Artifact, the Opener of Gates

Description: A small device, circular in shape and ornate casting, roughly two and one half inches in diameter, that resembles a medieval compass. It is crafted from an unusual alloy of gold, silver, and bronze and it's encrusted with gems. It has a hinged lid that snaps down to protect the face of the compass when it is put away.

If the compass should be taken into the Dungeon, the Opener of

takes on a dark and sinister appearance. Its lid becomes covered with shapes, many resembling the twisting and writhing forms of tormented souls, while others are clearly those of the fiends that torment them. The hinges on the lid and the clasp that secures the cover when it is down are now fashioned in the image of skeletal claws. The compass can then only take one to random locations around the Dungeon, never out of it.

Special Properties: The metal from which the compass is made does not tarnish and cannot be easily harmed. The compass hangs from a slender chain, fashioned from the same indestructible alloy as the compass itself. Thus the compass looks today just as it did when it was first created. Indeed there is some evidence to indicate that the compass has actually become brighter and better polished over the years, although this might be an error caused by the scarcity of accounts of its existence.

When the cover is opened, the face of the watch is revealed. It is white in color—clearly some form of crystal—although its exact composition is unknown. The crystal face of the circular compass gleams, on it, are the degrees, each of them are painted with extraordinary precision, as if on ivory with the finest and slenderest sable brush.

Abilities: The purpose of this device is locate Gates.

Opening the lid of the Opener causes the needle to point in a random direction and a Gate shall open in one melee and remain open for another melee. If this device is taken outside the tainted cosmos, the Gate will lead to Caspia or the Dungeon. Otherwise the Gates will only lead to random locations around the Tainted Cosmos and Caspia.