NPC Monster, Balrog

Before the beginning of the First Age of Middle-earth, a Vala named Morgoth followed a path of pride that led him into darkness. Before Morgoth became a Dark Lord, he persuaded many of his fellows to join his service. When he fell, they fell with him. The greatest and most terrible of these became the Balrogs. Forsaking their fair forms in the early days of Middle-earth, Balrogs became the embodiment of wrath. During the First Age, they were the captains of Morgoth's armies and the generals of his hosts.

At the end of the First Age, the Dark Lord of Angband fell, and all but a handful of Balrogs fell with him. Those few that survived the destruction hid themselves in the deep places of the earth, waiting for the day when someone would awaken them and they could once again harrow Middle-earth.In any given situation, Balrogs attempt to rule unless someone greater forces them to become his vassal. Whenever they are free to exert their will, they become tyrants. They gather servants (usually Orcs) about them, elevate the most powerful ones to the status of lieutenants, and rule their domain with an iron fist.The awesome visage of the Baal-Rog evokes a sense of raw power and unbridled evil. Like unto a gigantic man with demonic features, it is filled with darkness, and yet fire covers it. A mane streams out behind it, and its dark wings fill the sky to either side. It carries two weapons: a great sword and many-thronged whip. The demon's massive,bronze-skinned body bulges with muscles, and its black, bat wings and flamingred eyes (and whip) punctuate its demonic nature.

Alignment: Diabolic (55%), Miscreant (25%), Aberrant (10%) or Anarchist (10%) .

Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+8, M.A. 2D6+8, M.E. 2D6+8, P.S. 2D6+28 (Supernatural), P.P. 2d6+10, P.E. 3d6+12 (Supernatural), P.B. 2D6, Spd 1D6x10 running or 1D6x10+60 flying (48-82 mph/77 to 131 km).

Size: 12-14 feet (3.6 to 4.2 m) tall, and weighs 1000-2000 pounds (450 to 900 kg) .

Horror Factor: 14

P.P.E.: 1D4x100+1D6+6 per level of experience.

Disposition: Driven by an overwhelming and primal urge to do battle, balrogss constantly strive to increase their own power and prestige, all while sowing chaos, terror, and misery for others. They are creatures caught within their own spells of overpowering fervor, from the highest points of conceit to the lowest levels of self-hatred, constantly pushing themselves to unleash their emotions and obtain a release they will never find. Despite their raw fury, they are still highly intelligent beings capable of concocting vile schemes. Their wicked charisma allowed them to sway legions of demons underneath their banners, enjoying battle as much as they delighted in the subtle corruption and destruction of the innocent.

Life Span: Effectively immortal.

Natural Abilities: Supernatural P.S. and P.E., nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), see the invisible, turn invisible at will, track by smell 45% (+20% to follow the scent of blood or fire/smoke), bio-regeneration 406 M.D. per minute (106 per melee round) , impervious to heat and fire (including M.D. magic fire and plasma energy), impervious to toxic gases, magically understands and speaks all languages at 98%, and can leap 50

feet (15.2 m) without assistance from wings . Can also hover and fly, but glides in silence (equal to a Prowl of 60%).

RCC Skills: Climb 80%/70%, Dance 80%, Forgery 45%, Gambling 80%, Gambling Dirty Tricks 70%, Horsemanship Exotic Animals 86/66%, Intelligence 80%, Land Navigation 80%, Literate in Oragonese/Elven 98% and two other languages of choice, Lore: Demons & Monsters 80%, Lore: Faeries 60%, Math: Basic and Advanced 92%, Swim 60%, Track (people) 50%, WiIderness Survival 70%, W.P. Chain, W.P. Paired Weapons

(including clawed hands and feet) , W.P. Whip and one W.P. of choi ce (any, Ancient or Modern); Commanders and Generals will have two additional W.P.s (any) . All skills increase at a rate of 3% per level of experience.

Level of Experience: 1D6+4 on average, or as set by the Game Master for NPCs. Not available as a player character.

Attacks per Melee: Six attacks at level one, + I at levels 3, 5, 7, 9,12 and 15.

Mega-Damage: A per Supernatural Strength. A claw attack does an extra 206 M.D. , while a bite does only 204 M.D ., and a wing strike inflicts 306 M.D.; or by magic or weapon.

Favorite weapon is the magic Fire Whip (same as the Fire Warlock spell , but with twice the duration time).

Bonuses (in addition to attributes and skills): +3 on initiative, +3 on Perception Rolls, +3 to strike, parry, and dodge, +3 to disarm and entangle, +4 to pull punch, +4 to roll with impact, +3 on magic saving throws, +12 to save vs Horror Factor, and impervious to fire, even M.D . fire and disease.

Vulnerabilities: Baal-Rogs are vulnerable to most M.D. weapons,

including rail gun rounds, explosives and energy weapons,

except plasma and heat based weapons (impervious to

M.D. fire), as well as magic spells, magic weapons and

psionics .

Magic: P.P .E. 1D4x 100 + 106+6 per level of experience. All levels 1-4 Fire Elemental Magic, plus Fire Whip (30 P.P.E .; 5D6 M.D. , and the whip is twice the normal length for a

Baal-Rog), Animate & Control Dead (20), Turn Dead (6), Exorcism (30), Remove Curse (140), and Heal Wounds (10).

Psionics: None.


Allies and Alliances: The relationship between Sauron and surviving Balrogs—particularly Durin's Bane, the Balrog of Moria— can only be guessed at. Sauron was the lieutenant of Morgoth during the First Age, and the Balrogs undoubtedly greatly respected and feared him then. However, perhaps because much of Sauron's power was lost when Isildur clove the One Ring from his finger, he never gathered the surviving Balrogs or forced them into his service. It is almost certain that Sauron knew that a Balrog survived in Moria, but if Sauron had the power to command the Balrog, he never seems to have exerted it. In any event, of all

Ri vals & Enemies: