NPC, Satan

For centuries, many have felt the presence of Lucifer, the Devil to be no more than a fairy tale. Mankind once treated him as a mythical embodiment of evil that satiated man's desire to name a cause behind the suffering and tragic circumstances that have befell humankind for millennia. Through the years, belief in the existence of such a being who was responsible for evil has waxed and waned— along with the questions that permeate that existence. Does such a being really exist, and if he does, then where does he come from? What is his purpose? What are his goals and ambitions? What is his intent?

The common explanation of Satan's fall is, then, that pulled up with pride and ambition, he sought to equal or surpass the Almighty. Having fallen prey to his own lusts and overwhelming pride, Lucifer conceived an impossible and nefarious conspiracy. He plotted to overthrow God's rule and place his own throne higher than the Mount of the Congregation. With his prodigious insight and cunning, Lucifer convinced some of his chief lieutenants to stir up dissension within the Host, especially the more fallible ones. In the end, a third of Heaven chose to follow his banner. With promises of power and status, Lucifer seduced them into believing that with him as leader they could usurp God's authority and exalt Lucifer's throne above all. Blinded by his own ambition and self-exaltation, the rebellious cherub planned to take Heaven by force.

In truth, Yahweh's self-righteousness knew no dissent and allowed for no revolution. Rebellion, a plea for equality and revolution constitute a fundamental biblical sin against God's law. For the sin of seeking equality Lucifer and his army were shown no mercy and no forgiveness. The heavenly light of Lucifer's world changed forever into darkness and the crack through which he and his army fell sealed them in damnation. This law and its pre-constituted order has symbolized goodness even if enforced by acts of great violence such as the forceful banishment of the damned angels. Few have asked where Yahweh's love was in the process of casting down angels, and those who have, asserting that a God full of wrath is merely a jealous Demiurge who does not represent the true nature of the divine, have filled the records of heretics for centuries. Yahweh, in the act of banishment, knows no altruism and no love but instead enforces obedience to law by brute force. God's law is thus the embodiment of violence and that violence underpins the legal system.

Current Sketch:

For centuries Satan has been called Man's Accuser, the Tempter, the Father of Sin. At his feet, all of humanity's sinful nature and rebelliousness has been laid at the fallen angel's feet.

Ironically Satan does not care much for humanity. In truth, he is barely aware of them, referring to them as the 'Race of Dust" -- "Those that the Creator formed out of the Earth." He allows his lesser minions to deal with them as they would while he concentrates his efforts on the corruption of the universe at large, and much of his reputation and appearances can be attributed to these lesser imps attempting to step into the shadow of their  master. The actions of human beings are of little consideration, and are cause of much bafflement to the Arch-Fiend.

The events of the Great Tribulation force and the will of Yahweh force Satan to Earth and imprison him within the flesh of the Beast forever, something that ironically he did not plan for!