Caspian's Powers (detail)

Among the abilities displayed so far have been:

      • Cosmological Force Manipulation:

        • Astral Manipulation:

        • Celestial Manipulation:

        • Cosmic Manipulation:

            • Cosmic Empowerment: Caspian is able to utilize cosmic energies with his physical combat, granting him both vast power and flexibility to use several different powers.

            • Astrokinetic Combat: He has also shown a propensity towards surrounding his fists with a nimbus of energy before striking a particularly durable opponent. It's very likely that this act increases the bludgeoning power of his fists to an unknown degree.

            • Caspian can become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by tapping into any form of energy, including solar radiation, geothermal powers, and so-called cosmic forces, unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing his existing physical powers to the next level. For example, he is capable of augment his strength from type 1 to type II, enabling him to lift well in excess of 100 tons.

            • Energy Infusion: Caspian can infuse objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers with energy empowering and energizing them and allowing the user to manipulate their qualities and efficiency. Depending on the type of energy that the object is infuse, it can posses a variety of abilities and be very effective in both offensive and defensive combat.

            • Cosmic Knowledge: Caspian possesses immense knowledge of of science, the universe, magic, psionics, mechanics/technology, literature, history, etc. He is also aware of most things such as powerful spells, advanced science, where to find someone, etc.

              • Nigh Omnilegence: Caspian has read most books and scraps of literature that his homeworld's civilizations have produced, and committed every word of them to memory. He also has access to the Dauphin's files at all times. He is probably the most well-read being in his home universe.

            • Cosmic Attacks: Caspian can release/use cosmic energy to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc., from huge rays of pure energy that can knock over or even obliterate dozens of targets, or slightly singe them.

          • Cosmic Energy Absorption:

            • Cosmic Energy Generation:

            • Fundamental Force Manipulation: Caspian has control of the four fundamental forces of the universe, reaching nearly any effect they desire. As a result, the user can rearrange matter to create other configurations and can even transmute elements and manipulate space-time to a degree by using gravity to distort them.

            • Electromagnetic Manipulation

              • Atomic Manipulation:

                  • Self-Atomic Manipulation: Caspian can manipulate his own atomic structure to achieve a variety of effects.

              • EM Spectrum Manipulation:

              • Magnetism Manipulation:

                • Particle Manipulation: Caspian can create, shape and manipulate particles, the basic units of energy and matter (such as molecules, atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons, ions, gravitons, tachyons, photons, etc.), which are the basic units of energy and matter. With this power the user can manipulate the entire universe because all things are composed of particles, ranging from the subatomic to the universal in scale.

                • Reality Warping:

                  • Reality Distortion:

                  • Matter Manipulation: Caspian possesses the ability to mentally control, transform, and manipulate the atoms and molecules of all matter. With just a thought, he can create objects from "thin air". He can animate inanimate materials by causing constant mass movement of molecules: for example, he could make a brick building walk.

                  • Elemental Manipulation: Caspian can manipulate, shape and create the basic elements of nature.

                  • Liquid Manipulation:

                  • Solid Manipulation:

                  • Tectonic Plate Manipulation: Caspian can move the tectonic plates under planet's surface to devastating effect.

                  • Terrain Manipulation: Caspian can change any type of terrain to any other type, for example turn a mountain into a sea, desert to jungle, hill into a lake, etc. With bigger the change will take longer time to happen. Any living things that can't adapt to changes you make will die.

                • Metapower Manipulation:

                  • Immortality Manipulation: Caspian can manipulate their own or others immortality, including bestowing, adjusting or even negating it.

                  • Immortality/Longevity Bestowal: Caspian can give other people a variation of his own immortality, or decelerate their aging by any degree.

                  • Ability Transcendence:

                  • Power Augmentation: Caspian can enhance the powers of himself or others' so that they can reach high level mastery and control instantaneously, even reach a level of power that is usually beyond their limits alone. Users cannot steal or give power, only enhance the ones their targets already have.

