NPC, Caspian

"All studies of the Kingdom must begin with the King Himself. No kingdom is greater than its king, nor more wise or powerful than the one who is best qualified to rule it. The Lathra tells us about this King, the greatest Ruler of all, the King of all Kings."

"Even then, the multitudes of references are insufficient. Indeed, it would take all of literature together to even paint a picture of his character. The caverns of knowledge each lead to another and another and another. Should any explorer exhaust them on one world he simply moves to the next. There will always be more to learn, more to discover about him. The learning never ceases, the wonder always deepens, the symphony of worship ever builds, one crescendo upon another."

Caspian is a lawful evil, humanoid, immortal, extradimensional being of almost infinite power, who is worshiped as an all-powerful deity and divine ruler by the Kingdom.

The sigil of Caspian resembles a capital "C", and is often used in ceremonies relating to him, as well incorporated into architecture. Pronouns related to Caspian are often capitalized when they are written in Kingdom literature.

Real Name: Unknown, goes by the full name "Caspian Deus Rex," which is Latin for "Caspian God King."

Rank and Title

The title of God-King is one that has been worn by Caspian for as long as history records his existence. It is both a religious title and an official designation.

For someone who rules what could be considered a vast empire, one would question whether Caspian should have been called something more appropriate like "Emperor" or "God-Emperor". But its citizens are fond of saying, "Caspian is a King whom even emperors have served."

In GURPS, holding the title of God-King affords one a Status Level 12 in the Kingdom.

Physical Appearance

Popular depictions of Caspian in art and photographs tend to show him as a beautiful, clean-shaven youth not yet of twenty summers in age, tall and leanly muscular, with or without angel wings.

He (and all of his avatars and manifestations) can change their appearances at will, but Caspian seems to prefer angelic, human-like forms of godlike perfection. To quote one observer, "It was as though someone had taken the prototype sculpture of a human being and sanded away the faults to attempt perfection. He is too perfect, too unreal. Caspian stands apart. By contrast, everyone else is imperfect and ugly."

Fully revealed, his mere presence can drive all but the strongest wills to madness, with most mortals gripped by the immensity of just what they are seeing. Here, in physical form, stands majesty and authority incarnate, the like of which the greatest ruler could not comprehend. Humans have suffered strokes and heart attacks in the presence of the God-King. Almost all, without exception, are frozen in their steps or abase themselves upon first seeing him. Many weep without intention or reason. People who are unfamiliar with his evil nature will usually believe him to be an angelic being of light, if not a god.

Powers and Abilities

Caspian is the mightiest known entity on his homeworld, and may even be the mighteist entity in his own galaxy or even dimension. As powerful as a Old One or Galaxar, he can do virtually anything he can imagine.

Caspian has vast, cosmic-level powers based on a mystical energy source allowing him to create, shape and manipulate cosmic and mystical energies to produce nearly any effect he desires, including the molecular restructuring and transmutation of matter, the manipulation of matter across space and time, the creation of force fields, the creation of inter-dimensional portals and vortexes, steller telekinesis, and hyperspatial awareness. He can call upon the comets, meteors, asteroids, stars, moons, planets, nebula, quasars, and dark matter. He can generate stellar winds, solar flares, cosmic storms and invoke meteor showers.

The manipulation of these effects on a potentially immeasurable level, and (like all infinities or near infinities) have no clearly defined extent, though no hard upper limit to his capabilities has yet been demonstrated. So his limits are defined mostly by what he’s observed to have done, and speculation regarding what he hasn’t done. If there’s a power he may or may not possess, he alone knows the truth; he’s certainly not going to attempt something he’s never done before in front of witnesses. That way, no one knows if he doesn’t do certain things because he can’t, or because he chooses not to.

During the Great War, there were tales of him rendering entire nuclear arsenals inert from halfway across the world, boiling submarines at the farthest depths of the ocean, bringing down planes or casting spells that caused the sky to devour them.

In certain instances the range has approached an astronomical scale of influence. It is a power source that is increased and replenished, at least partially, by worship throughout his domains.Titles and Embodiments:

    • Abnormal Embodiment: During the time of omens, Caspian's acts embodied abnormality, the concept of not being normal average, typical, or usual; deviating from a standard: abnormal powers of concentration; an abnormal amount of snow; abnormal behavior.

    • Assailant: Assailants are those who wish to rule whatever they choose as well as seek total domination of domains. On occasions, they also plan to steal objects of great power. Due to their dark nature and evil intentions, assailants have an undying thirst for domination and despair upon the innocent, they'll kill or enslave anyone who stands in their way of conquest. Unlike guardians, they're not chosen, but more or less, they're often corrupted by power and seek to gain more, even if it means destroying everything they know. Much like guardians, they are capable of possessing supernatural abilities.

