NPC Monster, Doctor

Doctors are generally tall, lean zombies, heavily armored on their heads, necks, shoulders, and backs. While one or two arms may be mechanical with cutting tools, blades and a laser, its other arms are usually normal human limbs, as Doctors require a more refined touch for the work they do. They usually have 4-6 arms, sometimes of various sizes, races and genders, for their repair work. Doctors use both surgical tools and hardware (drills, saws, bolt cutters, screwdrivers, hammers, etc.); sewing, wiring, soldering and bolting body parts and machinery to the dead flesh and bone of the zombie hordes. Many have cybernetic eyes, or wear multi-optic goggles or similar eye-wear and optic systems for magnification and close work; sometimes attached right to their skulls! To someone seeing a Doctor for the first time, it may look like a Frankenstein monster or bizarre, multi-limbed cyborg or insectoid robot, or even an alien from another world; always a horrific abomination, no matter the form it takes.