Dimension, The World of Quatermass

World Name and Current Year: Earth, 1979

Current Affairs: Extraterrestrial Invasion, Cold War, Collapse of Society.

Divergence Point: 5 million years BCE.

Major Civilizations: Human with the fading remnants of various alien civilizations.

Great Powers: United States, Red China, Soviet Union and Britain.

Mana Level: Low


Infinity Class:

Centrum Zone:

The Great Urban Collapse

The nuclear power plant at Wylfa underwent a disastrous meltdown. Thousands of pounds of radioactive fuel and waste products were released into the air. The wind blowing off Cemaes Bay sent intense radioactive clouds rolling over the entire island of Angelsky in less than an hour. By nightfall, ten thousand people were dead. Twenty thousand more were less lucky and lived out the weak. And the entire Irish Sea will uninhabitable for more than a hundred thousand years.

Rumors persist of attempts to tap an alien spacecraft for its power caused the incident.