  • Cosmic Monarch:

  • Galactic Conqueror:

  • Order Embodiment:

  • Universal Lordship:

Power Stunts: These are abilities that Caspian does not truly possess, but may simulate aspects of due to his shear power and intellect. It has been theorized that the vast majority of his powers are derived from a singular ability to manipulate cosmic energy and that he could simulate almost any superpower with enough practice and control.

    • Apocalypse Inducement: Caspian can bring forth the aspects of an apocalypse, or an event that has a major impact on society as a whole. Such events vary from a major disruption of human civilization, to the extinction of human life, to the destruction of the planet Earth, to the annihilation of the entire universe. He can control various powers that destroys worlds, such as natural disasters, disease, global conflict and such total destruction. He can even gain followers from the acts he performs.

    • Death Inducement:

    • Destruction:

    • Omniarch:

    • Variable Manipulation: Caspian can manipulate all the variables defining the current state of reality, freely increasing/reducing/freezing/replicating them. As one might expect, this ability mixes extremely well with virtually all others, as it can amplify all their variables to maximum possible levels. It can also be used directly: time, space, matter, energy, mind, biology, every single existence and phenomenon is defined by variables, making reality itself a malleable clay in Caspian's hands, only limited by his skill and experience in shaping it.


    • Caspian has no access to divination spells or abilities that would allow him to gain any glimpse of future events. Likewise, his ability to see psychic impressions of the past is also limited. While his senses are far-reaching, and he may peer into the minds of billions of people to learn what he needs to know, he sees only the present and the memories of the past with supernatural clarity. He often uses this knowledge of the present and past to make an almost certain prediction of the future, and may use his other powers to arrange for events to occur in the future, making others believe that he has the ability to see future events.

    • While the range of his abilities is vast, it is far from limitless. He has demonstrated the ability to perceive and manipulate forces on a interstellar distance. In order to extend his range, he must either re-locate, or open a portal to the area or person he wishes to effect.

    • Almost everything that exists can be manipulated, including, but not limited to: matter, energy, causality, emotion, etc. Caspian can grab hold of creation and twist, bend, sculpt, and re-sculpt it into virtually whatever form that he desires or could imagine. Unfortunately, the power to create something out of nothing is not at his disposal, as a created universe, multiverse, or omniverse must first be in existence in order for him to manipulate it. However, Caspian can twist reality in such a way that they mimic creation to an extent; i.e. projection of realistic illusions and bringing any form of fantasy to life through sheer force of will. As long as the raw matter of creation (matter, energy, spirit, time, space) is present he can manipulate it anyway he pleases.

    • Every act he performs requires energy, and while he is perhaps the greatest source of such energy in his universe, it is not infinite and may eventually be expended if too much time occurs between replenishment.

Being an evil supernatural being, Caspian is vulnerable to certain spells, weapons and artifacts that target such things, but he also usually able to counter such things with his neigh-impenetrable magic resistance.

He is, however, not a demonic or hellish being and is not affected by holy items, spells, or affects.


Clothing and Armor:


Core Personality

Analyzing a persona as powerful, and unique as the God-King is a difficult and potentially hazardous undertaking. And while Caspian’s oldest acquaintances may know him as an individual, no one truly understands the God-King.

On those rare occasion he will encounter others, they will be unlikely to ever know his true personality or motivations, as he is an accomplished actor, always projecting the appropriate guise that will most suit his plans and say what the person wants to hear. He can play the role of a generous benevolent deity one moment, the next a devilish, malevolent god on a different occasion.

As such he can be role-played in a variety of ways – indeed, he may manifest differently in the same campaign, appearing at first as a smooth, friendly conversationalist who makes golden promises laden with beshadowed treachery etched in well chosen words and phrases, the next time as a monster with a bone-chilling smile. He may choose to be reasonably friendly, helpful or plain speaking or deliberately condescending, rude, obtuse and/or cryptic. Other times he remains absent or silent, and allows others to make their own minds as to his true motives.

Which approach he chooses often depends on the level of respect and courtesy he is shown by the one meeting him.


Typically Caspian displays a very calm, civilized and refined demeanor, using very polite, eloquent language, and is often grimly dramatic, employing irony and hyperbole at every turn. But he will also seem very arrogant and overconfident; a being that carries himself with the knowledge that his will is supreme and who has enough power to make his desires reality at any time he chooses.

He knows, from millennia of experience, that he is intellectually and physically superior to all other human beings (and, for that matter, other sentients), and that as such it is his right to rule over them. All living, lesser beings must bow to him, and acknowledge him as their unquestioned master before he will be satisfied. He is a god, and he intends to be recognized as one at all times.

At times he can appear to be arrogance and imperial ambition personified, but to Caspian this is simply honesty.

Pride and Vanity

Calm and Calculating

Caspian seems to approach everything with resolute calm, patience and diligence, while all the while he calculates, plots and seethes with powerful, passionate emotions. He weighs his actions in terms of how they will affect the world centuries into the future. He rarely makes rash decisions, nor is he ever distracted from his end goals.

