Earth Magic

Earth Magic spells relate to, use, or affect, earth, rock, stone, and the like (including

spells pertaining to crystals, glass, sand, and metal).

Earth Forms

Deadly Wrath Of Tyrannon Special Effect: Stone

needles erupt from the victim’s flesh.

Cost Throne Powers and Skills END

69 Earth Passage: Tunneling 7” through

DEF 7 material, Fill In, x8 Noncombat,

Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) 2

11 Stone Body: Armor (6 PD), Hardened (+¼) 0

Additional Multipower Slots:

4u 1) Earth Barriers: Entangle 8d6, 5 DEF,

Variable Special Affect (any mineral substance;

+¼); Only To Create Barriers (-1) 8

6u 2) Earthmoving: Telekinesis (50 STR),

Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼); Only

Versus Earth/Rock (-½) 4

6u 3) Tremors: Energy Blast 12d6, Explosion

(+½), Personal Immunity (+¼); No Range

(-½), Only Affects Targets On The Ground

(-¼), Only Does Knockdown, Not

Knockback (-0) 10

6u 4) Earth Lance: Energy Blast 8d6,

Indirect (+¾); Target Must Be Within 8”

Of Earth Or Rock (-¼) 5

9u 5) Augment Earth: Succor Earth Powers

9d6, any Earth power one at a time (+¼),

Ranged (+½), Reduced Endurance

(½ END; +¼) 4

9u 6) Quell Earth: Drain Earth Powers

4½d6, any Earth power one at a time

(+¼), Ranged (+½), Reduced Endurance

(½ END; +¼) 4

3 Power: Earth Powers Tricks 13-

2 SS: Geology 11-

Total Cost: +125 points

Cost Viceroy Powers and Skills END

45 Earth Passage: Tunneling 7” through

DEF 7 material, Fill In 4

7 Stone Body: Armor (4 PD), Hardened (+¼) 0

Additional Multipower Slots:

3u 1) Earth Barriers: Entangle 6d6, 5 DEF,

Variable Special Affect (any mineral substance;

+¼); Only To Create Barriers (-1) 8

5u 2) Earthmoving: Telekinesis (40 STR),

Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼); Only

Versus Earth/Rock (-½) 3

5u 3) Tremors: Energy Blast 10d6,

Explosion (+½), Personal Immunity (+¼);

No Range (-½), Only Affects Targets On

The Ground (-¼), Only Does

Knockdown, Not Knockback (-0) 9

5u 4) Earth Lance: Energy Blast 7d6,

Indirect (+¾); Target Must Be Within

8” Of Earth Or Rock (within 8”; -¼)

3 Power: Mineral Tricks 12-

2 SS: Geology 11-

Total Cost: +75 points

Cost Emissary Powers and Skills END

30 Earth Passage: Tunneling 6” through

DEF 6 material 3

Total Cost: +30 points

Val Earth Form Disadvantages

10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Sonic/

Vibration Attacks (Uncommon)

10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Sonic/

Vibration Attacks (Uncommon)


Effect: Telekinesis (40 STR) to cause/restrain earthquakes

Target: 10 km Radius/7 km Radius

Casting Time: Half Phase (Attack Action)

Casting Procedures: Focus, Gestures, Incantations

Duration: Instant

Range: No Range

Magic Roll Penalty: -12/-13

END Cost: 12/13

Description: This spell allows a caster to cause —

or calm — an earthquake.

Causing an earthquake involves damaging

structures and beings on the ground over a vast

area. Secondary effects may occur, such as buildings

collapsing, power and fuel lines rupturing,

rifts opening in the earth, or bodies of water

changing location or course. Earthquakes count

as Telekinesis that damages objects on the ground

over a wide area; typically, an earthquake has 5

points of STR per 1.0 rating on the Richter scale.

Thus, a 5.0 Richter quake has Telekinesis (25 STR).

To cancel or negate a quake, the character has

to be on the ground where the quake occurs. He

matches the Calming The Quake aspect of this

spell against the quake’s STR in a Strength Versus

Strength Contest. If the character wins, he stops

the quake from occurring in the area affected by

his power (if the quake is larger than that, the

effect continues, unabated, in area the character

cannot cover). If the quake wins, it occurs as

normal, though the GM may, in his discretion,

reduce its effect thanks to the character’s efforts

(the character’s STR may reduce the quake’s STR

on a 1-for-1 point basis, or maybe every BODY

the character got on his STR Roll reduces the

quake’s STR by some amount).