                  • Effect Stacking: Caspian can stack any/all different effects, powers and abilities on themselves or others, either to increase their overall effectiveness or grant entirely new powers from the stacked effect. Unlike power augmentation he is actually stacking the power or effect itself instead of merely doubling its power, this power can increase all parameters of any ability, power or effect such as range, strength, penetration, radius, targeting, duration, etc.

                  • Molecular Manipulation: Caspian can manipulate molecules to achieve a wide variety of effects.

                  • Biological Manipulation: Caspian can control life on a cellular level, including but not limited to, genetic alterations and physical distortion and/or augmentations of biological functions. He can cause cells to augment to induce advanced or declined biological healing, induce diseases like cancer, induce appearance alteration, manipulate pheromones, and even increase physiological maturity.

                  • Body Modification: Caspian can change and modify the bodies of himself and others down to genetic level, enhancing physical capabilities, modify it to be able to uses certain powers, etc.

                  • Molecular Adjustment:

                  • He is able to easily resurrect dead characters and create his own sentient life-forms.

                  • He may even instill others with a lesser form of his own regeneration.

                  • Vector Manipulation: Caspian can change the magnitude and direction (vector) of an object to maneuver it in the desired way, regardless of preexisting vectors. This also applies to static or non-moving objects, technically speaking, the object still has momentum as it is moving through space. Since nearly everything in existence has vectors, manipulation of them can essentially granting him an "Absolute Defense" that prevents him coming from harm, among many other possibilities.

                  • Matter Creation: Caspian can seemingly create any type of artificial, organic and inorganic matter from nothing, as well as any object. They can shape created matter into any shape they wish and specify what type of material, or layers of materials (e.g., making layers of matter to form a hamburger), or quantity and subatomic structure.

                  • Infinity Supply: Caspian is able to posses an unlimited supply of any essential item by creating it.

                  • Organic Generation: Caspian can generate organic matter, including plants, disease, bodies or once living matter, such as oil or coal, whether by drawing them from already existing sources, or by manifesting them anywhere they want. He can also create only parts of the organisms, such as skin, fat, muscles, blood, nerves, or leaves, flowers, fruit, etc.

                  • Construct Creation: Caspian can create tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures/buildings of varying permanence. He can can use it for almost any situation, creating anything he need.

                  • Fortification Creation:

                  • Object Creation: Caspian is able to create inanimate matter such as weapons and platforms from nothing.

                  • Weapon Creation: Caspian can create weapons from nothing or by shaping the existing matter or energy, he is capable of creating virtually any weapon and how many they wish. Depending on what the weapon is made of, it can posses a variety of abilities and be very effective in both offensive and defensive combat.

                • Matter Transmutation:

                  • Telekinesis: Caspian can impart kinetic energy on matter with his mind. He has been shown to be able to pull a moon or planet out of its orbit and "fling" it away from its parent body.

                  • Ambient Resource Construction: Caspian can construct telekinetically any inanimate, inorganic object he can think of, provided he has the resources to make that object.

                  • Circadian Manipulation: Caspian is capable to control the movement and rotation of planets, manipulating and changing the flow of day and night: time still flows naturally, but planet is simply rotated faster or slower.

                  • Eternal Day Inducement: By manipulating the planets, Caspian is able to prevent the sun from setting, effectively creating a permanent day.

                  • Eternal Night Inducement:

                  • By manipulating the planets, Caspian is able to prevent the sun from rising, effectively creating a permanent night.

                  • Hydrokinesis: Caspian can shape and manipulate water to control ocean currents, manipulate tides, and generate tidal waves, water spouts, and whirlpools.

                  • Reanimation: Caspian is able to animate corpses and dead beings, making them to move and react. They are under his control, but because the corpses are completely mindless they have to be carefully monitored.

