The Cathedral

The floors of the foyer, stairs, and sanctuary are covered with thick red carpeting, the woodwork is all deep finished oak and walnut. On top of that is all the brass: brass door handles, coat hooks, stairway railing, window latches. The windows, of course, are stained glass; and all the ceilings are lofty, with great hanging chandeliers and delicate scrollwork

Some are old enough to claim to remember singing in the choir when they were young, but now the liturgies have changed over time (or have they really listened to them the first time?)

The Pastor (NPC):


  1. A real showman; he can work an audience right down to each tear or titter and time it so well that they become just so many puppets on a string. He stands behind the pulpit with incredible dignity and poise, and his words are so well-chosen that whatever he is saying has to be right.

  2. Dour. Depressing. He talks about the end of days like it’s something that’s already happened, and says that God is here and walks amongst us.