It is only when everything is ready and all factors have aligned with his will, when he is not content to sit quietly and conspire behind the scenes any longer; he then acts with one terrifying gesture that can destroy cities, alter countless lives, and leave the multiverse reeling.

Sense of Perfection

Caspian seems to be a fanatical Utopian reformer as well as a megalomaniac. He wants to create a perfect universe full of perfect people. His notions of perfection, however, have little to do with what anyone else wants.

Before he came to be, the universe was mostly blind, unreasoning chaos; having no meaning or purpose other than what was imposed upon it by force. Through his actions, a clear strategy, a purpose, a will has been enforced upon the world. Caspian usually spends the days of his immortal life now constantly refining and resolving and tinkering with the smallest parts of his near-perfect world, trying to smooth over the imperfections, few though they are. He, in fact, prefers to act unhurriedly, almost invisibly, but with an inevitable force that nothing in Creation can oppose. He guides the affairs of humankind to goals only he understands. His power has now been turned to evolving everything into a more perfect order, a greater efficiency, a constantly advancing and accelerating process of increasing complexity. He himself is rarely seen, but the results of his tampering is frequent. Even with his great power, it usually requires decades (if not centuries) to enact major changes upon the universal order, as such Caspian always seeks new applications for his abilities and new sources of knowledge and power, which leads to...

Thirst For Power and Knowledge:

The quest for power, knowledge and control is never ending, and too much is never enough. There are always more magicks to command, secrets to know, and things to find, conquer or create. He is driven to find answers. Sometimes it is for its own sake, and other times it is a means to even more power.

There may come a day when he goes too far, daring to conquer too much, spreading his forces too thin, or daring to take too many risks. Still, he believes that power, control, and dominance are the supreme reality, and must be pursed at all costs.


Sense of Honor

He always honor his word, promises and debts because as a god, he cannot show such mortal failings as lying or treachery, though he can split hairs and twist meanings to find a way around inconvenient promises and he has been known to interpret vows in ways that favor his own desires best.

Likewise he also will never stoop to underhanded tactics like backstabbing, or poison, or taking hostages, to get his way; not out of any moral considerations, but rather that it makes him looks desperate and weak to resort to such measures when he has full control over a situation. Being a god, he believes certain things as honor and nobility are expected of beings like him, including keeping his word, even if it has been given to one that countless steps below his stature and level of power.



One aspect that confuses many observers is the lack of petty evils that seem to infest other so-called 'evil regimes'.

Caspian utterly despises what he calls "petty evils": bribe-taking, influence-peddling, hypocrisy,

Will Not Lie

Caspian is proud of saying that he is so confident in his power and means of control that he never has to lie for any reason. And even opponents of his that utterly loathe and fear him with a murderous intensity will have to admit that he displays great integrity in his dealings with others. Every source one can find will say the same thing: while Caspian can be selective in his pronouncements, capable of an oblique approach to a subject, and may either honor the spirit or the latter of an agreement (depending on which is suited for his plans), he has never been known to utter a direct lie.


While Caspian does not lie, entering into any sort of agreement or arrangement with him can be the most dangerous thing one can do. Depending on his plans, he may keep the letter of the agreement, while violating the spirit, or keep the spirit while neglecting the letter, or upload both the letter and the spirit. He is a treacherous broker of deals rivaling the greatest demon lords of myth and legend.


Like most narcissists, he tends to reacts violently to criticism. Those that refuse to play his games, those demeaning him or ignoring him results in bringing out his wrathful side for which there is seemingly no equal. In these situations he is not the forgiving sort. He relentlessly hunts anyone who incur his extreme displeasure. It is in these cases that he prefers to humiliate, trouble, and torment his enemies rather than killing them outright. Any fool with a weapon can kill or tell a lie to destroy another’s reputation, it takes a sophisticate to break an enemy’s mind and drive them to despair, madness, and perhaps even eventual suicide or eternal submission. If Caspian cannot locate the upstart’s mind directly, he searches other people’s minds for memories of its target. The pursuit could take months, even years — but Caspian has plenty of time. He relents only if the enemy submits and accepts miserable, degrading servitude of body and soul.

Hatred of Disorder, Injustice and Chaos

Unlike many of the so-called great evils of the omniverse, Caspian does not feed upon or require suffering and death to exist or grow stronger. To be evil for evil's sake is simply wasteful, and he is known to punish so-called lesser or petty evils infesting a domain that he desires (unless their presence serves his plans in some way).


Motivations and Viewpoints:

For countless millienia, Caspian was confined to a single dimension, a single universe, and for much of that time, a single world. In that place he ruled over his version of utopia where he was supreme. With supremacy came idle time, self-indulgence, boredom, and decadence. Rebellion in his subjects was unthinkable and loyalty was ingrained since birth in all.

