Monster, The Twins (Greed)

A monster which exhibits a bizarre disfiguring symbiosis (symbolism for sharing, the counterpart of selfishness). It moves slowly on the floor, but has the ability to crawl swiftly on walls and ceilings. Attempts to kill its victims by constricting them with its powerful limbs, particularly aims for their legs to break them. The beast also attempt to pilfer from travelers, stealing whatever is not directly in the person's hands.

The character completely gives in to his greatest desire, becoming a ruthless monster hellbent on achieving whatever it is he wants most, typically: power, money (gold, gems or jewelry), an object of sexual desire, delicious food, rare artifacts, artworks, a powerful weapon, keys and secrets (e.g., a secret code, important documents, instruction guides, incriminating film or evidence, and similar information and data), or murderous revenge. The character turns into a creature of chaos and carnage who fights like a demon and will not be denied. During this berserker-like focus, he notices nothing but those who stand between him and his heart's desire and does whatever it takes to get it. This means no words or emotion can touch him or appeal to him to make the irredeemable stop or even pause in his mad quest to get what he wants. They are easily tricked into taking things that in actuality have no value, and may be tricked into relinquishing something of value for something (or someone) they are made to believe is even more valuable.