooded orcs. The only species of orc that walk completely upright, Uruk hai proportions tend to resemble that of Men (though some, first generation Uruks did posses the elongated arms of their Angmar parents, a trait found mostly in Uruks with mannish mothers).

Eye color varies widely, from reds and yellows to greens inherited from mannish ancestry, and therefore lacking the brighter, more electric color of orc eyes. Some even have reddish color to their hair, another mannish trait, as all other variation of orc posses black or dark brown hair. Uruk hai feet are their most telling disparaging trait from their cousins, with manlike toes that make them better suited for walking and running long distances than climbing. Their build is somewhat leaner than their Angmar ancestors, with much of their muscle mass focused in their shoulders, back and legs.

Uruk hai skin color ranges from black to charcoal to very dark brown-black. They can weigh anywhere from 200 to 500 pounds and grow to be 5' 6" to 6' 6", with males tending towards the larger.

Orcs of Duath Mountains and Forest

Orcs of Duath are of the larger goblin variety, standing near 5 feet high and weighing anywhere from 100 to 250 pounds, depending on the development of their musculature. In the more mountainous regions, they tend to be stouter, with thicker arms and legs and broad shoulders, while Duath orcs in the forested regions tend towards the leaner. Duath orcs are dark gray to black in color, with a patch of dappled spots in lighter gray colors at the small of their back and on their flanks. They have a full head of dark hair that tends to be curly or wavy and slightly longer ears than some of their northern cousins.

Duath eye colors range from red to green to yellow, encompassing the full spectrum of color. Duath orcs are knuckle walkers, though they will raise up on their hind legs to carry items or for defense.

Orcs of Nûrn

Nûrn orcs range the plains of Barshau (Lithlad) and the cliffs surrounding the Ulb Sea (Sea of Nûrnen). They are a larger goblin variety, and grow from 48 to 60 inches in height. They are built lean, with long arms suited for climbing and ranging long distances. Nûrn orcs are also knuckle walkers.

Color wise, they range from grey to black, with some possessing a dappling of freckle-like spots across the bridge of their nose. Nûrn orcs posses a particularly heavy brow, which shadows their eyes from the sun when they cannot find shelter in the daylight. Eye colors range from electric blue to bright green to pale yellow. Their hair grows in a particular pattern, in a small spot on the top of their head, and tends to be curly or wavy. Their ears posses a thicker tuft of hair than many of their cousins.

Orcs of the Ash Mountains

Orcs of the Ash (Groth) Mountains are referred to as Black Uruks or Mordor Uruks, and are a particularly large breed of orc, with some of the berserker males growing to 6 feet in height and weighing near 400 pounds, though most reach their full growth at 5'6". Females tend to be taller than males, but are often leaner in build.

Ash Mountain orcs are pitch black in color, with little variation from tribe to tribe, and red eyes. Though their arms are on the longer side, and some do knuckle walk, their legs are very powerful, and most Ash Mountain orcs tend towards bipedal locomotion, adopting a loping stride that allows them to cover large distances. As one of the more aggressive breeds, Ash Mountain orcs are mainly soldiers and warriors and their manner of walking allows for the carrying of weapons.

Orcs of the Mountains of Shadow

The Mountains of Shadow, or Rarmoz Mountains, host a tall, lean breed of orc. Most orcs from this region stand nearly as tall as men (5'6" to 5'10"), with a light, strong build that suits them in climbing and running. Their color ranges from black to dark brown with eyes tending towards blue, green or pale yellow. Some tribes boast orcs with brown or hazel eyes, a trait inherited from Khand ancestors.

At one point, early in their settling, there was a general mixing of orc and man in that region, but many generations of strict breeding practices maintained their orcish features. However, this mannish ancestry produced a line of orc best suited for craftsmanship and higher thinking. Considered one of the gentler breeds by their brethren (not a compliment, by orcish standards), orcs from this region are the most approachable, but also the most reclusive. Rarmoz orcs have longer arms, but tend towards bipedal walking.