Having recently found the means to other dimensions and other worlds, he now engages in games of conquest.

Caspian views others as lesser creatures who exist to serve the greater good. He will use them as pawns, but in the end he thinks no other world or species can be sufficiently worthy to warrant respect or perhaps even survival. Other worlds obviously do not enjoy the wisdom and order that the people of Caspia do, so they must be shown the error of their ways. Towards this end, he conducts his numerous wars and forays of conquest, attempting to bring many worlds and dimension under his thumb.

On those worlds which bow to his immense, fearsome power, the God-King establishes viceroys chosen from among the most powerful and ruthless beings to rule on his behalf. Unfortunately, for his victims, these worlds may never be completely pacified to his high standards. He may resort to obliterating newly discovered intelligent races and take their worlds to colonize with loyalists.

He desires to continue this mode of conquest, but since encountering other entities that rival him in power, he has paused his efforts to expect a defensive war, and be more selective in his choice of conquests.

His core concerns are simple and can be summed up into five. First, he wants the power structure currently in place to remain exactly as it stands now, with him at the top. Second, he desires perfection.

Fourth, having power and control is is of little meaning if that power is not exercised, tested, and demonstrated. To this end Caspian will engage in all sorts of “games” and schemes designed to test his power and demonstrate his control, using all sorts of beings as pawns. Lastly, he has an obsession avenging himself upon any who have wronged him, rivaled him, or took what was his, in the distant past and the present. It is not enough to have immortality, virtual omnipotence, the worship of nearly all sentient beings, and control of the known universe, when memories from his mortal past still nag at him and he can never truly feel satisfied until he has fully revenged himself. Under everything lies the memories of helplessness and a lack of control. To counteract this, the universe must truly be remade, the memory of every other god or creed removed and replaced with his own, stamped into every living thing. Those unworthy of change must be destroyed, or better yet, exiled so that they may forever contemplate their defeat at his hands, and do him homage with their despair. Then his vengeance will be complete. He sees this not as an emotional investment, but rather a balancing of the scales, so he is systematic in his revenge. Similarly, Caspian tends to hold grudges; he rarely forgets a slight, no matter how trivial or meaningless. He may extract vengeance tomorrow or wait decades, but he’ll get his revenge, though like always he acts methodically to trap the person into a deal or trick them into attacking him so that he may be justified in acting against them. The longer he waits the more he plans his revenge and the more destructive when it finally occurs.

Although possessed of an insatiable hunger for power and control, he honestly believes his rule is best for the world, and has always considered himself its savior. He also views all sentient beings bereft of Magick as "inferiors", likening them to children floundering about aimlessly, ignorant of their own shortcomings and incapable of fulfilling their aspirations, living out their pitiful existences without higher purpose or hope for anything better. He, of course sees himself and his Great Ones as superior beings, even the highest beings, who deserve the devotion of all. He believes in “might makes right,” but also believes that powerful beings should act with structure, maturity and a modicum of restraint. Caspian considers the "wise and powerful" as responsible for providing guidance for such lesser entities in order to allow for a thriving civilization that will exist for eons and will be far greater any human can ever hope to accomplish. Seeing no one wiser nor more powerful, Caspian deemed only himself worthy of realizing this philosophy, and thus endeavors to control the world forever, a world that he feels doesn’t deserve him. He is willing to burden himself with ruling them. Human beings should see their subjugation as a blessing, and take what little power, knowledge, or benefits he deems them worthy of having. If some are altered, killed, or driven mad, then those are just natural consequences of living in a universe with him in it; for is it not a god’s responsibility to alter, kill and drive mad? If the humans would but look beyond their selves at the greater good, they could avoid such terrible things.

His schemes in order to enact this also tend to be short-sided and simplistic in outcome, but they employ grandiose, complex and extravagant means to attain them (such as wiping out an entire wasteful civilization with Kaiju to save the environment, or winning a war though many, many single acts of global terrorism each destroying a major city). While a simple well-placed act would deal with the problem, Caspian wouldn’t find that “fun” enough; chaos must be sowed in an orderly manner, he claims.

Only his code of honor and sense of perfection limits this, and opponents may be able to manipulate him by either flattering him or citing his divinity. If an entire population of humans must die to achieve his ends, he will sacrifice them without shirking, but doing so is usually considered a waste of time and energy and hurt his benevolent reputation, and as such is only committed to some serve greater purpose, such as reminding his subjects of his true power. Still the rare opportunities for revenge, excess and debauchery and gratuitous displays of powers are valued, and are something that Caspian enjoys doing when the time comes to do it.

He respects intelligence and ability and enjoys a good challenge as long he comes out the winner in the end. Of course he never commits himself to a challenge without being sufficiently prepared and victory being almost assured.

