Power, Wound Transferal

The psychic can take away pain and injury in increments of 10% to a maximum of 50%.

The user can reduce the suffering of another person by taking that character's pain onto himself. This is done through a debilitating psionic melding. The user touches his patient, linking himself to the wounded or sick individual and drawing part of the wounds to his own body (this takes one melee round of concentration). As much as half of the suffering character's damage can be taken on by the psychic, reducing his own Hit Points and S.D.C. accordingly, and transferring his own to the injured character, effectively healing him to at least some degree. Once done, the process cannot be reversed

Thankfully, the user's sacrifice is rewarded in that his wound/injury/sickness heals two times faster than usual, three times when in a meditative trance. The severity of illness can also be diminished this way. reducing duration and penalties by as much as half.

Range: Touch. Duration: One melee for transfer and relief. I.S.P.: 12 Saving Throw: Standard