                  • Molecular Transmutation: He can rearrange matter so radically, he can use his power to reconfigure all forms of matter and them into different substances and forms (such as, for example, turning air into glass, lead into gold), and can change matter into energy and back again. His power is not limited to simply inorganic substances and has been known to transform livings organisms into stone or gas, effectively killing them. The limitations of this is unknown, though with but a gesture he has raised mountain-sized citadels from his surroundings

                  • Elemental Transmutation:

                  • Matter State Manipulation: Caspian can change any substance to another state of matter. The substance may or may not change heat depending on his desire.

                  • Solidification: Caspian can solidify or give solid-like properties to of liquid, gas, plasma or other form of non-solid mass by causing the loose molecules to come together, with the level of solidity going from loose jello to metal-like hardness or beyond.

                  • Ionization:

                  • Organic Transmutation: Caspian can transform matter and objects, including living beings, into organic substances.

              • Gravity Manipulation

              • Strong Force Manipulation: Caspian an manipulate the strong force (also called the strong interaction, strong force, strong nuclear force, nuclear strong force or color force) which holds together atomic nuclei, they can make objects disintegrate or make protons/neutrons from the environment incorporate into chemical elements and vice versa.

                • Disintegration: Caspian cause targets (whether organic or inorganic material) to lose cohesion in various means. He can make matter fall part, wipe away target on a molecular/sub-molecular level or even revert matter into pure energy. Regardless of the means, target are reduced to either molecular/sub-molecular dust or energy but not absolutely annihilated.

                • Electric Field Negation: Caspian can negate an objects electric field thus removing any form of structure. He can reduce any object into dust and the dust into atoms and atoms into nothing. Caspian may be limited by how much or how big an object he can destroy, but has boasted that he can cause planetary destruction or stellar destruction with this ability. Only physical matter is destroyed, spirits, for example don't have an electric field. It takes time for an object or person to be full destroyed. Cannot affect users of Omnilock or Absolute Immortality.

              • Elemental Transmutation:

              • Radiation Manipulation:

                • Solar Manipulation: Caspian can create, shape and manipulate all aspects of a sun, starting from its immense heat, luminosity, mass/gravitational field, magnetic field, raw nuclear energy and reaction, etc.. More specific effects include solar winds/flares, geomagnetic storms, sunspot reactions causation, UV emissions, and plant growth promotion.

              • Weak Force Manipulation: Caspian can manipulate the weak force (also called weak nuclear force and weak interaction) which causes radiation and is believed to be the reason the Sun can provide the Earth with energy. Through this power, a user will be able to generate and control different types of radiation. In contrast to electromagnetic and strong forces, the strength of the weak force is different for particles and anti-particles charge violation, for a scattering process and its mirror image parity violation, and for a scattering process and the time reversal of that scattering process time violation.

                • Microwave Emission: Caspian can project microwaves, electromagnetic waves with wavelength between that of infrared light and radio waves, with uses ranging from communication, radar, heating, etc.

                • Heat Generation:

                  • Radiation Manipulation: Caspian can create, shape and manipulate radioactivity, the process by which a nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting particles of ionizing radiation. A material that spontaneously emits this kind of radiation, which includes the emission of energetic alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays, is considered radioactive. All chemical elements may be rendered radioactive by adding or by subtracting (except for hydrogen and helium) neutrons from the nucleus of the stable ones. The availability of this wide variety of radioactive isotopes has stimulated their use in a wide variety of fields, including chemistry, biology, medicine, industry, artifact dating, agriculture, and space exploration. The health risk associated with exposure to a particular radionuclide will depend on the radiation emitted and its chemical behavior. Beta and gamma radiations can penetrate through the skin and may pose an external radiation hazard, but the main concern generally is the entry of radionuclides into the body by inhalation and ingestion. Intake will lead to dose delivery to the respiratory and alimentary tracts, and absorption into the blood followed by entry into other organs and tissues.

                • Light Manipulation: Caspian can create, shape and manipulate visible light, commonly referred to simply as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight.

