Power, Inner Beast

The user controls their inner demons to gain strength and ferocity to destroy anything in their path. Although, the user mustn't let their inner beast overpower them or they become psychotic killing machines. The user must be careful and try to stay calm unless they really need to unlock the beast inside them.

To use this power, a Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde-like transformation takes place in which the attractive hero turns into someone who looks completely different and monstrous. The exact look varies from individual to individual, but the transformation is always something that looks less than human. One common transformation is a devolved, neanderthal or animal and savage looking appearance with a long, wild mane of hair, fur or lots of hair covering the body, or skin becoming reptilian with glistening scales, the eyes become round or feline, teeth are sharp and/or have large fangs, and the face and body share other animal features. Another type of monstrous appearance is demonic features such as bronze, red or other unusual skin color, blank or odd colored eyes, horns, clawed or oversized hands and feet, spikes and spines along the arm, shoulders, head or spine, and so on. The character may even increase in size by as much as 50%, but otherwise keeps his original humanoid shape.

Not only does the character's appearance change, but his entire DNA changes, keeping his secret human identity (if applicable) separate and distinct from his superhuman identity.

LQ. and M.A. are reduced by 30%, as the bestial character becomes more reliant on brute strength, instinct and emotion than intellect.

Alignment changes from Chaotic alignments (Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil), and the hero must struggle with himself to maintain control and not lash out at every perceived insult or challenge. The character in his Beast/Mr. Hyde form is driven by a deep animalistic sense of survival and predatory instincts that make him a rough and tumble brawler who reacts to outside stimuli with growls, fists and fury. This is a creature of action who tends to attack first and ask questions later. Think pit bull on steroids. Threaten him, and he attacks. Threaten an innocent person, especially a child, female or friend, and he attacks. The bestial hero first steps in between the villain/threatening individual and growls or bellows a warning telling the troublemaker to back off or suffer his wrath. This is accompanied by sometimes literal

growling, threatening baring of teeth (or a confident grin) and chest thumping. If the villain/troublemaker continues to make threats or moves to hit/hurt/attack the hero or an innocent victim, the bestial hero responds to prevent it with extreme fury and violence.

He may remain in control enough to stop from killing his opponent, but he'll hurt him bad. And if the troublemaker deserves it, or is too stupid or angry to surrender or flee, the bestial hero may kill him.

Even as a beast, the hero saves his full fury for villains and evildoers, however, this character loves to fight, and in the heat of battle or when acting as a righteous avenger, he may become a merciless killing machine.

Bestial Powers: Hit Points and S.D.C. double and give the character a Natural A.R. of 15.)

P.S. is doubled and becomes Supernatural. (If the character had Supernatural P.S. to begin with, only increase P.S. by 25%.)

P.P. increase by 10%.

P.E. becomes Supernatural and the character does not easily fatigue even after hours of fighting or heavy physical exertion.

Spd and leaping distances are doubled. (If the character has super-speed to begin with, only increase Spd by 25%).

Bonuses: +2 attacks per melee round, +3 on initiative (also see W.P. Quick Draw), +2 on Perception Rolls but only as they pertain to fighting (incoming attacks, recognizing that an opponent is about to attack or back off, recognizing that someone is more than human - i.e. supernatural being, super-powered, and similar).

+2 to strike and disarm, +3 to pull punch, and +3 to save vs Horror Factor and supernatural possession.

Bonus Skills: In bestial form replace one of the character's usual O.C.C. Skills with each of the following. Do NOT replace Physical or Weapon Proficiency skills. If you run out of O.C.C. Skills, replace O.C.C. Related Skills. Note: These are the skills of the Beast/Mr. Hyde. In his non-bestial other self, the hero has all of

his other (probably more intellectual) skills, and does not know the ones that are available in his bestial alter-ego. If a skill is duplicated, use the highest of the two skill percentages when bestial.

Kick Boxing or Wrestling (pick one).

Climbing 80%+ 1% per level of experience.

Detect Ambush 70% + 1% per level of experience.

Gambling 70% + 1% per level of experience.


Prowl 74% + 1% per level of experience.

Recognize Weapon Quality 80% +1% per level of experience.

Tracking (people and animals) 80% +1% per level of experience.

W.P. Blunt

W.P. Paired Weapons

W.P. Quick Draw

W.P. Targeting

All Weapon Proficiencies are performed at the character's usual level of experience.