Power, Solar Empowerment

User becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they come into contact with sunlight, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from the sun or even slow or stop aging.

The character is able to absorb solar energy such as sunlight or very bright artificial light (at least 1 000 waits) instead of eating or drinking normal food. Requires at least six hours of sunlight per day The character never gets hungry, nor fatigues when exposed to sufficient sunlight and can supplement his nutritional needs with solid food and water whenever necessary, though the user will feel bloated and sluggish (reduce Spd by 10% and all bonuses are -1).

At tenth level of experience or higher, the user does not need to eat, drink water or breathe air! They are effectively solar powered and feed on light energy. Thus, as long as they are exposed to a few hours of sunlight every day, they stay healthy and strong. Being deprived of light will weaken and hurt (but not kill) a user. After two

days without light (even overcast days provide enough light to

satisfy the creatures, so they must be locked away), the Guardian

begins to weaken. Every day without sunlight, the character

loses 20 S.D.C. (then hit points go down to 10). Furthermore, after

seven days the Guardian's attributes, powers, attacks per melee

and bonuses are reduced to half, and after 14 days they are

reduced to one! The character can linger in this feeble state for

decades without dying. One day (24 hours) of exposure to sunlight

is needed to recover for every decade of deprivation. They

recover to full strength in a matter of six hours of exposure to

sunlight for any time less than a year.

The Solar Powered individual is also resistant to laser and other light based attacks (half damage), though other types of energy and physical attacks do tui damage Bonuses A

The character may choose 2D4 of the following abilities

1. Sense the exact moment of the rising and setting of the sun

2. Recognize vampires and any creature that fears the sun. for what they are Likewise, he cannot be turned into the undead

3 Bio-Regenerates damage at a rate of 2D6 per melee round in sunlight.

A. Increase PS. P B and Spd attnbutes by 20% dunng the daytime even if overcast or the character is indoors, but increase to 40% if operating outdoors on a Sunny day or in an environment bathed in sunlight, or if the character has already spent a full six hours in the sun (which powers him up to the max for the rest of the day). This is why most Solar Powered beings nse from sleep at the crack of dawn and try to spend the first six hours sunbathing or doing something out in the sunlight

5. ♦! attack per melee. +1 on initiative. »2 to disarm and *2 to pull punch.

6 Increase the range of most Energy Expulsion powers by 20% during the daytime, but increase the range and damage by 50% if a power is Light- or Laser-based

7 «60 S.D.C. (only dunng the daytime)

8. Impervious to heat and resistant to fire (does half damage)

9 Has perfect eyesight, can literally see like a nawk. i e can see a rabbit-sored target, sign, etc from two mites (3.2 km) away, provided he has a clear vantage point.


Penalties Without Sunlight:

1 in darkness aid at nighttime. Bio-Regenerabon is reduced by haH (only 1D4) the bonuses (05. C & 7. abovei are gone, and PS PB and Spd attributes (#4| revert to normai.

2 Being deprived of sunlight for prolonged periods of time has a devastating effect on the solar being With ooch passing day (24 hour ponod). the suuei ueinys becomes progressively weaker No Bio-Regeneratior ability white trapped in darkness and reduce the number of attacks and combat bonuses by one for every 24 hours witt-ojt at least two hours of sunlight After seven days, also reduce PS. P P P B and Spd attributes and S D C . followed by Hit Points by 20%. and another 10% on attrioutes and 20% on S.DC./Hil Points for eacft additional week after that Furthermore, at this point the solar character is beginning to starve, and over time without sufficient sunlight, the character becomes as weak as a kitten and will die of starvation in a matte- ot weeks (can live without sunlight tor two cays per every one P.E. attnbute point) Being brought out into sunlight instantly restores the character to his norma; base-line stats, but the bonuses from the Solar Power ability do not return until after two days' worth of ctpoaure to the sun (at least 9 hours ca<J' day) Nute: The Solar Powered character can avoid sta'vaboi with as Mtle as mree hours of sunlight every day even if it is only a thm beam of light from a small window, hole or ctacK If he can get s>x hours of bright sunlight per day he can maintain his full level of strength and power (all abilities and bonuses)

3 Vulnerable to magic and super abilities that involve darkness, shadows and night, they do double damage and/or the Solar be ng saves against them at hall nis usual bonuses

a Artificial light does NOT empower this character m any way besides nounshment