Empire, Cydonians

The Cydonian Menace

Member Races


Small and grey in appearance, they make up for their lack of physical prowess with powerful weapons and daunting psionic powers.


Large, mottled orange humanoids. They are denser than water and form the bulk of the Cydonian infantry forces. Their brutish appearance hides an intelligent and cunning mind and are not to be underestimated.


Less durable and intelligent than the mutons, they are highly valued for their amphibious abilities. Equally at home in water and on land.


Powerful psychics, they use mental influence and illusions to confuse and divide their enemies before unleashing more overt powers to demolish their foes.

Great Minds

The great minds never leave their starships. Their influence can be felt even at great range, and their abilities can be devistating, although they are normally used to bolster their other forces in battle.

Star Fleet

The Cydonian star fleet consists of a range of standard ships ranging for one-man scouts and fighters to massive battleships. All these ships are capable of faster than light and interdimensional travel and rapidly decompose into nothing after taking fatal damage, leaving no debris to examine.