Artifact, Altar of the Blessed

Description: Cut from some sickly green stone, veined with strange ores of purple and alabaster, the altar is crafted in tremendous proportions. It is a circular platform, over three hundred feet wide and twenty feet high, it looks as though it had been carved by giants. Strange, twisted shapes adorn its sides, crude inhuman figures that cavort around the altar in scenes of grotesque lasciviousness. The carvings leer out from the stone, mocking, enticing, daring those who gaze upon them to look away.

It is here that sometimes offerings are placed in the morning before sunrise. With the coming of the sun, the God-King’s holy fire blazes upon the altar, and in a moment, he will take them, sending them up to his throne atop the Citadel.

Current Location: In Celes.

Abilities: The altar can act as a focal point for sacrifice and sacrifice rewards made according to the Book of Vile Darkness on page 27, with the only alteration that servitors are summoned in place of demons or devils.

The primary factor is the Knowledge (religion) check result of the character performing the sacrifice. Each of the other factors is represented as a modifier to the check.

If a follower performs multiple sacrifices, the bonuses on the follower’s Knowledge (religion) check do not stack for every sacrifice; a separate check is made for each victim or object sacrificed. The leader of the sacrifice, called the celebrant, can perform multiple sacrifices and consequently make multiple Knowledge (religion) checks, then use the best result to determine what reward might be granted by Caspian.