Great One, Bloodmist

Bloodmist is known as a demigod of crimson ferocity, of murderous carnage, and of martial clashes of arms and shouted battle cries. In many ways, Bloodmist is the classic war god, brutal yet at least somewhat appreciative of the martial values of honor, discipline and courage. However when in engaged in battle he will sometimes let it degenerate into a frenzied orgy of violence.


Some worship of Bloodmist occurs outside of the noble and military circles, but common folk truly have little need for the dire nature of the Slaver. Where commoners do tend to venerate Bloodmist in large cities, where proximity to nobles and touring military and mercenary companies pass through. Some of this is almost certainly political crossover, with prevailing political views coloring the religious tenor of these urban centers. After all, if Bloodmist worship is what keeps these cities strong, there must surely be something functional in it. For the most part, however, the Great General’s ontology is too extreme to be accessible to average folk. Without a doubt, Bloodmist is a harsh god, a patron who accepts nothing other than absolute success and punishes failure by crushing those found wanting beneath the tireless boots of the army that follows him. It is these very principles, however, that have allowed Roma, his favored empire, not only to outlast their enemies, but to subjugate them. It is in a sense the ultimate asceticism, the deliberate exposure of oneself to corruption and horror in order to generate a tolerance, and therefore a resistance, to those same capacities in others.