Dimension, Oriana

The world which is now called Oriana has had many names. As it is the custom of the current ruler to change the world's name to reflect the ruler's name to signify ownership, in theory, the world's name has changed as often as there have been rulers, and all records have been changed to reflect this trend. For the sake of resisting confusion, the world shall be referred to as Oriana, as the current ruler is Princess Oriana.


It is believed that the realm of Oriana started as a small realm. In a series of trans-dimensional unrest, this realm merged with hundreds of other little dimensions, each with its wildly different environment. Now Oriana had literally hundreds of different environments. Some like strangely altered Earthly landscapes: a brass and crystal forest; a hill of quivering flesh; a lake of fluid darkness. Other regions fuse or transpose objects in unearthly ways: a garden where flowers crawl and humans grow rooted to the soil; a river of dust inhabited by stone fish; a field of boulders where every rock is a lump of solid flame. Much of Oriana looks like nothing recognizable at all - just abstract shapes and smears hanging in space.

The size of realm is hard to judge. Space itself is warped, twisted, and so riddled with areas where the dimensional fabric is stretched thin or torn open that whether a location is "near" or "far" may depend on which route you take. Most of Oriana's volume, however, is just air or otherwise uninhabitable. Some of these empty places are big enough to hold continents. The relatively "normal" zones where humans and mutants live add up to an area no larger than Australia. Few regions within Oriana exceed more than a few hundred square miles.

At the "center" of Oriana lies the original dimension, a broad, flat ribbon of land holding the Royal Palace and Capital city.


Tracking dates before the merging of dimensions is an exercise in frustration. The lack and loss of records due to war, havoc, and accident has left historians with more guesses than solid information. The farther back one goes, the less reliable the dates assigned to particular events are.

The Duke of Zill (19th level Noble, 20th level Automatist, Lawful Evil)

Status: Presumed deceased.

From the day that he was maimed, the Duke has been concerned only the acquistion of power and revenge. He uses people as a means to an end and enjoys enslaving and controlling others. He is delighted in his role as ruler and god to the mutants.

Princess Oriana (5th level Noble, 3rd level Charismatic Heroine, Neutral Good)

Status: Alive and in power.

Chancellor Grumper (20th level Noble, 8th level Propagandist, 3rd level Tinkering Artificer, Lawful Neutral)

Status: Alive, imprisoned.

Madame Pearl (8th level Charlatan, True Neutral)

Status: Alive, promoted to Grumper's old position.

Wack Lizardi (13th level Rogue)

Status: Alive, still at large