Artifact, Scepter of Ages

A scepter is a rod or staff borne in the hands of a carried by a king or high official. It is used as a token of the sovereignty and authority of the king. It is a symbol of authority and power as the shepherd of the flock. In many cultures the scepter is the key symbol in the word "to rule." In the Lathra, scepters are made of gold and iron.

Description: More like a staff than a scepter or cane, it is a rod seemingly made of red crystal, mottled with purple, ranging from 2 to 8 feet in length, and one to several inches inch thick. At Caspian’s whim the scepter changes in detail; growing blades or wrapping around itself metal rings, etc. Its ends can also transform into any ornament Caspian desires—from a skull, clear crystal orb, crescent blade, cudgel, trident, eagle head etc. A dim purple aura, barely visible clings to the baton.

Special Properties:

It is mostly a symbol of his dominion, his authority, but can be used as a potent weapon, inflicting 1D6x10 plus P.S damage either to blunt or when shaped to impale. It also has 1,265 P.P.E stored within it and any powers Caspian has can be directed through it.