Game Information:

Cost P ower

37 Earthquake: Multipower, 150-point reserve; all

OAF Expendable (a pebble incised with runes,

Easy to obtain; -1), Gestures (-¼), Incantations

(-¼), No Range (-½), Requires A Magic

Roll (-½), Spell (-½)

3f 1) Summon Earthquake: Telekinesis (40 STR),

Area Of Effect (8m Radius Explosion [loses

5 STR per 1m radius area]; +¼), MegaArea

(1m = 1 km wide, broad, and deep; +1),

Personal Immunity (+¼); common Limitations

listed above, plus Only Affects Targets On The

Ground (-¼)

3f 2) Calming The Quake: Telekinesis (40 STR),

Area Of Effect (8m Radius; +½), MegaArea

(1m = 1 km wide, broad, and deep; +1);

common Limitations listed above, plus Only To

Stop Earthquakes (-1½)

Total cost: 43 points.


1) Strong Spell: Increase reserve to 225 points

and both slots to Telekinesis (60 STR). Total

cost: 65 points.

2) Weak Spell: Decrease to reserve to 112 points

and both slots to Telekinesis (30 STR). Total

cost: 33 points.

3) Free Spell: Total cost: 58 points.

4) Remove A +¼ Advantage: Decrease reserve to

135 points; total cost 39 points.

5) Remove A +½ Advantage: Decrease reserve to

120 points; total cost 35 points.

6) Remove A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 44 points.

7) Remove A -½ Limitation: Total cost 47 points.

8) Add A +¼ Advantage: Increase reserve to 165

points; total cost 48 points.

9) Add A +½ Advantage: Increase reserve to 180

points; total cost 52 points.

10) Add A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 41 points.

11) Add A -½ Limitation: Total cost 38 points.

Hero System Grimoire n Elemental Magic: Earth 125


Effect: Entangle 4d6, 6 PD/6 ED

Target: One character

Casting Time: Half Phase (Attack Action)

Casting Procedures: Focus, Gestures, Incantations

Duration: Instant

Range: 600m

Magic Roll Penalty: -5

END Cost: 5

Description: With this spell, an earth mage can

cause a gigantic hand (or hands) of stone to reach

up from the ground and grab hold of a single

person, imprisoning him until he breaks out, or

someone breaks him out.

Game Information: Entangle 4d6, 6 PD/6 ED (50

Active Points); OAF Expendable (miniature hand

carved out of stone, Difficult to obtain; -1¼),

Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Only Affects

Targets On The Ground (-¼), Requires A Magic

Roll (-½), Spell (-½). Total cost: 12 points.


1) Strong Spell: Increase to Entangle 6d6, 8 PD/8

ED. 70 Active Points; total cost 17 points.

2) Weak Spell: Decrease to Entangle 2d6, 4 PD/4

ED. 30 Active Points; total cost 7 points.

3) Free Spell: Total cost: 18 points.

4) Remove A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 13 points.

5) Remove A -½ Limitation: Total cost 14 points.

6) Add A +¼ Advantage: 62 Active Points; total

cost 15 points.

7) Add A +½ Advantage: 75 Active Points; total

cost 19 points.

8) Add A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 12 points.

9) Add A -½ Limitation: Total cost 10 points.


Effect: RKA 1d6, NND, Does

BODY, +1 Increased STUN

Multiplier, Indirect

Target: 1m radius

Casting Time: Half Phase (Attack Action)

Casting Procedures: Focus, Gestures, Incantations

Duration: Instant

Range: 20m

Magic Roll Penalty: -6

END Cost: 6

Description: This spell opens a cleft in the ground

beneath the target’s feet, and from the cleft spurts

red-hot lava and rocks.

Game Information: RKA 1d6, Area Of Effect

(1m Radius; +¼), NND (defense is Life Support

[Safe Environment: Intense Heat] or having the

Protection From Fire spell active; +1), Does

BODY (+1), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+¼),

Indirect (Path is always from the ground; +¼)

(56 Active Points); OAF Expendable (piece of

pumice charred in a fire, Difficult to obtain; -1¼),

Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Limited Range

(20m; -¼), Only Affects Targets On Or Within 2m

Of The Ground (-0), Requires A Magic Roll (-½),

Spell (-½). Total cost: 14 points.