He takes godhood very seriously, in his fashion. And as a deity he expects civility, if not worship from everyone he encounters. Those that take object to his actions had best speak respectfully, use logical arguments and above all be flattering. He will justify most of his positions and eccentricities through his own supposed perfection, and refuses to show any sign that he is less than perfect.

Caspian is always in control of himself and the world around him. More or less, nothing fazes him, and he always projects exactly the image he wishes others to see. Very little can impress him, because he has seen almost everything happen before. He hasn’t lost the ability to express strong emotions; it’s just difficult for him to do so after he’s seen so much.

He has no time for small talk, no patience for the obnoxious. He will not tolerate scorn, mockery, or impudence; on more than one occasion he has casually slaughtered someone who made a trivial remark he found offensive. He does have a sense of humor, but it is usually something to fear.

This is not to say that he appears introverted or is stone quiet; he is well-known for his bouts of dark laughter and long-winded speeches comprised of hyperbole.

Methods: Caspian can project physical manifestations into other planes of existence without placing himself in danger of being slain. It is these avatars that often scout a world before Caspian acts in force. They learn about the people and the world’s defenses, and may enlist fifth columnists through promises of favor under his rule. His largest weakness is his use of manifestations or avatars. While he delegates most of the day-to-day running of his empire to his hierarchy of minions, he feels the need to be present where he is most needed. Recall that manifesting even a single avatar in another location weakens his power by dividing it in two, with each self having exactly one half.

Direct contact with the God-King is exceedingly rare. He doesn’t need direct contact to get the job done. He has a thousand and-one ways to get what he wants, none of which really involve him taking personal action. Also, from the perspective of the characters in the game, direct contact with him is going to leave them dead, dying or permanently changed or deranged. It is no small thing to be confronted by the Lord of All, and it shouldn’t be considered lightly.

He is a supreme villain and he is powerful enough to kill even the most experienced band of heroes with virtually no effort. Besides his power, he prefers to operate in the shadows, manipulating and ordering his pawns around without risking himself or his reputation.

It’s not impossible that he would take personal interest in a situation, though. Why would he? First, perhaps they’re simply of the idea that if one wants something done right, one has to do it himself.

Caspian comes and goes as he chooses, but when he does it is always significant. If he appears, it is usually only to converse. Either they will have a message to deliver, or they may seek a particular piece of information, or it's even possible that he may approach a mortal with the offer of a deal.

To keep his subjects on their toes, Caspian has been known on rare occasions to grant boons to those he meets. His godlike generosity is displayed in repaying his debts or rewarding “offerings,” but he most enjoy the indebtedness that is displayed by others. On rare occasions he is known to benevolently shower others with gifts, reorganizing poverty and famine-stricken lands into shining utopias, healing the afflicted, coming to the defense of the downtrodden, organizing failed projects and pardoning criminals when the punishment is deemed undeserved. Most of the time he does this just because that is how a kind god is supposed to act, and their thanks is all the reward he requires, but sometimes he calls upon the receivers to do something for him as well.

As a rule, Caspian is willing to live up to his end of the agreement first, by providing information or help, and trusts the individual to fulfill the "favor" asked of him afterwards. Many of these services appear to be harmless (follow somebody, take a package to someplace else, and so on), but others involve clearly evil undertakings like enslavement, theft, rape, and murder. Trying to renege on this never works, nor does it matter that Caspian has more enough ways of accomplishing the goal himself; what does matter is that person’s debt is repaid and appreciation given. As the old saying goes “To much that is given, much is expected.”

Sometimes he dangles the promise of what they’ve most dreamed of or what they vitally require, and then calmly asks for something small. This is usually something is itself relatively harmless, but would leave the character feel debased, or cheap, something goes against everything the person stands for in exchange for it. (“For a request of this magnitude I really must request that you ask for it on your knees”). The results of the request also depends how carefully worded and the results are usually based on how respectful the person is. Those that insultingly refuse may be forced to it anyway, and then given a horrific form of what they desire just as punishment for refusing Caspian’s generosity, but more likely are simply left to their fate (of course, expect things to get worse for the character in the future so they will later have to deal with Caspian for it). If the person has been insulting and demands that Caspian leave him alone, the recipient may find himself transported far away to an inhospitable environment. Those who are clever in their request or in their refusal for aid but, in the end, hold out against him, earn his respect and he typically simply leaves them alone to their fate. He might even do something nice for such character (not provide their request but something smaller: an infusion of power, a bit of information or a magickal artifact), just so the character will leave feeling that their affairs with this being aren’t over. Note that these “gifts” could be taken away just when they are needed most, and frequently are.

Occasionally — occasionally — someone has requested a favor so straightforward it can’t be twisted, and is so trival that Caspian is too proud to deny it.

The bottom line is, he will have what he feels belongs to him whether that be your thanks, your respect, or your life. He believes in balancing the scales in all his affairs, and those he deals with are wise to give him his due. It is because of this that he said to toy with the allegiances of his servants, seeing how far they will sink to curry his favor or get what they want, as well as engaging in head games to keep them in fear and uncertainty.

