Power, Cosmological Force Manipulation

Users are able to control many spiritual, cosmic, and elemental forces that form the universe, such as spatial energy, dark matter, nuclear force, electromagnetism, gravity, matter (forces that create the formation and foundation of the cosmos).

    • Astral Manipulation: Being ethereal in form, users will be able to command spiritual forces.

      • Ectoplasm Manipulation

      • Soul Manipulation

    • Celestial Manipulation: Gain great power over the cosmos with heavenly influence and divine power in the universe.

    • Cosmic Manipulation: Gain a powerful influence over the universal forces and celestial bodies that encompass the universe.

  • Dark Matter Manipulation:

    • Elemental Energy Manipulation: Use ethereal power to control the seven main elemental forces and the many sub-elements that it created.

    • Energy Manipulation: Manipulate the many forms of pure energy to an extreme level.

    • Force Field Generation:

    • Force Armor Generation:

    • Fundamental Forces Manipulation:

    • Kinetic Energy Manipulation:

    • Life-Force Manipulation:

    • Nuclear Manipulation:

    • Plasma Manipulation:

    • Radiation Manipulation:

    • Vector Manipulation:


Caspian possesses this ability.