                  • Light Aura: Caspian can surround himself in light energy to cause a blinding effect to everyone that sees them or any light related effect.

      • Nether Manipulation:

          • Apocalypse Inducement: Caspian can unleash apocalyptic forces strong enough to destroy all life.

          • Disaster Inducement:

        • Dark Energy Manipulation:

      • Divine Presence:

        • Energetic Pressure:

        • Subordination Manipulation:

        • Submission:

      • Nether Element Manipulation:

      • Supernatural Condition: Caspian's first act was said to have imbued himself with abilities of a supernatural body. He is in no way limited to this physiology and he and his avatars are all capable of readily altering their own forms and stature, as well as those of others. Alongside with his shape-and stature-altering that he is also partially metaphysical and can reform from almost nothing. Like his Great Ones, Caspian is glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally superior over their human counterparts because their capabilities are pushed to the superhuman level; making him immensely stronger, faster, durable and smarter than humans. Applications include:

        • enhanced resistance to physical damage as a result of an accelerated healing factor.

        • Absolute Stamina: Caspian possesses limitless physical energy, stamina and vitality, is essentially untiring and can keep working, fighting, mowing, etc. at optimal efficiency under any circumstances and for an unlimited duration.

          • Hunger Suppression: Caspian can suppress his physical hunger for exceedingly long periods of time, allowing them to think clearly and to continue moving for weeks to months on end despite grievous starvation.

          • Supernatural Survivability: Caspian is able to survive massive and even horrific injuries or damage, or any level of danger or circumstances. In some cases simply managing to cheat death even in seemingly inescapable and deadly situations.

        • Enhanced Wisdom: Caspian possesses great wisdom: deep understanding and realization of concepts, people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to apply perceptions, judgements, and actions while keeping these understandings. It often requires control of his emotional reactions (the "passions") so that universal principles, reasons, and knowledge prevail to determine his actions. Wisdom is also the comprehension of what is true combined with optimum judgment as to what action to take.

        • Indomitable Will: Caspian has unnaturally strong willpower, enabling them to be immune to all forms of temptation including Subordination Manipulation, Telepathy, Mind Control and Subliminal Seduction. Through their will the user can face great physical pain and psychological trauma and will refuse to surrender no matter how much the odds are stacked against them, possibly up to the point of cheating death and pushing themselves past their own limitations.

          • Accelerated Development: Caspian can be determined to learn at a rapid pace, able to improve his own natural abilities far faster and to a much greater extent than mortals. As a result he can (eventually) benefit from training that would otherwise cripple or kill a normal human being. This also applies to spiritual or magical power possess such abilities.

        • Ambition Manipulation:

        • Supernatural Strength (type 1): Caspian possesses superhuman strength enabling him to press lift and throw objects as heavy approximately 20 tons with ease. By absorbing cosmic energy he is capable of augmenting his strength from type 1 to type II, enabling him to lift well in excess of 100 tons.

        • Supernatural Senses: Caspian's senses of sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more acute than normal. He can see kilometers away, see the faintest distinctions/track things too fast for the natural eye, hear through dense walls perfectly, listen to a sweat drop from someones face in another room, smell better than a bloodhound, taste the smallest details; to the extent of molecular distinguishment, and feel the slightest vibration in the air and ground.

        • Enhanced Vision

        • Supernatural Regeneration: Despite his superhuman durability, it is possible (through much effort) to injure Caspian. However, his unique supernatural physiology and mystical energies enable him to rapidly recover from almost any form of injury. He is capable of regenerating almost any damaged or destroyed tissue, even missing limbs. Using his ability to manipulate reality, he can, in effect, regenerate damage done to his body by simply willing it repaired.

