Power, Omnipotence


Complete Arsenal:

Illusory Omnipotence

The user has the ability to have a false omnipotence. Inferior beings will believe the use is a true omnipotent, but he or she is not. This power is below logic, so it can be easily stopped by logic and not have all powers, only has almost complete control over matter and energy, and/or psionics and magic.

Low-Level Users:

Absolute Illusion.

Mid-Level Users:

High-level Users:

    • Absolute Illusion.

Nigh Omnipotence

The user wields almost supreme power, but they are limited due to a certain element they're missing that limits their power and prevents them from gaining true omnipotence. Despite that missing element, the user wields unimaginable levels of power and can achieve a near-limitless number of effects with their near-omnipotent abilities.


Ultipotence is essentially Omnipotence without Omniscience: ultimate/endless raw power allowing one to achieve anything and everything without any limit, except getting knowledge out of nowhere. Users therefore have unlimited means at their disposal, but must have a clear enough idea of what they want to achieve and how they will do it. This double condition notably prevents the power from going awry and backfiring on the user. Effective use thus requires both knowledge and imagination: knowledge to offer templates for applications, and imagination to shape new possibilities. While users are not all-knowing, they can use their powers in numerous ways to gain the knowledge they need.