Kaiju, Varan


The lapping sea-blue waves crashed against the island's shore. Striking again and again, giving pleasure to the standing, yet quiet, natives that looked on with pleasure. The day was beyond true beauty, the sun's radiant beams cutting through the few patches of thinly spaced clouds.

The lean, but muscular men, quietly wadded out to the surf, their crude wooden spears held high above their heads, awaiting to retrieve their food. Others though, held nets, spaced in-between several warriors, dipping the vine woven traps into the ocean.

The men remain silent, their own breaths barely audible. The wait for the catch may take sometime, but it would come.

Suddenly the water around them came to live with quivering floundering, fish of a hundred different species, swimming frantically towards to the shore. The natives were stunned by this peculiar action. The catch had never done anything like this in all their long history. The sea-based creatures eyes seemed to reflect total fear. They were trying to get away from someone, or something...

Much further out in the sea, the water bubbled and churned. The waves thrashed and spilt, giving way to a huge and massive dark shape. Several long and thinly shaped crystalline like spikes rose higher and higher into the sky, their roots embedded in a water drenched scaly hide. Soon a head was visible. It's face, adorned with a flaring fan of spikes on either side of its saurian face, glistening in the burning sun's glare.

A chant of fear arose among the once peaceful island's inhabitants, screaming with soul gripping terror. The leviathan like demon from the sea's mere visage digging and clawing into their simple minds, flooding them with black and corroding plagues of evil.

The beast, dubbed Varan, by the deities that had created him, wadded through the aqua-green waters. The animal's slick armored hide, flexing with rippling with muscle. Torrents of stagnate saltwater pouring like rivers of blood from his form.

Suddenly, the eyes of the demon opened. They were entirely black, without pupils. The seemingly empty orbs focused upon the men at the edge of the lake. The demon's mouth opened, displaying his rows of sharp, pearl-like fangs. A vile-looking fluid dripped from each of the monster's teeth. They placed their hands to his hears as the beast let a deep, rumbling roar, like the grinding together of two boulders, resound from his throat.

“I call thee by thy True Name, Kaiju of the night winds, Shogun of the twilight cloud,' the voice intoned. 'Hear my voice and be bound to My will, mighty Varan!' As the name was spoken, the levitating demon snarled, writhing against invisible forces, intangible chains that seemed to wrap about his scaly body. At last, Varan grew still, his dark malevolent gaze fixing upon the distant horizon.

Then the unthinkable happened, from deep within its reptilian lungs, the beast released a hissing, howling, banshee like scream. The noise splitting the air like a sonic boom.

The natives fell to their knees, their ears dripping with trickles of blood. The demon's hellish screeching roar nearly shattering their ear drums.

Varan, now, closed in on the sandy shore, his clawed and webbed feet sounding like claps of thunder with their footfalls. The natives meanwhile tried to crawl away, the shockwaves of the beast's mass, shaking the ground into nothing more than a trembling mass. More deaths would come soon. Varan would make sure of it.

Massive, huge, the lizard-like demon wallowed in his new-found freedom, bathing the jungle in his deadly energies. Terrified natives raced for their lives through the jungle. The towering reptile's eyes gleamed eerily, as it strode blithely through the jungle. Varan possessed a terrible ability, with his tongue he could emit a freezing hellfire that caused air to turn to ice and solid objects to be seared into pillars of ash. Able to control the extremes of this infernal flame, Varan alternately immolated and froze the jungle, slaying all who were unable to escape him.

Physical Appearance:

An enormous red salamander-lizard creature with a warty covering upon its back that was a deep purple, like a hemorrhage. Pearly spines march along its back from its forehead to the tip of its tail. The talons on its feet are also pearl-like and nearly translucent. The monster's head is narrow, dominated by a macabre, almost leering face that is at once reptilian and feline, two fins stretching back from either cheek, and still others fringe the underside of its forearms, dripping a fiery venom. Upon opening its mouth, its long chameleon- like tongue shoots out. Its eyes are black, absolute, like eternity and oblivion, bottomless pits of evil. Upon Varan’s forehead is a pentagram.

Powers and Abilities:

  • Thermal Manipulation:


Varan was famous for destroying North Korea, Rio De Janeiro, and many islands in and around southeast Asia.