          • Body Supremacy: Caspian has near or complete control over the movements and functions of one’s muscles, bones, veins, etc. being able to move with remarkable grace, athletic and acrobatic skill. He can control his flesh and blood to move at both their conscious and subconscious command, which allows them to take control over their motions, and to resist forced motor control by others

          • Disease Immunity: Caspian's immunity, digestive, and other organ systems are enhanced or evolved far beyond that of a normal human's. He is completely immune to every form of disease brought on by bacteria, viruses, or even parasites.

          • Cold Resistance: Caspian is immune to any cold above absolute zero, making him immune to hypothermia and freezing.

        • Heat Resistance:

        • Immortality:

            • Cannot age once reaching a certain point.

            • Immune to diseases, toxins and drugs.

            • Wounds, even crippling or fatal ones, heal near instantly.

            • Time-manipulating powers can erase the user's existence, as opposed to biologically killing them.

          • Limb Regrow: Caspian can regrow any limb of oneself that was separated from his body.

          • Pain Suppression: Caspian can block pain at will or are incapable of feeling pain or highly resistant to physical pain of any kind, allowing them to think clearly and continue to move despite grievous injury. Users can move think clearly, continue to move, ignore torture and general function in situations where pain would disable a normal person.

          • Reforming: Caspian will automatically reform upon destruction of the body, completely restoring his body to its former state and reconstructing every piece of his body that was out of place.

            • Enhances Self-Resurrection: Caspian is able to fully restore himself, instantly nullifying any kind of damage or condition, and endlessly reviving from any death or destruction.

        • Supernatural Intelligence: Caspian is glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more intelligent than his race because their capabilities are pushed to the superhuman level; making him immensely smarter than any level normal members of their species (in that 'verse) can achieve by any method of training.

        • Hypercognition:

            • Enhanced Investigation: Caspian possesses unnaturally high skills in investigation and can uncover even the most elusive of secrets with enough effort.

            • Hyper Mind: Caspian can process vast amounts of information, without any hindrances or backlashes of information. He has the capability to process an infinite number of simultaneous calculations, allowing him to identify all the variables in any theoretical situation by instantly recombining all information he has on them.

          • Parallel Processing: Caspian's mind is capable of carrying out multiple calculations and thought processes at once.

          • Tactical Analyst: Caspian can create strategies and plans several steps ahead of the opponent seeming like the user can see into the future. Caspian is able to elaborate complex plans and strategies and apply them in not just in battle but any other activity that involves cunning intellect. E.g Strategic games. He is very analytical and can understand or anticipate the enemies moves.

          • Army Manipulation:

      • Supernatural Speed:

          • Flash Step: Caspian can perform a burst of speed that allows him to move so fast it appears as if they have teleported. In most cases the user is able to maneuver at the high speeds accurately and does not cause any shock or disturbance to the surface they stop on. This technique is commonly used to dodge projectiles, move behind enemies, show off speed, get away from a fight, etc.

          • Invisible Speed: Caspian can move so fast that others can't see or follow his movements because he move faster than eye can follow.

          • Speed Combat: Caspian is able to fight at incredible speed, striking his opponent in rapid succession that may even kill opponents instantly. His attacks may cause more damage than normal due to gaining kinetic energy, and thus momentum, produced through the speed of each hit. If the speed is fast enough, it can distort space to bypass defenses.

    • Damage Resistance: He can fortify himself to resist any conceivable attack. He needs no air, food or water to survive. He is unaffected by exposure to a hard vacuum, and most extremes of temperature.

    • Shape-Shifting:

    • Cosmic Telepathy: He can locate and read any human's thoughts within a world's radius, granting himself access to thoughts, emotions and memories of an entire world's populace. With more intense concentration, he may extend this to an entire planetary system's radius or beyond.

      • Dream Manipulation: Caspian can read and manipulate the dreams of oneself and others, including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, etc. He can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap people in REM, and promote emotional healing within dreams.

      • Absolute Illusion Manipulation: Caspian can create, shape and manipulate mental illusions, that are realistic to the point where they can confuse all the senses of the target, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are, and making it virtually impossible to break free unless willed by Caspian. He can also create complex and detailed worlds, others may be able to only alter the way they or the target are perceived, on a large scale, from a small region to planetary, etc.

