Location, Roads and Highways

Roads are dangerous.

Many highways and thoroughfares remain blocked by multiple car pileups. overturned big rigs, and collapsed bridges. Others are a sea of bumper to bumper vehicles that extend for dozens of miles, especially the main arteries in and around major cities. Accidents and traffic snarls made escape from the big cities impossible and turned highway and main streets into parking lots and dead ends. People inside vehicles trapped in the gridlock either perished or abandoned their means of transportation to walk on foot. The end result is what survivors today call vehicle graveyards.

Many of the cars found in these vehicle graveyards have smashed out windows where looters and other desperate people dragged away their victims. Many of the abandoned vehicles are splattered in blood or show signs of having been pummeled by hammering fists and stomping feet A few have had then doors lorn from their hinges and some are overturned Just as many appear untouched by the tidal wave of death. These are vehicles that were abandoned when their owners fled on foot to escape the advancing wave of death. Most never made it.

These vehicle graveyards are more than empty vehicles, they are the haunts for animal and human predators to lurk and wait in ambush. Vehicles without windows or doors have quickly become nests or lairs for a wide range of animals.