Even if the heroes believe themselves to be immune to his threats, his charms, and his offers, their friends, loved ones, and allies may not be. They may be confident that they can resist him, only to find that a dear sibling or friends has said something insulting or has attempted to get out of their own deal with him, and is now about to be burned for their affront if the character doesn’t act (“Are you offering your life for hers?”).

His power over the physical world is almost omnipresent. His power, accordingly, can reach almost anywhere. When he visits a place or a person, he rarely approaches from a particular direction. His presence simply builds until he arrives.


It is well-known that he travels without bodyguards or security, so confident is he. Still, Caspian rarely enters direct combat as he could destroy any foe or obstacle by doing little more than wishing it so. Caspian has no qualms about using deadly or painful force against things that offend him, and especially against things that couldn’t possibly harm him. Would-be assassins (or even belligerent, outspoken bystanders) have found themselves overcome by sudden overpowering urges to commit suicide or suffered sudden inexplicable heart attacks. Others were felled by flashy attacks such as being by consumed by fire expelled from Caspian’s mouth, stricken by a plague of such exquisite virulence that their faces instantly erupted in masses of oozing pustules, with bleeding lesions splitting their skins; the victim combusting from the inside out, aging a victim to death in seconds, or a sudden bolt of lightning from the blue sky strike them. One favorite in particular is to cause his victim to “fall” into the sky; he inverses gravity and causes the person to float upward until they are killed by the asphyxiation or the cold, and then their corpse drops back to the spot they came from after several days. Some would say that all of these acts of murder, but Caspian would see it as suicide; an action-reaction— insult, ignore or attack Caspian, an invincible, perfect entity, the reaction hurts you in equal proportion, as if one rammed one's head into a boulder. By choosing to oppose or offend him, his foes have embarked on a supremely self-destructive course, and such fools have no place in the universe Caspian is making. Likewise, those that are fully aware of his presence and still choose to defy him or blatantly cling to other beliefs, gods, philosophies, or creeds in full light of Caspian’s own existence and power are seen as the ultimate fools and will suffer the same fate (or worse) if they do not change or flee immediately. Those which flee do him homage through their cowardice, those who stand and face him earn his respect, and what better way to reward such defiance and spirit than by giving his enemy the honor of being personally slain by the mighty Caspian?

Face to face, Caspian confronts through its unbelievable force of presence. His voice and appearance alone can awe or compel attention, and only persons of supernatural willpower can resist his hypnotic powers to obey him. Foes overwhelmed by his mind-control are usually ordered to remain where they are, go to sleep or attack their former friends. If they should win, these turned foes typically become One of Legion (see below).

When he does chooses to fight — either because he has to (if unexpected events should occur), or out of pride, or a desire to humble his opponent, Caspian will assess his foe's strengths and weaknesses and adapt instantly to meet any attack. In combat, he steps boldly forward. Caspian does not retreat from battle, take cover, turn invisible or conceal himself during combat; his pride will not allow for it. He would rather slowly descend from the heavens or approach with thunderous footsteps than strike from the shadows. This does nothing to take away from his inexplicable momentum. One is no more powerful to stop him from approaching than one is to stop a slow-moving hurricane heading one's way.

Nor does he ever call upon his allies or minions to fight with him, though they may honor him by battling other opponents other than the one(s) he is fighting, he prefers that they watch from the sidelines and be held in awe by displays of power. He takes to a battlefield like an actor to a stage performance, and he intends to remain there until all the others have fled, been swept aside or crushed under his heel, leaving him alone to receive the adulation — and obedience — of the audience. Upstaging him is a capital offense.

He will make creative use of his abilities and the surroundings, often changing reality to make the floor or walls attack, or calling upon flashy but relatively weak attacks merely to prolong his enjoyment of the battle. He may use illusion to change his surroundings into fiery hells, opulent palace halls, terrifying voids, or sunlit heavenly vistas. He can make himself grow enormous or become nearly impossible to damage should he care to. Of course, if he is not enjoying the battle or has other matters to attend to, he will simply aim to kill his foes as quickly as possible, turning them to skeletons through blasts of pure energy, alchemizing their bodies into stone, or snapping their necks with telekinesis.

After they are defeated (and if they are not killed) he will usually humiliate them by forcing them to kneel before his majesty before either imprisoning them, banishing them to the Dungeon, or slaying them outright. If they are killed, Caspian might do the same after taking a moment to resurrect them. He prefers to dispose of his opponents with flourish, and often involves sparing them long enough to make it dramatic, sometimes while reciting a quick poem or moral message about the behavior which led them into his clutches in the first place.

