Domain of Markovia

The Land: Although most scholars of the Core reject the idea as foolish, some claim that this, the largest known island in the Sea of Sorrows, was once located at the center of the Core bordering on Tepest, Nova Vaasa, Barovia, Dorvinia, and G’Henna, the Shadow Rift now exists. Discovered fifty-five miles due west of Ludendorf by a lost merchant vessel eight years ago, a growing number of map-makers are labeling it Markovia, despite the unlikelihood of it actually being that land.

With the Grand Conjunction, however, the land was wrenched away from the Core and set down in the Sea of Sorrow, becoming a domain surrounded by a large, hostile domain (the Sea itself). Most of the domain’s geographical features (mountains, rivers, etc.) survived this Translation, so the island of Markovia resembles the general borders of the old inland state.

The original climate of Markovia was temperate highlands, with large stands of pines and oaks. Now that it has been transplanted into a wetter, more tropical climate, the vegetation is changing to match the new conditions. Druids and those with wilderness-related proficiencies may notice the odd mix of plants on the island. Most of the old pines have perished and are still standing, rotting upright, in large pine barrens along the island highlands. Tropical vines and creepers have already taken a foothold, their bright greens and radiant flowers contrasting with the dead- brown needles.

The oak forests have survived better, thriving in the new, wetter climate alongside newer, faster growing tropical plants such as palms and gums. The oaks reign supreme in the island’s interior lowlands, while along the coast the palms, gums, and other tropical plants have already established themselves as dominant.

Markovia is a lush, yet apparently uninhabited island. Two years ago, an attempt was made by Lamordians to settle it, but the colonists vanished mysteriously.

Cultural Level: Stone age, though Markov and his home are Medieval.

The Folk:

Except for the beast men created by Markov, this domain is uninhabited. Most of the human population of Markovia has died off, both from the raids of the Broken Ones, who rule the wilderness, and from the experiments of Dr. Frantisek Markov, who is always on the lookout for more human flesh to work with. Lord Markov believes visitors are gifts from the dark powers - more raw parts for his abominable creations. He attempts to capture any who enter his domain and transform them into beast men.

He tirelessly experiments with the subtle manipulations of the physical and mental attributes of the creatures at hand. His determination is accompanied by a terrifying disregard for life and the gods' creations. He performs these manipulations and experiments through a unique method of cutting into the flesh of these creatures, and altering the bones, muscles and tissue, imposing humanlike or beastlike traits upon them. Since he uses no anesthesia, this operation is often painful enough to drive the victim mad. Still, the beast men obey Markov's commands without question.

The simplest creatures in Markovia are animals who have acquired human qualities. Others are humans who have acquired bestial attributes. These beast men have formed a hunter/gatherer type of society. They worship Markov as a god, and he encourages this practice.

While creatures that Lord Markov has created wander the domain, exist in squalor and often agony, they do, however, have their moments of contentment and happiness, and one of those moments is during Winter’s Moon, a festival held on the last full moon of the year. At sundown, groups of Markovians gather together around a large bonfire and cry towards the heavens, showing that they are strong. After a half-hour of crying to the sky, they feast on the woodland creatures they have hunted and dance around the fire. Many compete in feats of strength and endurance. The celebration lasts well into the morning, by which time most participants have collapsed from the exhaustion of the celebration. To outsiders, the celebration would seem strange, primitive, and brutal, but to the Markovians, it is a wonderful night.

The Law: Frantisek Markov rules this domain unopposed. The inhabitants of this domain obey him mostly out of fear, but that is fine with him.

Native Player Characters: There are no native player characters from Markovia.

Personalities of Note: Markov the beast lord is the darklord of this domain. The beast men call him "Diosamblet", or "the god who walks among us". The Vistani call him "Master of Pain".

The one remaining “human” settlement on the island outside of Markov’s estate is the Monastery of Lost Souls, high on the southern cliffs. However, its inhabitants have sacrificed their humanity as well. The original climate of Markovia was temperate although they are unaware of the fact.

Encounters: The wild oaks, the pine barrens, and the shores are all home to various animals, both domesticated creatures that have gone feral (cats, rabbits, etc.), native creatures that have adapted to the new climate, and survivors of Dr. Fran’s experiments. The most dangerous encounters are with the Broken Ones, Fran’s failures. Characters in Markovia have a 50% chance of an encounter, once per day and once per night. Most encounters involve beast men, Cast out to eventually perish and die, they have standing orders to bring all intruders to Markov's estate, but they do not even approach the Vistani. The beast men resort to violence only if peaceful invitations and coercion are ineffective.