Alignment, Neutral Evil

1. Not necessarily keep his word to anyone.

2. Lie and cheat anyone; good or evil, particularly to advance himself.

3. Most definitely attack an unarmed foe (those are the best kind), and will show no mercy.

4. Use or harm an innocent, particularly to advance himself.

5. Use torture or show malice for extracting information and pleasure.

6. May kill for sheer pleasure, but mainly to advance himself.

7. Feels no compulsion to help without some sort of tangible reward (will not aid or protect the weak).

8. Work with others if it will help him attain his personal goal, which is typically power over others.

9. Kill an unarmed foe as readily as he would a potential threat or competitor.

10. Has no deference to laws or authority, but will work within the law if he must or if it is to advance himself, and only has respect for those stronger than himself (respect, not liking).

11. Will betray friends, family, community, and nation if it serves his needs without hesitation, particularly to advance himself..

12. Will seek to undermine his community or nation for his own profit, even if illegal, without hesitation or respect for its laws.

13. Seeks unlimited power over others.

14. Values his family, but will not heed their requests necessarily.

15. May provide for friends, and expects to be repaid in some manner.

16. Usually Does not seek positions of authority over others.

17. Usually fits in with their society.

18. Supports their nation when profitable.

19. Supports the law when advantageous to do so.

20. Is not concerned with politics, most likely.

21. Will keep his word only if it is profitable.

22. Will take risks if the benefits are great.

23. Will betray family members for personal gain.

24. Will betray friends if profitable.

25. Will seek to undermine his community and nation, especially if profitable.

26. Will challenge a clearly weak leader for leadership.

27. Is not trusted by the community and may have enemies.

28. Will kill others to get ahead, personal gain or wealth.

29. Uses any means necessary to evade justice.

30. Will use wealth to destroy others.

31. Will commit cruel acts that will harm an enemy or rival when appropriate.

32. Will not make a sacrifice to help another when not important to your survival.

33. Never turns down a chance to gain power or wealth.

34. Shows no mercy to those who are opposed to you or your cause.