Against nations and worlds, he may declare war or engage in experimentation to ‘test’ their defenses; all of which he doesn’t consider to be mass-murder but rather a necessary duty for the “protection and common good of the realm.” When Caspian assaults a city or region, he often generates attacks to devastate wide areas and incapacitate, enslave or kill entire populations. He is a firm believer that the death of one is a tragedy, but a million is a statistic. He will callously kill 80% of the population and not give them a second thought. He may choose tactics that despoil the territory from afar, but rarely he will come in person where his creativity is best expressed in imaginative forms of destruction and going to war means that he is free from the restraints that normally bind him: rape, torture, mass killings—all are permissible in a war against his “enemies.” He does this not just because he wants to destroy a potential foe - though he does. He’s also showing his power over others by taking what his victims value most: control over their own lives. Though he will have war declared first before doing any of these, he may draw them out, stretching them over a period of time to bring home to the victim their complete lost of control.

He will also allow his minions free reign as well, giving them license to engage in acts that even he wouldn’t do. He realizes that the region must be conquered quickly and its population brought to heel (no more than a year) so we will go for “shock and awe” tactics to demonstrate just how hopeless it is to oppose him. To see him assault a city directly is like seeing a hurricane or an earthquake in action.

Some have commented that, to Caspian, all of the war and terror he causes is but a twisted game; he often ignores the simple and efficient course of action for the complex and dramatic. It seems as if he is acting a part for an unseen audience, playing a role. The death and suffering that follows in his wake is all too real, and for all his flourishes, games, and seeming egotism, he can kill quickly and efficiently whenever he decides the play is over.

His two most frequently used abilities involve mind control and energy projection.


In D20 settings, Caspian is considered a Lawful Evil Old One built according to the rules set out by the Immortal Handbook.

In keeping with his lawful evil nature, Caspian most regularly acts against those of Chaotic Good alignment. He despises their frequent lack of honor, commitment, hypocrisy, and gun-ho natures. They stand in opposition to his carefully planned strategies, and rarely keep to their word when they enter into an agreement with him.

God-King Caspian

Humanoid, Old One

Domains: Glory, Law,

Sub-domains Inevitable, Slavery,

Hit dice: Elder ones use d100’s for Hit Dice and have quadruple maximum hit points per die (see their Cosmic String special quality).


Special Attacks:

1. Alter Reality (Su): Caspian is part of the fabric of reality. Once per round as a free action he can duplicate any spell of a level equal to 9+ number of automatic metamagic capacity feats. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of a DC equal to their spellcraft check +20.

2. Divine Aura (Su): Long range (400 ft. +40 ft. per Hit Dice/Level).

3. Portfolios (Var.): Glory, Law.

Special Qualities:

1. Cosmic Consciousness (Ex): His senses extend to the borders the current plane he inhabits.

2 Cosmic Firmament (Ex): An Elder one is the embodiment of a plane, as such they are treated as if always within their godly realms, regardless of where they manifest.

3 Cosmic String (Ex): Caspian can only be permanently destroyed by a being of equal or better divine status. If an old one is destroyed by a being of a lower divine status he simply rejuvenates within 1D10 rounds.

4. Damage Reduction (Su): Old ones gain Damage Reduction 80/-.

5. Divine Bonus (Ex): Old ones add a +32 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance.

6. Grant Spells (Su): Caspian can grant spells of any level (the recipient must still be of sufficient power to cast the spell of course).

7. Immortality (Ex): An old one does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain himself, nor sleep.

8. Immunities (Ex): An old one is unaffected by any magical or natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth. They can still be affected by artifacts (epic magic items) and epic spells.

90. Spell Resistance/Spell Reflection (Su): Old ones gain Spell Resistance equal to their total Hit Dice/Levels +42 (10 + Divine Bonus Special Quality).

Saves (Ex): Old ones gain a +32 Divine Bonus to all Saves (See Divine Bonus Special Quality).

Abilities (ex): +64 to each Ability Score.

Skills (Ex): Old ones gain a +32 Divine Bonus to all Skills (See Divine Bonus Special Quality).

Maven (Ex): Maximum skill ranks for each skill they know.

Omnicompetent (Ex): Elder ones know all skills.

Divine Abilities (Var.): Caspian has the Divine Abilities of Energy Effect (taken six times), Divine Immensity, Divine Architect, Force (taken five times), Polymorpth, Superior Combat Casting, telelocation, Telluric, Teopoea, Greater Aura, Epic Presence, Gravitas, Silver Tongue,

Cosmic Abilities: Cosmic Architect, Legion, Supersonic.

Abilities: Str 74, Int 86

Challenge Rating: Same as base creature +106 (including +120 levels of equipment), or +70 (no extra equipment).

Treasure: Same as base creature.

Effective Class Level: Same as base creature +160 (with +160 levels of equipment), or +106 (no extra equipment).