      • Architecture Manipulation:

        • Decoy Creation: Caspian can create illusions to distract his enemies. This power can be useful when it buys enough time for the user to find a weak spot on the enemy. More advanced users can even trick enemies with Clairvoyance by causing their powers to detect the decoy instead of the user.

          • Mazes: Caspian

        • Illusive Appearance: Caspian can alter his appearance or the appearance of others by the use of illusions, appearing as anything he wants, simulating Shapeshifting/Biomorphing.

        • Illusory Power Replication: Caspian can create either convincingly realistic faux copies of another individual's abilities which simulate both the natural effects as well as the proper response that accompanies them, confusing the recipient that they're power is either being used against them or nullified. As well as erect totally solidified illusions that have actual physical effects upon the material world that which copy every little aspect of said assimilation right down to its appearance, effect and desired results; all while still remaining a perfectly simulated fabrication.

      • Mental Manipulation: Caspian can manipulate, modify and control the thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions, allowing the ability to render others unconscious, suppress their memories, and negate the use of abilities, increase/decrease mental capacity, modify minds to be agreeable, sway sensations to induce altered perception, bestow mental disorders or break down mental barriers.

        • Mind Control: Caspian can control the minds of others with victims completely subject to the user's mental control. If the victims were placed into a semi-conscious state, they may not have any recollection of the previous actions that they performed while under its effect.

        • Animal Manipulation:

          • Insect Manipulation:

            • Pestilence Inducement:

          • Pushing:

          • Hypnosis:

            • Hypnotic Vision:

            • Persuasion: Caspian is able to affect or directly influence other people's minds to their commands.

        • Society Manipulation: Caspian can control different kinds of societies and their belief systems and their cultures. When powerful enough, the user can affect entire countries of society, though they can also control smaller groups such as fan clubs, organizations and such. Through this power, Caspian:

          • Can manipulate belief systems

          • Can manipulate cultures

          • Can change interactions within a society

          • Can cause two societies friendly to each other to fight each other

          • Can affect how societies treat people within them

          • Can affect what a society sees as right or wrong

      • Thought Manipulation: Caspian can control the thoughts of others; he can make others think what they want, control thinking processes, cause the lose their line of thought inducing confusion, or completely shut thinking processes.

        • Emotion Inducement: Caspian can sense and manipulate the emotions, including feelings, moods and their affects, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling emotions, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level. Emotions have been described as discrete and consistent responses to internal or external events which have a particular significance for the organism. They are brief in duration and consist of a coordinated set of responses, which may include verbal, physiological, behavioral, and neural mechanisms.

          • Anger Inducement: Caspian is able to induce an instinctive and uncontrollable rage in others, as well as suppress their conscious thinking.

          • Belief Inducement: Caspian can subjugate any sentient and non-sentient beings to his control through pure reverence for the user as they become completely willing to follow the user's will. Through the user's desires they are held as a figure that is held as a god, a messiah or a similar icon by his supporters who become willing to lay their lives down to protect and/or serve the user.

        • Confusion Inducement:

          • Hate Inducement: Caspian can cause hatred into others, causing them to hate the user or someone else, even everyone around them. This will cause the victim to be hated themselves, and be more willing to kill the person they hate.

          • Love Inducement: Caspian can induce love into others, including the love for the user or love for another person. Effects will vary depending on the user's mental strength: Those subjected to this ability may develop a strong infatuation for somebody but will remain in control of themselves, or they may feel so much love for somebody that they have an intense desire to make them happy, becoming completely submissive to them. The effect is usually instant, but in some cases it may slowly take effect the more the victim meets the user/another.

          • Lust Inducement: Caspian can induce sexual arousal in others to make them lustful and crave sexual interaction. This power may work with both genders, their sexual interest and people of any age.

