Realm, Heaven

The Heaven of Rapture World is the personal domain of Yahweh. It is called Paradise, but only for those of the Elect and the angelic minions of Yahweh and Yeshua. It is not Elysium, nor Beulah, or the Isles of the Blessed. It is not even the Promised Land because most Jews will never see it.

Because it was made by the imperfect Yahweh, it is not perfection. Neither by its nature nor by definition. For how can an imperfect creator create perfection? While things on the surface seem larger than life and twice as splendid, there is always something hollow, something not quite right. The Elect train themselves not to see these flaws.

There is an abundance of beauty: alabaster, white marble, and gold that is transparent. As well as multi-faceted gems on nearly every surface. There is not a shadow of dust, no taint of decay on fruit or flower.

Outsider Views on Heaven

Most Christians hold that Heaven is 1) where all the saved will go to 2) experience eternal happiness and 3) be in the presence of God 4) forever. The holy scriptures express vagueness concerning any fuller description of Heaven.

Many preachers teach, simply, that Heaven is where one spends forever worshiping God.


In the beginning there was only Yahweh and the void. It was said that Yahweh first created a dwelling place for himself in that void -- huge, magnificent, seven times as great as any mansion or dwelling that would exist in any age to come.

Yahweh made for himself a huge four-faced chariot of cherubim and harps and lyres and countless angels to act as ministers for his creation.

beautiful heavens as dwelling

places, and for each heaven great glories, seven times exquisite. Each one has

within his heaven thrones, dwelling places, and temples, as well as chariots and

spiritual virgins and their glories, looking up to an invisible realm, and also

armies of divine, lordly, angelic, and archangelic powers, myriads without

number, in order to serve.

Then in front of his dwelling place he created a great throne on a chariot

with four faces, called cherubim.35 And the cherubim throne has eight shapes

on each side of the four corners—forms of lions and bulls and humans and

eagles—so that all of the forms total sixty-four forms. And seven archangels

stand before him. He is the eighth, having authority. All of the forms total seventy-

two. For from this chariot the seventy-two gods took shape; they took

shape so that they might rule over the seventy-two languages of the nations.36

And by that throne he created other dragon-shaped angels called seraphim,

who glorify him continually.

Angels live in small cubicles, which look very much like bland cement but are made out of a material that appears to be somewhat like storm clouds. These cubicles are without number, stretching forth across millions of miles like endless, faceless tenements, lacking any possible warmth and life.

The Mansions

The mansions for the Saved are very nice, but far from the glittering golden castles that were commonly expected. The rooms and furnishings are commonly white, and are of the quality of a fine hotel room.

Every eight hours, white squares of what appear to be chunks of honeycomb appear on the dinner tables, along with smooth metal receptacles of a chalky, milklike substance. No one can stand and watch the items appear; they are just there, between breaths and eyeblinks. No one can likewise watch the receptacles disappear and yet they do, even put in a box and locked away in a cupboard. They cannot be dented or crushed. The food and drink has a slightly bitter taste, yet they fill the stomach and even became habit-forming with time. With some, the food gives them the most beautiful dreams, and they sleep their eternity away.