Megafaunna, Giant Crab

A species of crustacean that inhabit sandy beaches, coastal water near deep coral reefs, rocky pools and river banks. Part scavenger, part predator, the Mammoth Crabs will also hunt and eat virtually any kind of animal or people.

These massive scavengers are a force to be reckoned with, as they stalk the salt waters and shorelines of the Western Continent. Specimens as large as an adult elephant have been seen emerge from the surf to drive weaker scavengers away from washed up carcasses. With chelae nearly as large as a man is tall, and thick, mottled dark exoskeletons, they fear precious little.

The creatures are extremely hardy and eat just about anything including fresh, spoiled and rotten fruit, seaweed, bushes, and carrion. They are big and strong (their carapace and endurance enable them to absorb incredible amounts of damage). Fortunately, they only attack when they feel threatened or hungry, but need to eat the equivalent of two cows or six humans, or half a ton of garbage a day. They will sometimes raid cargo and storehouses of meats, poultry, fish, fruit and vegetables. And sometimes are tempted to come ashore and attack humans, particularly when they're disturbed.

To the few coastal tribes that can successfully hunt these gigantic crustaceans they can be a fine fare indeed. The meat inside their shell is as delicious as their comparatively small counterparts. They are also dumber than dirt and impossible to domesticate or be trained in the least. Given the thick armor of these creatures, it takes a dedicated effort to kill one. The best way is to flip it on its back with long spears, pikes, and poles to attack the comparatively soft (A.R. 10) underbelly. While on its back, the creature loses half its attacks and all combat bonuses to strike, parry and dodge.

They are solitary creatures, and only one is usually encountered at a time except during mating season when 2-20 can be seen along secluded coastlines. Mature females (3+ years old) lay 1D6 eggs once every season. Eggs hatch in 2D6+60 days.

It is rumored that the mammoth crabs eat huge amounts of oysters and digest all but the pearls which are deposited in the crab’s stomach.

Alignment: Considered Anarchist or Miscreant predator.

Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+2, M.E. 1D4, M.A. 1D4, P.S. 2D6+18, P.P. 2D6+6, P.E. 2D6+13, P.B. 2D4, Spd 1D4+10 while running or swimming.


Legs(6)-24+2D6 each.

Pincer Claws(2)-100+1D6x10 each.

Eyes(2)-25 each(small targets; requires a called shot at -5 to strike)

Feelers(2)-10 each(small targets requires a called shot at -4 to strike)

Carapace-2D6x10+30 every 3 feet of height.

Hit Points: P.E, plus 40 for every three feet in height.

A.R: 14 for the top of the body, eye stalks, mouth, legs and pincers, only 10 for the underbelly. The young have an A.R. 11 and 8 respectively.

Horror Factor: 13.

P.P.E: 3D6.

Natural Abilities: Powerful walking tanks with two giant pincer arms and claws, two prehensile eye stalks that can turn 360 degrees, good speed, nightvision 200 feet, semi-invulnerable to cold (one quarter damage), impervious to most disease and spoiled food. Natural Swimmers 75%.

Attacks per melee: Three for young, but six for an adult. Mammoth crabs use their claws as paired weapons, and simultaneous strikes with both count only as one attack. They can also elect to engage two different opponents at the same time, with one eye stalk and claw battling one and the other eye stalk and claw engaging another (one opponent per claw).

Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +3 to strike, parry and dodge, +4 to save vs horror factor, and +3 to save vs poison.

Damage: Bite: 1D6. Leg Kick or Stomp: 2D6+P.S. damage bonus. Claw Strike (blunt): 3D6+P.S. damage bonus from a chopping or swatting blow. Claw Grab: 2D6 for the initial crushing grab, then 2D6 damage automatically on each subsequent attack until the Mammoth Crab lets go or the victim dies or cut in half! Scissor Power Strike(with pincer claw): 6D6+10 damage from one quick scissor-like strike. Does not grab and counts as two melee attacks.

Size: The main body is averaged at 3-12 feet in diameter, the legs extend out for another four feet and the pincers extend out another six feet. Stands 4-7 feet tall, but keep on growing through its life to be 9 feet high, 8-10 feet long, and 15 feet in diameter.

Weight: 500-800lbs.

Depth Tolerance: 4,000 ft

Average Life Span: 90 years.