            • Subliminal Seduction: Caspian can an project seductive thoughts to the minds of others, speak with subliminal seductive power behind each word, and/or stimulate the brain's pleasure centers by touch, voice or thought. This can be used to attract and seduce any subject one desires, because the subject receiving the thoughts would believe they were the ones thinking them.

        • Memory Manipulation: Caspian can control memories of oneself and others, allowing them to modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, restore, erase, detect, and view them. They can change memories to confuse, wipe away certain memories to cause amnesia, discern and provoke nostalgia, and enter the victim into a psychic vision, replaying their memory.

          • Memory Destruction: Caspian can destroy any/all memories a target has, up to/including muscle memory. Destroyed memories are completely unrecoverable by any form of Memory Restoration. Usage of this power can lead to personality alterations from lack of memories. Unlike memory erasure this power makes it so the person never had the memories to begin with by destroying even the subconscious links that hold the brains memories.

          • Memory Erasure: Caspian is able to erase the memories of others, ranging from a certain memory or erase a person's entire memory/personality.

          • Memory Reading: Caspian can read the target's memory to learn their history, discover lost memories and help the person remember, learn a memory that the target is unaware of, but could be useful. etc.

          • Memory Restoration: Caspian can heal others memories which have been altered or even deleted. Those suffering from amnesia will fully regain their lost memories, Victims of Memory Manipulation and Mental Manipulation can go to the user to get them back/unaltered.

        • Thought Inhibition: Caspian can cause the thought process to be nullified thus causing them to no longer think at all. In most cases this causes the target to be unable to do anything, except on purely instinctive level, usually simply reacting to what happens to them.

    • Remote Teleportation: He has displayed the ability to teleport people and objects over interstellar distances (and sometimes further) without transporting himself along or requiring physical contact.

      • Teleport objects into a target, causing telefrag, punching holes or bisecting the opponent. This can be considered a form of Spatial Attacks, as such ability cannot be blocked.

          • Advanced users can even teleport the surrounding air or water molecules if physical ammunition, like bullets or needles, is lacking.

      • Teleport an attack back at the target.

      • When under attack, swap locations with the target to defend yourself as well as putting them in danger.

      • Teleport a massive object above the target, letting it crash down to crush the opponent to death.

      • Partial Teleportation

      • Teleport out of harm's way.

      • Teleport great distances, reducing travel time.

      • Teleport past walls and obstacles.

      • Teleport matter/energy to another location, creating instant mailing.

      • Summon matter/energy by means of teleportation.

      • Banish matter/energy by means of teleportation.

      • Teleport beings to other worlds or areas and back.

      • Teleport bullets, harmful agents and pathogens out of one's body.

    • Super Empowering: Caspian has demonstrated to be able to grant others virtually any type of power he also possesses, to any extent, as long as it doesn't exceed his own abilities. It is through this ability that he transformed twenty mortals into his Great Ones.

    • Meta Magic: Caspian possesses the uncanny ability to transcend the very rules under which others operate, allowing them to perform many super-supernatural feats by altering or ignoring the conditions and limitations of other magical systems.

    • Supernatural Manipulation:

    • Soul Splitting: Caspian can split or divide his own soul or the souls of others to create new beings, including basing the division on personalities and emotions to become separate beings, as well have the divided portions to possess other people. He can even achieve immortality by sealing fraction of their soul in certain objects and having them anchor the "main" soul onto the earth should the body be destroyed. Disembodied Life Essences possess the spirit physiology and may only command a tiny fraction of Caspian's overall power.

      • Multiple Bodies: Caspian's soul splinters may possesses one or more bodies (either belonging to another or artificially created) that he may inhabit at will. He is able to control scores of bodies at a time or may switch bodies after one has died. This is different from Replication, as the bodies are different rather than copies of the original (however, they may be clones of the original as well).

      • Possession: Soul splinters may take the body of another, and may use the body as their own.