Power, Earth Energy Empowerment

Users of this ability can gather energy (including geothermal energy and geomagnetism) from the earth and manipulate it and/or be empowered by it like some Greek Titan. Consequently, the power can only be used when the character is in direct contact, touching the ground (i.e., standing on the ground or street) or touching a tree or plant rooted in the ground or boulder or object attached to the ground (like a building). Suspended in the air or being in a building more than four stories above the ground, riding in a vehicle (it's not rooted to the ground and the character isn't touching the earth) or standing on an energy field or on plastic breaks contact from the earth and the power is lost.

Bonuses when in direct contact with the Earth: The user actually draws physical strength from the Earth, when in direct contact with the ground (even through shoe covered feet). Increase the PS. 10 points, lifting and carrying capacity is equal to Supernatural P.S. (but not damage), +10% to Climb skill, and has a Natural A.R. of 10.