Legion Member, Cheetah

4th level Feral One

Background: Pricella Rich was old Virginian money. Her family owned a large house on Chesapeake Bay and was quite affluent.

Priscilla's life of privilege had bred an overwhelming inferiority complex. She eventually suffered a psychotic break after being eclipsed by Wonder Woman at a charity event. Priscilla retreated to her room and collapsed before her makeup mirror. There she saw an image of a woman dressed like a cheetah. "Horrors!" she cried, as she gazed at her evil inner self for the first time. "Don't you know me?" replied the reflection. "I am the REAL you — the Cheetah — a treacherous, relentless huntress!" The image commanded her to fashion a Cheetah costume from cheetah-skin rug. The refection went on to tell her that "From now on, when I command you, you shall go forth dressed like your TRUE self and do as I command you..." This second personality, unlike her more reserved self, was strong and violent; the result of a chemical imbalance in her brain. It poisoned Priscilla's mind, eventually turning her into a twisted, malevolent being. Her normal personality was that of a vain aristocrat; the other was a vain supervillainess. Over time, her dark side became much more dominant -- she would spend months as Cheetah, returning to Priscella Rich only on extremely rare occasions.

Her parents passed away in an automobile accidents and never knew what became of their daughter. Her family wealth passed onto to distant relatives, and everything burned when the planet went.

The few occaisions when she did return to her personality, she became guilt-ridden, knowing what she did in her personality (plotting the death of Wonderwoman among other evil super-beings). She knew enough to conceal this change from the other Legion members, knowing they would have no patience for them, and would consider removing her entirely in a permanent (fatal) fashion. Her few crude attempts to contact the authorities or the Superfriends always failed - her dark side always returned before she could convince anyone.

Current Sketch: Originally the Cheetah personality was simply the worst aspects of Priscilla; violent, vain, egotistical, and its hold over Cheetah was transitory. The violent Cheetah personality is now in complete control and has become completely animalistic and primitive, barely capable of human speech anymore driven by savage primal desires: hatred, lust, envy, greed, hunger, thirst. She will stalk and attack virtually everyone she encounters. The exception being other Legion Members and minions of the Benefactor. She has very few human characteristics, so her everyday habits (cleaning herself, eating) are animalisitic.

Like the other Legion Members, Cheetah fears and obeys the Benefactor, instinctively recognizing its authority over her. She is especially taken by the Warlord who mentored her in the martial arts and survival skills.

Unknown to Cheetah or Priscella, she had an advanced form of cancer and would have died from it in 1980 if she had not partaken of communion of the ironwood tree. The cancer is currently in remission and will remain that way for the time being. Cheetah is unhindered.


Although her features are still attractive (albeit scarred and filthy), she has the facial expression and body posture of an animal (typically, she is compared to a great cat).