Kaiju, King Ghidorah

The mysterious object that had been observed for days seemed to have moved forward in a flash of light. Something writhed and twisted in the very heart of the flash. He could plainly make out two gigantic solar sails or wings and what looked like three, snakelike projections. It was more than an object-it was a living creature, trapped within its cold dark rock. Brightly lit by the sun’s rays the immense golden-hued creature with three heads filled the central monitor. The being was completely covered with golden scale. The three snakelike projections were crowned by three independently functioning heads that almost exactly resembled the traditional Asian sculptures of dragons.

All fear the arch-demon Ghidorah who raises from the ocean and destroys all life. Born long ago the King of Terror has earned his title through rampant destruction and ruthless slaughter. Actually the creature is simply a dumb beast and only destroys when commanded to by Caspian. King Ghidorah scoured the ancient world, transporting captives, alive and whole, on the inside of a pulsating “slave dome” hidden between his wings to Celes. Unlike the other Kaiju, King Ghidorah seemed all too eager to destroy mankind’s civilization, and was responsible for the destruction of one-third of their cities.

King Ghidorah resembles a massive, bipedal golden dragon that stand over 300 feet in height with an enormous pair of wings and three heads atop long, trunk like necks. King Ghidorah's tails forks near the base, and are used as rudders when the massive creature flies. A set of cruel horns protrudes from the back of the monstrous beast's head, and his three mouths sport long, saber-like teeth. His symbol is the “Tyrant’s Head”

Each of King Ghidorah's heads is capable of spitting short bursts of lightning-like gravity beam energy, using the force of gravity gone wild to rip apart buildings, mountains and machinery. King Ghidorah is also able to fire electrical blasts from his wings, one from each the lower spur of each segment of each wing. The three-headed horror is also capable of flying at speeds of Mach 3 and cause devastating slipstreams with his passing. King Ghidorah can also create windstorms with his powerful wings.

Under Caspian’s control, King Ghidorah demonstrates an even greater control over his gravity beams, being capable of negating the effects of gravity on objects and suspending automobiles in mid-air. Even more terrifying, King Ghidorah was able to direct each of his three beams together into a single devastating blast, a power so awful it can devastate small planets!

When controlled King Ghidorah displays a sadistic streak, attacking weaker opponents before concentrating on stronger ones. He is remorseless and unrelenting in his assault, employing his powerful gravity beams at every opportunity to wear down his foes. King Ghidorah appears supremely confident in his own strength, and utterly contemptuous of other forms of life. King Ghidorah is also a tenacious and wrathful combatant, refusing to retreat even after receiving the most hideous of wounds.

The King of Terror revels in battle, gaining immense joy from slaughter and mayhem. The more fear he creates in his victims, the more pleasure King Ghidorah gains. Against human targets, he prefers to soar overhead, raking the ground with his gravity beams exhibiting a ruthless precision. He always tries to stay out of range of counter attack, making the situation all the more hopeless for his victims on the ground. Against other kaiju, he acts more cautiously, using his gravity beams from a distance and trying to keep his opponent off guard before closing in to finish off his opponent with his three bites or slams them with his necks.

Cult and Worship

Few beings openly worship the King of Terror, and for good reason. As one of the most dangerous and horrific of the Kaiju, he is widely regarded as being unapproachable. The only time anyone sends a prayer to the King of Terror is when they desire vengeance or fear to fall upon their enemies, and even then, they whisper the prayers in secret. To these ruthless men and women, the taste of their victim's fear is delicious, and is the ultimate sign of devotion to their cruel and wicked god. Needless to say, the King of Terror has no formal temples, but is often worshiped at isolated shrines.

Many of King Ghidorah's followers use a strange weapon known as the dire flail. Claiming that the double weapon represents the heads of their master, these men and women love to wade into battle, smashing skulls with this deadly device.