Monster, Zombie

Physical Quirk Table (Optional)

People come in all shapes and sizes, and so do zombies. This optional table presents Zombie variants. Some are stronger or weaker, others are more gruesome or weird, but only have some slight bonuses or other modifiers as a result. Game Masters, select the variant you desire – if any – or roll percentile dice for a random determination.

01-11% Child Zombie. Same stats as the standard Chaos Zombie but with the following modifications: Half the size and one third the weight, +1 to Horror Factor and +1D6 to P.B. attribute, but reduce P.S. by 30%.

12-21% Funny-Looking Zombie. As dark as it is to think about, unfortunately some people died in compromising positions or had an accident after they became a zombie, and now they are funny because they look silly. This may include zombie clowns, mimes and those in strange outfits like a chicken or pizza costume. Some may wear odd or partial clothing, look funny naked, or be like the zombie who can’t give chase because it has its pants down around its ankles; that sort of thing. -2 to Horror Factor, +1 on initiative because their humorous appearance is disarming and people tend not to consider them as dangerous as other zombies, but they are!

22-31% Diseased Zombie. This person likely died of the flu, pneumonia, an infected wound, or disease. It still acts as if it were sick and even coughs, wheezes, walks with a limp or shuffle, and drools blood or goo. Physically, it looks like it has suffered a long, debilitating illness. The face has dark circles under its eyes, the cheeks are sunken, hair is a tangled mess, and the body has a white or gray pallor to the skin and is likely to be covered in an ugly red rash, blisters, boils, warts, open sores, etc. +3 to Horror Factor and +1 to strike (it is faster and deadlier than its frail appearance suggests).

32-41% Athletic Zombie. In life, this person enjoyed sports, or hiking, walking or running. As a result, the zombie’s body is lean and in good to excellent physical condition; +2 to P.B. attribute, +4 to Spd, and +8 to S.D.C.

42-51% Muscled Zombie: In life, this person was a bodybuilder or athlete. +6 to Augmented P.S., +1D6 to P.B., and +20 to Main Body S.D.C.

52-61% Obese Zombie. These guys put the “morbid” in morbidly obese. -2 to Spd attribute, +36 to Main Body S.D.C.

62-71% Mutilated Zombie. The zombie is horribly disfigured in some way – covered in scars or open wounds, part of its flesh is torn away in big hunks with entrails dangling, has a big gash or body wound, is impaled with shrapnel, a long section of its arm(s) or leg(s) has the flesh torn away down to the bone, half its face is gone, flesh is burned and charred, or may practically be a walking skeleton, and so on. +4 to Horror Factor.

72-90% Rotting Zombie. This zombie is seriously deteriorated and looks half rotted and as if it just crawled out of a grave (which it probably has); +3 to Horror Factor.

91-00% Beautiful in Death: This reanimated corpse was once a very attractive male or female and even in death, appears to be fresh, alive and attractive. The stunning good looks of this zombie are distracting and unnerving. +15 to P.B. attribute and +4 to Awe/Horror Factor. A failed roll means the character hesitates to react to it, because it is so “alive” looking and beautiful/handsome. Failure to save vs Awe Factor is the same as H.F. reaction (-1 melee attack, -3 on initiative, and is -3 on all Perception. Rolls for one melee round). This also gives the zombie a +1 to strike.