Monster, Spare Parts Thinker

"Thinkers and Mock Zombies are dangerous enough just by the very fact that they are intelligent and can figure things out for themselves. So I guess I'm not surprised that some learn from each other and have started to use weapons and armor. Not the way you would expect, of course.

These Spare-Parts Zombies stick blades and sharp pieces of metal through their arms and hands, and even in their bodies, in addition to wearing helmets to protect their heads and wearing or hanging bits and pieces of armor on their bodies. It's like fighting some kind of monster cyborg. I say the Thinkers and smart zombies learn from each other, because I never saw such a thing early on, but lately, I've seen more and more of these damn Junkyard Zombies."

- Brad Ashley, Leader of the Road Reapers

There are two types of Spare-Parts Zombies. The most common are those described by Brad Ashley. They deliberately shove blades, spikes and pieces of jagged metal into their arms, hands and bodies as imbedded weapons and armored protection. Such Junkyard Zombies or Metal Zombies add to their gruesome appearance and effectiveness in combat by having physical weapons and armor, in effect, embedded right into them. They have also learned to use these foreign objects to better fight, kill and defend against incoming attacks (parry and disarm). The other type of Spare-Parts Thinker adds extra arms and hands, sometimes legs, to make them more threatening and capable fighters. The extra arms are limbs that have been torn or chopped off other zombies, who naturally, just shuffle away unphased.

The Thinkers and other smart zombies, however, have learned they can rip or slice an opening into their own body and push in or tie the additional body part to themselves. Zombie flesh connected to zombie flesh continues to function, and after a feeding and regeneration, the attached limb merges to the zombie's body as if the limb were always his. Such additional body parts include hands, hands and arms, and sometimes an extra leg or two; never an extra head. Hands and arms are usually attached to the existing arm, shoulder, rib cage, chest or back. The zombie whose body they are embedded in controls them as if they were his natural limbs. This can also sometimes happen to Thinkers and dull-witted zombies by accident. Unlike Multi-Zombies, Spare-Parts Zombies do not have to fight for dominance, and automatically control all of their extra "parts" and have no trouble coordinating their movements. Thinkers and other smart zombies are bright enough to accommodate for the twisted shape and extra weight.

An estimated 25% of Thinkers are Junkyard Zombies with metal parts (only 5% of other smart zombies) and 20% of Thinkers are Frankensteins with additional limbs (5% of other smart zombies). An estimated 2% of dull-witted zombies of all kinds are Spare-Parts Zombies who became that way by accident.

Spare-Parts Thinker

Note: Despite the name, a Spare-Parts Zombie can be any "smart" zombie, including Impersonators, Mock Zombies, and others, not just Thinkers.

Also Known As: Spare-Parts Zombie, Frankensteins, and Junkyard Zombies.

Alignment: Considered Diabolic.

Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+8, M.E. 1D4+8, M.A. 1D4+6, P.S.

2D6+ 18, P.P. 1D6+2, P.E. 1D6+ 16, P.B. 1D4, Spd 1D4+6.

Hit Points: P.E. attribute number, but all Main Body S.D.C. must

be depleted first before Hit Points can be affected. Note: See

S.D. C. by Location and Hit Points in the Dead Reign™ RPG

for more details.


S.D.C. by Location:

*Hands (2-4)- 1D6+6 each

* Arms (2-4) - 1D8+8 each

*Feet (2-4)- 1D6+6 each

*Legs (2-4)- 2D6+10 each

*Lower Jaw -1D6+6

** Neck- 1D6+ 12

**Head- 206+ 16 (1D4x10+30 when wearing a helmet).

***Main Body- 6D6+30 (including patches of armor).

Weapons Note: +2D4x10 S.D.C. for hands and/or arms

replaced with metal pieces, 1D4x10 S.D.C. for most small,

knife and machete size and types of weapons/pieces that may

be imbedded in the arm and hands; 2D4x10 for large, swordsized

weapons/pieces, and 2D6x10 S.D.C. for thick, heavy/

dense metal pieces. Helmets have 1D4x10+30 S.D.C.

Armor Rating: 16

Horror Factor: 15

P.P.E.: 2D6

Special Abilities of the Spare-Parts Thinker: See page 48 of

the Dead Reign™ RPG for details on the Thinker's special

abilities, including the power to reason, use simple weapons

and communicate with other zombies.

Natural Abilities: Standard; see the Dead Reign™ RPG for details.

Skills of Note: Climb 40%/25%, Detect Ambush 45%, Detect

Concealment 35%, Land Navigation 58%, Language: Native

Tongue (understand only) 50%, Prowl40%, Tailing 50% and

Tracking (people) 50%.

Attacks per Melee: Four, using imbedded weapons, biting and

hitting with fists.

Damage (S.D.C./Hit Points):

Bite: 2D6 damage (and a chance of infection if the wound

isn't treated shortly after receiving it). P.S. damage bonus does

NOT apply to bite attacks.

Head Butt: 2D4 damage+ P.S. damage bonus (if any).

Punch/Claw Attack: 1D6 damage + P.S. damage bonus (if


Power Punch: Not possible.

Kick Attack: 2D4 damage + P.S. damage bonus (if any).

Weapon: Rare, but sometimes a Thinker may use a melee

weapon or handheld object as a weapon to bludgeon/hit with.

Note: Leap kicks, other kicks, body flips and martial arts attacks

are NOT possible by Spare-Parts Thinkers.

Bonuses: +2 on Perception Rolls, +2 on initiative, +2 to strike,

+ 3 to parry, + 2 to disarm, + 1 pull punch and + 2 to roll with

impact; also see Natural Abilities.

Penalties: -2 to strike with long-range weapons. Thinkers can

fire guns and other long-range weapons with a penalty of -2 to

strike, but rarely use them. Even Thinkers do not know, and

cannot figure out how to reload a gun, or recharge/refuel tools

and devices, and may even try to use them a few times before

realizing they are out of fuel/ammunition and abandon them.

Vulnerabilities: The Usual: Slow moving, can't swim and poor

climber. Head shots, decapitation and fire kill, and severe cold

reduces speed. Fear of fire is as strong in a Thinker as any

zombie and holds them at bay; Horror Factor 16. Plus: Thinkers

have only the most rudimentary powers of reason and the

ability to recognize patterns, figure out puzzles and formulate

simple ideas. They cannot read or talk, but some exhibit a sardonic

sense of humor and irony and bits of personality.