1) Strong Spell: Increase to RKA 2d6. 112 Active

Points; total cost 28 points.

2) Weak Spell: Decrease to RKA ½d6. 37 Active

Points; total cost 9 points.

3) Free Spell: Total cost: 20 points.

4) Remove A +¼ Advantage: 52 Active Points;

total cost 13 points.

126 n Elemental Magic: Earth Hero System 6th Edition

5) Remove A +½ Advantage: 49 Active Points;

total cost 12 points.

6) Remove A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 15 points.

7) Remove A -½ Limitation: Total cost 16 points.

8) Add A +¼ Advantage: 60 Active Points; total

cost 15 points.

9) Add A +½ Advantage: 64 Active Points; total

cost 16 points.

10) Add A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 13 points.

11) Add A -½ Limitation: Total cost 12 points.


Effect: Minor Transform 12d6

Target: See text

Casting Time: Half Phase (Attack Action)

Casting Procedures: Focus, Gestures, Incantations

Duration: Instant

Range: 100m

Magic Roll Penalty: -6

END Cost: 6

Description: This powerful spell converts stone

into mud. The caster controls the consistency of

the mud; it can be fairly firm, very wet and soupy,

or something in between.

At its most basic level, all this spell does is

lower the PD/ED of the substance from 5/10

(stone) to 0/4 (earth), but the secondary effects

may be more significant. If the caster Transforms

part of a stone pillar or wall into mud, he could

cause the structure it supports to fall down, killing

everyone inside. Similarly, a proper application of

this spell can create an opening in a stone wall.

Per 6E2 170-173, a boulder has 13 BODY,

5 PD, and 10 ED, while dirt has 10 BODY, 0 PD,

and 4 ED. Therefore, using the Standard Effect

Rule, and assuming a “boulder” is roughly 1 cubic

meter of stone, this spell Transforms up to three

cubic meters of stone to mud per casting.

Game Information: Minor Transform 12d6 (stone

into mud; heals back through another application

of this spell or the passing of aeons) (standard

effect: 42 BODY) (60 Active Points); OAF Expendable

(ball of mud, Easy to obtain; -1), Gestures

(-¼), Incantations (-¼), Limited Range (100m;

-¼), Limited Target (stone; -½), Requires A Magic

Roll (-½), Spell (-½). Total cost: 14 points.


1) Strong Spell: Increase to Minor Transform

14d6. 70 Active Points; total cost 16 points.

2) Weak Spell: Decrease to Minor Transform

10d6. 50 Active Points; total cost 12 points.

3) Free Spell: Total cost: 18 points.

4) Remove A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 15 points.

5) Remove A -½ Limitation: Total cost 16 points.

6) Add A +¼ Advantage: 75 Active Points; total

cost 18 points.

7) Add A +½ Advantage: 90 Active Points; total

cost 21 points.

8) Add A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 13 points.

9) Add A -½ Limitation: Total cost 13 points.


Effect: Extra-Dimensional Movement,

Usable As Attack

Target: One character

Casting Time: 5 Minutes

Casting Procedures: Focus, Gestures, Incantations

Duration: Instant

Range: 40m

Magic Roll Penalty: -5

END Cost: 20

Description: This terrible spell thrusts the target

into an unlighted, unequipped stone cyst miles

beneath the surface of the earth. With nothing but

rock surrounding him for miles, the victim can

only hope that he starves to death before madness

sets in.

Because this spell takes a lot of time and effort

to cast, it works best on persons the caster already

has at a disadvantage.

Game Information: Extra-Dimensional Movement

(to the point in the “subterranean prison dimension”

corresponding to the target’s current location

on the surface of the earth), Usable As Attack

(stopped by Power Defense; +1¼), Limited Range

(40m; +¼) (55 Active Points); OAF Expendable

(a miniature stone box, completely sealed and

unopenable, inlaid with gold fittings and gems,

Extremely Difficult to obtain; -2), Concentration

(0 DCV throughout casting; -1), Extra Time (5

Minutes; -2), Gestures (throughout casting; -½),

Incantations (throughout casting; -½), Increased

Endurance Cost (x4 END; -1½), Requires A Magic

Roll (-½), Spell (-½). Total cost: 6 points.