Caspian, Avatar

Humanoid, Greater God

Abilities: Str 44, Int 50

Caspian (Classic Marvel RPG)

Fighting: Unearthly

Agility: Unearthly

Strength: Incredible

Endurance: Shift-Z

Reason: Monstrous.

Intuition: CL1000.

Psyche: Cl3000.

Appearance: Monstrous.

Health: 8513.

Karma: 9225.

Popularity: 100

Resources: CL1000.

Known powers: Unless otherwise stated the range of all abilities is roughly equal an entire solar system. He has been known to reshape entire planets or create fortresses out of thin air.

Power Boost: Caspian can direct his energies into his Strength, and Agility raising them as high as +4CS. It is an instantaneous boost and will be used when the challenge calls for it. He would normally raise +1CS, then +2CS if the initial boost is ineffective. He can boost immediately to Shift-Y if he needs to.

True flight: The ability to fly by harnessing energy to generate anti-gravitons at CL5000 in space and limited to Shift-Z in atmosphere.

Molecular Manipulation: The ability to manipulate the molecular structure of objects, changing one shape into another or even transmuting the elements of an object from one substance into another at CL3000 rank and to control or alter the entire environment within a solar system. This power of Molecular Manipulation extends into both the organic and inorganic thus the power can be used to heal wounds by rearranging the molecules of flesh, tissues or organs and resurrect the dead. This power can also be used to alter the physical characteristics of a person (enlarging the hands or changing their features).

Molecular and Elemental Conversion: Allows him control over the structure of matter, allowing him to reshape it into any form desired with CL3000 effect.

Matter Creation: can be used for the following: Artifact Creation which allows the creation of complex shapes Elemental Creation Life-form Creation Mechanical Creation. Are all powers stunts and are usually Shift-Z rank.

Self Duplication: Amazing.

Energy Beams, Bolts or Blasts: Can generate a plasma, heat, energy or force blast of up to CL3000 force from any part of his body, or from surroundings.

Electro-magnetic Manipulation: Can emit and control the energies that make up the Universal Spectrum at CL3000 ability. The following is a list of Energies make up the spectrum: Hard Radiation Light Sound Microwaves Radio waves Magnetism Thermal Gravity

Continuum Control: Is able to tinker with the nature of matter and have some control over the space/time continuum at CL 3000 rank. This power he may perform as one or more of these powers: Damage Transferral Disruption Regathering Body Transformation Time Travel Teleportation Energy Solidification Ionization,

Serial Immortality: Does not age and will be reborn if slain.

Gateway: May open gateways at will with CL3000 ability. He may use this for instant teleportation to anywhere within 500 light-years.

Phasing: Can disperse his own molecular structure in order to pass through solid matter with Shift-Z ability.

Force Field: CL3000

Life Support: CL3000. He may survive temperature extremes, weather conditions and outer space indefinitely. He is also immune to diseases, aging, toxins and poisons.

Regeneration: Shift-Y

Recovery: Shift-Y

Weather Control: Shift-Z

Omniscience: All sensory abilities and all mental powers dealing with gaining information at CL 3000 rank. Including but not limited to Enhanced Senses, Hypersensitive Hearing, Hypersensitive Olfactory, and Telescopic Vision

Can use the mental and life control powers of Animal Control, Bio-Physical Control, Death Power, Manipulation, Karmic Tap, Seduction, Distance Healing, Photographic Reflexes, Devolution, Fear, Confusion, Death Field Generation, True Charisma, Mind Control, Sleep, Telekinesis, Purge(others), Memory Alteration, Hallucinations, Empathy, Empathic Transmission, Hypnotic Control, Memory Elimination, Dream Manipulation, Bio-Manipulation, Aura and Aura Alteration with CL3000 rank.

Can separate his spirit from his physical form and can survive in this state for an indefinite period of time and possess others.

Base: Shift-Z

Dimensional Travel: Monstrous

Growth: Shift-Z

Invisibility: Unearthly

Power Creation and Alteration: Has the CL3000 ability to transform ordinary beings into super-beings. The Primary Abilities and powers of such beings are initially no higher than Unearthly rank. He can invest the power in either the person chosen or a specially designed tool. He may raise any of their natural abilities to Shift-Z in this manner. Place enchantments on objects with CL3000 ability. Enchantments last until negated by CL3000+ power.

Lightning Speed: Able to move at CL1000 land speed: Shift-X strength for breaking a grappling attack. Extra attacks with Shift-X ability or multiple attacks that inflict up to Unearthly damage, ignoring body armor (only one to hit roll is made). Create cyclones for Excellent damage and Shift-X stunning or slamming. Catch arrows

Water running (3000 feet with a 100-foot approach) Wall running (1000 feet with a 500-foot approach) invisibility by moving extremely fast, Red intuition FEAT to notice

One must make a Red FEAT to hit Caspian with anything other than an area or psychic attack. If Caspian is making multiple attacks against the same target the FEAT is reduced to Yellow.