NPC Darmondrat the Infrit Lord.

Darmondrat the Infrit Lord.

Val CHA Cost Roll Notes

35/65*STR 25 16- 3200 kg; 6 ½d6 [3]

21 DEX 22 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6

25 CON 15 14-

20/22*BODY 4 11-

20 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-

20 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5

30 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack 4d6

10 COM 0 11-

23 PD 16

23 ED 18

5 SPD 12 Phases: 3,6,9,12

15 REC 6

50 END 0

4¼7* STUN 0 * Bonus: Growth

Total Characteristic Cost: 260

Movement: Running: 24”/12”

Flight: 60”/480”

Powers & Skills:

Infrit Powers:

Magical Multipower (115 pt Pool) (115)

Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action

(+1), No Skill Roll Required (+1)

u - Make or Change Things: 2 ½d6 Transform, Universal (+1), Cumulative, ½ END (110/11) [5]

u - Create New Area: 4d6 Entangle, Blocks Vision, Selective 5" Radius AE (+1 ¼) (112/11) [11]

u - Cast Illusions: Images vs. Normal Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch, -9 PER, 4" Radius (+½), 0

END (114/11)

u - Break Spells: 25d6 Dispel, vs. Any 1 Magic Effect (+¼), ½ END (112/11) [5]

u - Whirlwind Form: 4d6 EB, x2 Knockback (+¾), Damage Shield, 0 END (55/5) [0]

u - Shape Shift, Any Form, 0 END (45/4) [0]

u - Shrinking: 3 Levels, 0 END (45/4) [0]

u - Growth: 30 pts, 0 END (45/4) [0]

u - Invisibility vs. All Vision, 0 END (45/4) [0]

u - Damage Reduction: (¼ rPD, ½ rED) (45/4) [0]

26 I gnite: RKA 1 point 0

Area Of Effect (4m Radius Selective, +½), Area Of Effect (1m Radius Accurate; +½), Constant (+½),

Indirect (Source Point and Path can change from use to use to strike from any angle; +1), Penetrating

(+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Sticky (only affects flammables; +¼), Uncontrolled (power ends

when it runs out of fuel or oxygen, or someone extinguishes the flames; +½); Only Works On Flammable

Objects (-0)

65 Firestorm: RKA 2d6 0

Area Of Effect (16m Radius; +¾), Armor Piercing

(+¼), Constant (+½), Personal Immunity (+¼),

Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); No Range (-½)

22 H orns: HKA 1d6 (3d6-1 with STR) 2

Armor Piercing (+¼)

12 Claws: HKA 1d6 (3d6+1 with STR) 1

Reduced Penetration (-¼)

60 I frit Form: Physical and Energy Damage Reduction,

Resistant, 50% 0

20 I frit’s Form: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, +25%

(75% total) 0

Only Works Against Fire (-½)

6 Ifrit’s Hide: Resistant (+½) for 6 PD/6 ED 0

6 H eavy: Knockback Resistance -6m 0

40 I frit Form: Life Support (Total, including Longevity:

Immortality) 0

90 I frit’s Wings: Flight 60m 0

Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½)

12 L ong Legs: Running +12m (24m total) 1

5 I frit’s Eyes: Nightvision 0

5 I frit’s Eyes: Infrared Perception (Sight Group) 0

15 I frit’s Eyes: Fully Penetrative for Sight Group (can’t

see through force-fields and magical fields) 0

10 I frit’s Eyes: Increased Arc Of Perception (360

Degrees) for Sight Group 0

9 I frit’s Senses: +3 PER with all Sense Groups 0

2 R each: Reach +2m

u - Air Form: Desolidification, Not vs. Air Powers (40/4) [4]

u - EDM: Djinnistan, x8 Mass (35/3) [3]

m - Flight: 15", x32 NCM (50/10) [1/5"] 1+

Damage Resistance: 9 PD, 9 ED (9)

Flash Defense vs. Vision: 5 pts (5)

Mental Defense: 10 pts Total (7)

Power Defense: 5 pts (5)

LS: Breathing, Heat/Cold, Disease, Aging (19) Sense Magic, Ranged, Discriminatory (15)

Universal Translator 12- (20)