3) Free Spell: Total cost: 7 points.

4) Remove A +¼ Advantage: 49 Active Points;

total cost 5 points.

5) Remove A +½ Advantage: 44 Active Points;

total cost 5 points.

6) Remove A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 6 points.

7) Remove A -½ Limitation: Total cost 6 points.

8) Add A +¼ Advantage: 60 Active Points; total

cost 6 points.

9) Add A +½ Advantage: 66 Active Points; total

cost 7 points.

10) Add A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 6 points.

11) Add A -½ Limitation: Total cost 5 points.


Effect: RKA 3d6, Indirect

Target: One character

Casting Time: 1 Turn

Casting Procedures: Focus, Gestures, Incantations

Duration: Instant

Range: 450m

Magic Roll Penalty: -7

END Cost: 7

Description: This spell, primarily considered a

form of battle magic, hurls large boulders at a

target (typically a castle or other large, immobile

object, since it takes so long to cast that other

targets can get out of the way easily).

Hero System Grimoire n Elemental Magic: Earth 127

Game Information: RKA 3d6, +1 Increased STUN

Multiplier (+¼), Indirect (Source Point is always

the caster, but the Path can arc above intervening

obstacles; +¼) (67 Active Points); OAF

Expendable (miniature model of a catapult made

of fine wood and silver wire, Very Difficult to

obtain; -1½), Extra Time (1 Turn; -1¼), Gestures

(throughout; -½), Incantations (throughout; -½),

Requires Large Boulders (-½), Requires A Magic

Roll (-½), Spell (-½). Total cost: 11 points.


1) Strong Spell: Increase to RKA 4d6. 90 Active

Points; total cost 14 points.

2) Weak Spell: Decrease to RKA 2d6. 45 Active

Points; total cost 7 points.

3) Free Spell: Total cost: 14 points.

4) Remove A +¼ Advantage: 56 Active Points;

total cost 9 points.

5) Remove A +½ Advantage: 45 Active Points;

total cost 7 points.

6) Remove A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 12 points.

7) Remove A -½ Limitation: Total cost 12 points.

8) Add A +¼ Advantage: 79 Active Points; total

cost 13 points.

9) Add A +½ Advantage: 90 Active Points; total

cost 14 points.

10) Add A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 10 points.

11) Add A -½ Limitation: Total cost 10 points.



Effect: Resistant Protection

(5 PD/5 ED)

Target: Self

Casting Time: Half Phase

Casting Procedures: Focus, Gestures, Incantations

Duration: Constant

Range: Self

Magic Roll Penalty: -1

END Cost: 1

Description: Stonyskin is one of the premiere

defensive spells of elemental wizards. It turns the

caster’s skin to mystic stone that provides protection

against blows, but does not diminish his

agility or sense of touch, nor weigh him down.

Game Information: Resistant Protection (5 PD/5

ED) (15 Active Points); OAF Expendable (chip of

polished stone, Easy to obtain; -1), Costs Endurance

(-½), Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼),

Requires A Magic Roll (-½). Total cost: 4 points.


1) Strong Spell: Increase to Resistant Protection

(7 PD/7 ED). 21 Active Points; total cost 6


2) Weak Spell: Decrease to Resistant Protection

(5 PD/3 ED). 12 Active Points; total cost 3


3) Free Spell: Total cost: 6 points.

4) Remove A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 5 points.

5) Remove A -½ Limitation: Total cost 5 points.

6) Add A +¼ Advantage: 19 Active Points; total

cost 5 points.

7) Add A +½ Advantage: 22 Active Points; total

cost 6 points.

8) Add A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 4 points.

9) Add A -½ Limitation: Total cost 4 points.

10) Limited Duration Spell: Replace Costs Endurance

(-½) with Time Limit (duration of 1

hour, +10 minutes for each point by which

the caster succeeds with a Magic roll; -¾).

Total cost: 4 points.


Effect: Barrier 4 PD/4 ED, 5 BODY

(up to 12m long, 4m tall,

and 1m thick), Opaque

Target: Area

Casting Time: Half Phase (Attack Action)

Casting Procedures: Focus, Gestures, Incantations

Duration: Instant

Range: 20m

Magic Roll Penalty: -5

END Cost: 5

Description: This spell allows the caster to cause

a wall of earth and soil to provide cover for his

friends or hinder the movement of his foes.

