NPC Saint, Lot -- The Cretin

Lot and his family dwelt amongst a people whose debauchery has become a by-word, and in a city which has given a name to the very word sodomy. Lot, his wife, and their two unmarried daughters, were the only persons preserved from the terrible fate which Yahweh, in one of his periodic fits of anger, inflicted upon the famous Cities of the Plain.

His father died at the age of 205. But that is not the only thing about Lot’s family that is of interest. His uncle was Abraham, the Patriarch of the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. And yet being related to The Big A himself still isn’t the family tie that Lot is known for. Lot is known for his wife and his daughters.

Lot traveled with Abraham and on his uncle's coattails, Lot became wealthy. Because of the subsequent crowding, these two were forced to separate. Lot, given first choice, greedily chose the plains area of rich pasture lands and abundant water. Lot was captured during a war and taken away. He was rescued by and freed through Abraham’s courage. Lot willingly returned to live in Sodom. (Yes, that Sodom).

During the time they spent apart Abraham became really close with Yahweh. And when Abraham heard that the god was going to completely destroy Sodom for being a wicked city he asked Yahweh to spare the place because his nephew Lot lived there. The god said that he would be willing to spare the “wretched hive of scum and villainy” if there could be found just 10 righteous men in the city. (Shouldn’t God with his omniscience be able to know that already?) So God sent angels to go talk to Lot.

Lot met them and invited them in to his home and they had a nice meal with him and his family. But then a crowd gathered outside Lot’s house and demanded that he send the two strange men outside so that the mob may “know” them in a biblical sense (Aka rape them).

Rather than send out the two strangers (whom Lot does not know are angels), Lot offerred his two virgin daughters to the crowd instead.

But the group of men outside weren’t interested in two virgin girls, they wanted to rape the two new guys in town. Then the two men pulled Lot back inside the house and revealed themselves to be angels who were sent to destroy the city. In the morning the angels transported Lot, his wife ,and his daughters to the outskirts of the city, and told them to leave…and don’t look back.

Lot and his family saw the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by "brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven"; and they, four persons in all, just half the number that survived the Flood a few centuries before, were the only ones that escaped. Yahweh specially spared them. Yet Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt for looking back as she fled from the doomed city, and the old man himself soon after got drunk and committed incest with his daughters. From this crime sprang Moab and Ammon, the founders of two nations who became for many centuries the most implacable enemies of God's chosen people.

He and his two unmarried daughters fled to Zoar as fast as their legs could carry them. But his wife was less fortunate. She ran behind Lot, and with the natural curiosity of her sex she looked back on the doomed city. For this violation of the angels' orders she was turned into a pillar of salt.

Fearing to dwell in Zoar, Lot and his daughters left it and dwelt in a cave. The damsels, who had heard their father offer them to the promiscuous embrace of a lustful crowd, could not be expected to be very scrupulous in their conduct. They were alone, without husbands to make them mothers, and to be childless was a calamity and a reproach; so they put their heads together and devised a nasty scheme. The oldest daughter decides that their father is getting old and they should “preserve his seed”, so she says to her sister Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve the seed of our father.” Two nights successively they made their father blind drunk, and got him to commit incest with them. Lot was old; he was so drunk that he knew nothing of what happened; yet he got two virgins with child.

These improper females were by no means ashamed of their action; on the contrary, they

boast of their bastards; and the historian does not utter a word in condemnation of their crime.

Lot was the father of his own grandchildren; his daughters were the mothers of their own

brothers; and his other children were destroyed by heavenly brimstone and fire.

The daughters would then give birth to the founders of the Ammonites and the Moabites. Two tribes that would become the enemies of the Israelites in later years.

Lot, The man who sent his two virgin daughters out to get raped by an angry mob, and then got so drunk that he let his daughters rape him twice, is considered a “just” and “righteous” man.

Current Sketch

Lot is still constantly frightened. He is afraid of losing his position in the Heavenlies, and will betray or badmouth anyone who earns his enmity or his fear. Consumed by fear, Lot is only truly concerned about his own welfare and survival. This means he is quick to offer the lives of others, but never his own.

To those beneath him, Lot flaunts his good fortune in the faces of those who have nothing. He takes glee in the misfortunes of others and is quick to remind people they are beneath him.