Campaign Event, Armageddon

Yeshua, who was all-merciful and all just, is going to author the greatest injustice in the history of the universe, by precipitating the utter massacre and slaughter of the entire population of the world, except for the 'chosen,' at the battle of Armageddon.

He ends by quoting Psalms 5:4-10 "For I have done your bidding, I have slain mine enemies in your name. I have put women and children to death in your honor, I have caused great pain among them, for your glory."

Yeshua of course says all of this in Aramaic. Listeners not conversant in this ancient language will not be able to understand him.

The archangel Gabriel steps forth announcing  "Today is the Day of the Revelation of the one true god.  Every knee will bow before him or be damned. There will be no exception.”

The entire company of True Believers shout in unison as they prostrate themselves before Yeshua, “Jesus Christ is our god. We worship you, O Christ!”

It is with some irony that this is the exact speech word-for-word that the Beast made during the Abomination of Desolation event.