When successfully created, a Wall Of Earth can

be up to 8m long and 3m tall. For every 1 point

by which the caster succeeds with his Magic roll,

he can increase the length or height by +1m to a

maximum of 12m long and 4m tall.

Game Information: Barrier 4 PD/4 ED, 5 BODY

(up to 12m long, 4m tall, and 1m thick), Opaque

(46 Active Points); OAF Expendable (small mud

brick formed by the caster, Easy to obtain; -1),

Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Limited Range

(20m; -¼), Requires A Magic Roll (-½). Total cost:

14 points.


1) Strong Spell: Increase to up to 18m long, 6m

tall, and 2m thick. 56 Active Points; total cost

17 points.

2) Free Spell: Total cost: 20 points.

3) Remove A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 15 points.

4) Remove A -½ Limitation: Total cost 17 points.

5) Add A +¼ Advantage: 57 Active Points; total

cost 17 points.

6) Add A +½ Advantage: 69 Active Points; total

cost 21 points.

7) Add A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 13 points.

8) Add A -½ Limitation: Total cost 12 points.

9) Controlled Wall: The caster can make the Wall

disappear at will. Add Dismissable. 51 Active

Points; total cost 16 points.

128 n Elemental Magic: Earth Hero System 6th Edition


Effect: Barrier 6 PD/10 ED, 11

BODY (up to 12m long,

4m tall, and 1m thick),

Opaque (Sight Group)

Target: Area

Casting Time: Half Phase (Attack Action)

Casting Procedures: Focus, Gestures, Incantations

Duration: Instant

Range: 20m

Magic Roll Penalty: -6

END Cost: 6

Description: This spell resembles Wall Of Earth,

but allows the caster to create a much more

durable wall of solid rock instead. He can control

the appearance/texture of the wall, making it as

smooth as a polished flagstone or as rough as a

rocky mountainside.

When successfully created, a Wall Of Stone can

be up to 8m long and 3m tall. For every 1 point

by which the caster succeeds with his Magic roll,

he can increase the length or height by +1m to a

maximum of 12m long and 4m tall.

Game Information: Barrier 6 PD/10 ED, 11 BODY

(up to 12m long, 4m tall, and 1m thick), Opaque

(Sight Group) (63 Active Points); OAF Expendable

(small cube of stone with a rune etched in

each side, Difficult to obtain; -1¼), Gestures (-¼),

Incantations (-¼), Limited Range (20m; -¼),

Requires A Magic Roll (-½). Total cost: 18 points.


1) Strong Spell: Increase to up to 18m long, 6m

tall, and 2m thick. 73 Active Points; total cost

21 points.

2) Free Spell: Total cost: 28 points.

3) Remove A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 19 points.

4) Remove A -½ Limitation: Total cost 21 points.

5) Add A +¼ Advantage: 79 Active Points; total

cost 22 points.

6) Add A +½ Advantage: 94 Active Points; total

cost 27 points.

7) Add A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 17 points.

8) Add A -½ Limitation: Total cost 16 points.

9) Controlled Wall: The caster can make the Wall

disappear at will. Add Dismissable. 68 Active

Points; total cost 19 points.

10) Wall Of Spiked Stone: This variant spell

creates a Wall Of Stone with sharp stone

spikes on one side (typically the side facing

away from the caster. Add: RKA 1d6,

Constant (+½), Area Of Effect (Surface large

enough to cover Barrier, Damage Shield; +1),

Armor Piercing (+¼), Reduced Endurance

(0 END; +½), Time Limit (lasts until Barrier

is destroyed; +½) (56 Active Points); OAF

Expendable (small cube of stone with a rune

etched in each side, Difficult to obtain; -1¼),

Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Limited

Range (20m; -¼), Linked (-½), Requires A

Magic Roll (-½). Total cost: 14 points; total

cost of spell 32 points.



Effect: Tunneling 12m through

6 PD material

Target: Self

Casting Time: Half Phase

Casting Procedures: Focus, Gestures, Incantations

Duration: Constant

Range: Self

Magic Roll Penalty: -2

END Cost: 2

Description: This spell creates a tunnel through

earth, or even through solid rock! It does not,

however, affect worked stone walls.

