Item, The Mark

"I acted as I pledged to do, and you responded. You have chosen to do your part in bringing about the paradise Earth can be. Just as I swore to give you the world you deserved, you have sworn loyalty to me and to your world by accepting the implant we have devised for your security. Never again can your assets be stolen from you. Never again will your loved ones vanish, victims of the crime that has plagued our streets, for now any missing person can be located within seconds, anywhere in the world. As one people, we can now, for the first time in our history, work together to bring an end to the burdens that have kept our society from achieving the greatness for which it is destined.

"Your government has instituted the bold, new method of record-keeping and trade I promised you. As of sunrise this morning, we have activated, for each citizen, a single, fully active account in the new, worldwide Unilink data system. All of you, whoever you may be, can rest secure in the knowledge that both your personal records and your hard-earned monies are being kept safe for you. The tiny implant you have received is now active and is the only access to your information and assets, and that implant, no one can steal.

"Through the implant, you have taken my name for yourselves, becoming my family, and I am sworn to protect you...and that I will do."

Also called the Mark of Loyalty, the Mark has been described as a "quantum nanochip nuclear magnetic resonance machine." It is a miniature tube of chlororform fluid the size of an uncooked grain of rain containing molecules of carbon and hydrogen atoms. Magnetic coils spin the atoms of the fluid allowing it to perform calculations trillions of times faster than the most advanced Pentium chips.

The mark is either injected into the forehead or the back of the right hand. They are two inches long and an inch wide. The ink dye can never be removed; not even through surgical means. An added security measure is the person's name and a secret three digit numerical code drawn from an ancient form of Hebrew is encoded into the main structure of the mark to prevent counterfeiters from copying its design. The code can only be read by a special scanning device developed by the One World Government.

What the people who had taken the Mark were not told was that the same numbering system that now guards their records and finances also controls them. Without the assigned numbers programmed into the cranial implants, they can be cut off from financial dealings of any kind—meaning no food, no medicine, no job.

And that assigned number also gives the One Nation Earth immediate access to the entirety of the populace, tracking their movements and their dealings. No man, woman, or child can hide from the forces of the government, for the transponder built into each implant will reveal that person's location almost instantly. Every facet of an individual's existence has become an open book. Their lives are no longer their own.

Game Play

Those that take up the Mark initally retain their original alignment... at first.

All those who have the Mark suffer a penalty to resist demonic possession.

As the Tribulation progresses, and the Beast gains in power,