Location, The Batcave


Bruce Wayne first discovered the Batcave sometime before the cold-blooded murder of his parents. The young boy had been exploring the Wayne Manor grounds when he accidentally fell through an unnoticed hole. He found himself in a large cavern, and considered exploring the area, when a large bat swooped down and scared him half to death.

The post-apocalyptic Batcave of The Batman Who Laughs is a grim reflection of the state of the world above. The once high-tech hideout has become a decaying bunker. It is a stark reminder of the self-destructive path The Batman Who Laughs has taken, mirroring the chaos and destruction that he himself embodies.

Notable Areas

Trophy Room: The trophy room, once a symbol of justice and a testament to the triumph of Batman over his enemies, now stands as a shadowy tomb of fallen glory. It is a dimly lit labyrinth, cluttered with debris and remnants of its former grandeur. Harsh emergency lights cast an ominous, blood-red hue across the ruined expanse, shrouding the room in an eerie, unsettling atmosphere.

The once meticulously organized trophy cases have been violently torn from their mounts, their shattered glass strewn across the floor, gleaming ominously in the macabre light. The contents of these cases, mementos of countless confrontations with Gotham's criminal underworld, lie scattered amidst the debris, their significance forgotten in the chaotic world of The Batman Who Laughs.

A massive robotic dinosaur, a bizarre relic from Batman's more outlandish adventures, lies toppled and partially entombed in a mound of rubble and decaying technology. Its once-imposing metallic frame now twisted and malformed, it gazes blankly into the room with lifeless electronic eyes, a monstrous monument to a bygone era.

Scattered haphazardly around the room, human-sized practice dummies stand in silent, ghastly testimony to the madness that reigns here. Their faceless heads bear crude, unsettling smiles, drawn in a substance that gleams slick and dark in the oppressive red light - a disturbing blend of red paint and possibly blood.

At the heart of this chaotic tableau, a stagnant pool of water adds to the sense of dereliction. Tinted a sickly red by the emergency lighting, the water appears to be tainted with iron or some other heavy metal, a likely leaching from the surrounding bedrock. The pool reflects the haunting light, its rippling surface throwing distorted shadows across the room.

A heavy, noxious aroma permeates the air, a pungent blend of methane and petroleum that hints at the geological instability of the Batcave. The smell suggests the presence of cracks in the bedrock, releasing trapped pockets of gas and adding to the potential hazards of the room.

In its warped state, the trophy room has become a reflection of The Batman Who Laughs' distorted psyche. It stands as a chilling testament to his reign of chaos and the macabre perversion of the justice that Batman once embodied.

Facilities & Equipment:

The Batman Who Laughs' Supercomputer:

Complexity Level: 5 (Post-Apocalyptic State)

Base TL: 8 (Digital)


The supercomputer's current state reflects the devastation of its surroundings, barely clinging to functionality. Its sporadic outputs and frequent crashes serve as a stark contrast to the advanced technological wonder it once was. Despite this, it remains an invaluable, though unreliable, resource for The Batman Who Laughs.




An arsenal, containing a wide variety of small arms mounted on the walls; military ordnance such as fully automatic assault rifles, carbines, and machine pistols, in addition to revolvers and semiautomatics and even derringers. The Batman was an expert with each of these weapons, though he never used any of them except for purposes of research.



The dueling swords and other antique weapons are gone. Their racks filled by crowbars of various sizes, along with a amputation saw set in the central position. On the central display table was a pile of miscellaneous items: medical clamps and scalpels from the medical bay, needle-nose pliers from the Batmobile’s toolkit, a wine corkscrew probably from the main kitchen, some common scissors. A stainless steel kitchen knife set is the centerpiece, their edges clean and shining in the lights.