Game Information: Tunneling 12m through 6 PD

material (24 Active Points); OAF Expendable (tiny

silver shovel, Difficult to obtain; -1¼), Gestures

(-¼), Incantations (-¼), Limited Medium (natural

soil and rock only; -½), Requires A Magic Roll

(-½). Total cost: 6 points.


1) Weak Spell: Decrease to Tunneling 6m. 18

Active Points; total cost 5 points.

2) Free Spell: Total cost: 10 points.

3) Remove A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 7 points.

4) Remove A -½ Limitation: Total cost 7 points.

5) Add A +¼ Advantage: 30 Active Points; total

cost 8 points.

6) Add A +½ Advantage: 36 Active Points; total

cost 10 points.

7) Add A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 6 points.

8) Add A -½ Limitation: Total cost 6 points.

9) Fillable Tunnel: Add Fill In. 34 Active Points;

total cost 9 points.



Effect: Summon one tower built

on up to 300 Total Points

Target: Special

Casting Time: 1 Hour

Casting Procedures: Focus, Gestures, Incantations

Duration: Instant

Range: No Range

Magic Roll Penalty: -13

END Cost: 13

Description: This powerful incantation allows a

caster to create a stone tower out of nothingness.

The caster must create the tower on cleared, level

ground, or by adding onto an existing structure;

he cannot raise the tower in such a way as to

destroy another structure or the like.

Hero System Grimoire n Elemental Magic: Earth 129

Game Information: Summon one tower built on

up to 300 Total Points, Expanded Class (any type

of stone tower or like structure; +¼), Slavishly

Devoted (+1) (135 Active Points); OAF Expendable

(miniature gold tower, studded with gems,

Extremely Difficult to obtain; -2), Concentration

(0 DCV throughout; -1), Extra Time (1 Hour;

-3), Gestures (throughout; -½), Incantations

(throughout; -½), Requires A Magic Roll (-½).

Total cost: 16 points.


1) Strong Spell: Increase to Summon one tower

built on up to 400 Total Points. 180 Active

Points; total cost 21 points.

2) Weak Spell: Decrease to Summon one tower

built on up to 200 Total Points. 90 Active

Points; total cost 11 points.

3) Free Spell: Total cost: 21 points.

4) Remove A +¼ Advantage: 120 Active Points;

total cost 14 points.

5) Remove A +½ Advantage: 105 Active Points;

total cost 12 points.

6) Remove A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 17 points.

7) Remove A -½ Limitation: Total cost 17 points.

8) Add A +¼ Advantage: 150 Active Points; total

cost 18 points.

9) Add A +½ Advantage: 165 Active Points; total

cost 19 points.

10) Add A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 15 points.

11) Add A -½ Limitation: Total cost 15 points.


Effect: Minor Transform 10d6

(reshape stone objects)

Target: One stone object

Casting Time: 1 Turn

Casting Procedures: Focus, Gestures, Incantations

Duration: Instant

Range: No Range

Magic Roll Penalty: -5

END Cost: 5

Description: This spell allows a character to

reshape a single stone object. He could, for

example, create a hole in a stone block, change

the posture of a statue, turn a boulder into a

statue (assuming he has a Skill to do so, such as

PS: Sculptor), or the like. For larger stone objects

(such as huge blocks), the wizard may need to cast

the spell repeatedly to fully change the object’s

shape. This spell does not affect living or mobile

beings of stone, such as stone golems.

Game Information: Minor Transform 10d6 (stone

object into differently-shaped stone object) (50

Active Points); OAF Expendable (tiny golden

chisel, Very Difficult to obtain; -1½), Extra Time

(1 Turn; -1¼), Gestures (throughout; -½), Incantations

(throughout; -½), Limited Target (stone; -¼),

No Range (-½), Requires A Magic Roll (-½), Spell

(-½). Total cost: 8 points.


1) Strong Spell: Increase to Minor Transform

12d6. 60 Active Points; total cost 9 points.

2) Weak Spell: Decrease to Minor Transform

8d6. 40 Active Points; total cost 6 points.

3) Free Spell: Total cost: 10 points.

4) Remove A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 8 points.

5) Remove A -½ Limitation: Total cost 8 points.

6) Add A +¼ Advantage: 62 Active Points; total

cost 9 points.

7) Add A +½ Advantage: 75 Active Points; total

cost 11 points.

8) Add A -¼ Limitation: Total cost 8 points.

9) Add A -½ Limitation: Total cost 7 points